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姓名 廖經皓(Ching-hao Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 退火處理對AZ61鎂合金擠製件熱壓微結構變化及變形特性的影響
(Effect of annealing heat treatment on microstructure and hot deformation characteristics of extruded AZ61 magnesium alloy under hot compression)
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摘要(中) 本研究主要以Gleeble-3500金屬熱加工模擬測試機對AZ61鎂合金擠製材於變形溫度在250℃-450℃、應變速率:1 x 10-3 - 1 s-1進行熱壓縮實驗並探討其熱變形的機制。以組合方程式對其熱變形的機制進行研究,進而考慮應變對組合方程式的影響進行研究。本研究以雙曲線正弦函數律的組合方程式進行分析,且建立應變對各參數之間的變化;其中包含了應力指數n,活化能Q和材料常數ln A,進行應變對流變行為的相關性分析。在研究的過程中發現固定的應力乘積α,計算出來的流變應力與實驗值有良好的吻合率,但在低的應變的變形條件下出現了較高的應變硬化,使得應力高估的現象出現。然而在本研究組合方程式分析中加入應變對各參數變化可使計算和實驗的流變應力得到了一個更好的評估。
摘要(英) In this study, the hot deformation characteristics and constitutive analysis of extruded AZ61 Mg alloy were investigated by hot compression tests conducted in the temperature range of 250 °C to 450 °C and strain rate range of 1×10−3 to 1 s−1 on a Gleeble-3500 thermo-simulation machine. The effect of strain on the constitutive parameters was taken into account in the constitutive analysis. Constitutive equations as a function of strain were established through a simple extension of the hyperbolic sine constitutive relation. The constitutive parameters, stress exponent n, activation energy Q, and ln A in the constitutive equations were calculated as a function of strain. Correlation between the strain-dependent constitutive parameters and flow behavior was analyzed. The constant stress multiplier (α) analysis result indicated that the calculated flow stresses were in good agreement with experimental ones, except at low strains at the deformation conditions with high strain hardening. On the other hand, the constitutive analysis with strain-dependent α value had better estimations between the calculated and experimental flow stresses throughout the entire temperature and strain rate ranges performed in this work.
The effects of annealing heat treatments on the variations in constitutive parameters with strain were discussed. The hot ompressive flow curves exhibited typical features of dynamic recrystallization. Variations in constitutive parameters with strain were related to flow behavior and dependent on the initial conditions of the test specimens. The flow stresses of annealed AZ61 Mg alloys were predicted well by the strain-dependent constitutive equations of the hyperbolic sine function under the deformation conditions employed in this study.
關鍵字(中) ★ AZ61鎂合金
★ 組合方程式
★ 動態再結晶
★ 流變應力
★ 應力乘積
★ 應變相關的組合參數
關鍵字(英) ★ AZ61 Mg alloy
★ Constitutive analysis
★ Dynamic recrystallization
★ Flow stress modeling
★ Stress multiplier
★ Strain-dependent constitutive parameters
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 IV
目錄 VI
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XVII
符號說明 XVIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2研究動機與目的 2
第二章 理論基礎與文獻探討 5
2-1 基礎理論 5
2-1.1 鎂合金之符號及分類 5
2-1.2合金添加元素對鎂合金的影響 7
2-1.3溫度對鎂合金之變形影響 9
2-1.4退火處理(Annealing) 10
2-1.5回復(Recovery) 10
2-1.6再結晶(Recrystallization) 11
2-1.7晶粒成長(Grain growth) 15
2-1.8材料的動態再結晶行為 16
2-2鎂合金之變形機制 17
2-3組合方程式 20
2-4驗證組合方程式 24
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 25
3-1實驗材料 25
3-2 實驗設備 28
3-2.1 Gleeble -3500型金屬熱加工模擬測試機 28
3-2.2光學顯微鏡(OM) 28
3-2.3 鑽石刀片精密切割機 29
3-2.4研磨拋光機 30
3-3 實驗步驟 31
3-3.1 Gleeble金屬熱加工模擬實驗 32
3-3.2金相顯微組織 32
第四章 實驗結果與討論 34
4-1流變行為 (Flow behavior) 34
4-2組合關係分析 42
4-2.1 冪次律及指數律計算α並分析組合關係 42
4-2.2 峰值應力取最小平均標準差計算α值 49
4-2.3 應變對組合關係之影響 54
4-2.3.1 冪次律及指數律於各應變下組合方程式分析 54
4-2.3.2 固定應力乘積α於各應變下組合方程式分析 64
4-2.3.3 不同應力乘積α於各應變下組合方程式分析 73
4-3 AZ61鎂合金退火熱處理 83
4-3.1 退火熱處理對AZ61鎂合金的影響 83
4-3.2 退火熱處理對AZ61鎂合金流變應力的探討 89
4-3.3 退火熱處理對AZ61鎂合金微結構的影響 94
4-3.4 AZ61鎂合金經退火熱處理後組合方程式探討 109
4-3.5 300℃退火熱處理對AZ61鎂合金組合方程式分析 115
4-3.6 400℃退火熱處理對AZ61鎂合金組合方程式分析 119
4-4組合方程式的驗證 123
第五章 結論 126
參考文獻 129
已發表期刊論文 135
研討會 135
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指導教授 李雄(Shyong Lee) 審核日期 2015-7-6
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