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姓名 蔡易璋(Yi-chang Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 FC150灰口鐵鑄件的物理性質量測與分析
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摘要(中) 本研究完成 FC150 灰口鐵鑄件的物理性質量測與分析,實驗材料為六和機械 提供的 Y 型標準鑄塊與煞車盤;探討灰口鐵物理性質與鐵水澆鑄溫度、溫降、是 否通過流路系統等之間的影響。研究內容包括:(1) 使用 Stead 試劑與熱鹼腐蝕 的方法,根據試片取樣位置綜合比較不同鑄件於不同澆鑄溫度時顯微組織的變化。 (2) 比較不同鑄件的熱性質,包含比熱、熱擴散、熱傳導、熱膨脹係數等。(3) 藉 由超音波檢測法建立不同鑄件的超音波波速、超音波衰減率與共晶胞大小之關 係。
由實驗結果顯示:(1) 灰口鐵的片狀石墨皆隨著澆鑄溫度降低而變長、共晶 胞尺寸隨澆鑄溫度降低而增加。(2) 由金相組織觀察與特徵長度得知,Y 型鑄塊 片墨型態較粗大且片墨比率較少,煞車盤片墨型態較細小且片墨比率較多。(3) 最 佳澆鑄溫度範圍約為 1400°C 至 1420°C 之間。 (4) 兩種鑄件的比熱和熱擴散係 數對於不同溫度的變化趨勢相近。(4) 熱傳導係數受片墨面積分率與型態影響甚 鉅。(5) 超音波衰減率隨著共晶胞尺寸增加而增加。(6) Type A/ Size 2-3 石墨可得 最大的衰減率,並有助於提高煞車盤的制震能。
摘要(英) In this study, the physical properties of gray iron casting (FC150) prepared with various pouring temperatures were measured and comprehensively discussed. Metallography observation was conducted from different sectioning positions. The eutectic cell size and microstructure of gray iron were revealed by Stead reagent and hot alkaline etching methods. The relation between ultrasonic attenuation and eutectic cell size was also included in this study. Thermal properties of different samples from Y-block and brake disc were also compared, including specific heat, thermal diffusivity, and thermal conductivity.
The average graphite flakes length increased with decreasing pouring temperature. From microstructure observation and characteristic length ratio analysis, samples from brake disc contain more graphite area fraction and the graphite flakes show thinner, finer than those from Y-block samples, which show thicker, slender and less graphite area fraction. Eutectic cell size increased with decreasing pouring temperature, and smaller eutectic cell was obtained from brake disc samples due to its higher cooling rate and more nuclei affected by flowing thorough gating system. The thermal conductivity is clearly affected by area fraction and types of flake graphite. Gray iron with Type A graphite in size of class 2 to 3 obtains maximum attenuation, which is favorable to enhance the damping capacity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 灰口鐵
★ 微結構
★ 共晶胞
★ 熱性質
★ 超音波
關鍵字(英) ★ Gray iron
★ Microstructure
★ Eutectic cell
★ Thermal properties
★ Ultrasonic
論文目次 摘要........................................................................................................................i
Abstract.................................................................................................................ii Table of Contents.............................................................................................iii-xi List of Figures.................................................................................................v-ix List of Tables.....................................................................................................x-xi
I. Preface............................................................................................................1
II. Introduction...............................................................................................2-44
2.1 General Background and Research Purpose............................................................2-6
2.2 Liquid Structure of Cast Iron...................................................................................6-9 2.2.1 Fe3C molecule.................................................................................................7 2.2.2 Carbon cluster (C6)n.....................................................................................7-9
2.3 Fe-C (Graphite) Phase Diagram............................................................................9-12
2.3.1 Superimposed Fe-C (Graphite) and Fe-Fe3C phase diagram..................10-12
2.4 Non-equilibrium Solidification of Cast Iron.............................................................13-35
2.4.1 Eutectic temperature.....................................................................................14
2.4.2 Classification of cast iron in non-equilibrium solidification process......15-17
2.4.3 Transformation between stable and metastable systems in cast iron.......17-29
2.4.4 Classification of eutectic cells.................................................................29-30
2.4.5 Growth of primary austenite....................................................................31-35
2.5 Thermal Properties of Gray Iron.........................................................................35-43
2.6 Investigation of Microstructure of Gray Iron by Ultrasonic Testing...................43-44
III. Materials and Methods..................................................................................45-51
3.1 Materials and its Preparation...............................................................................45-47
3.2 Experimental Method..........................................................................................48-51
A. Metallography observation..........................................................................48-49
B. Thermal properties of gray iron........................................................................49
C. Ultrasonic testing..............................................................................................50
D. Inclusion particle analysis. ..............................................................................50
IV. Results and Discussion............................................................................52-83
4.1 Classification of Graphite Morphologies of Gray Iron.......................................52-59
4.2 Fraction of Graphite and Characteristic Length Ration of Gray Iron..................59-62
4.3 Eutectic Cell Size and Color Microstructure of Gray Iron..................................62-72
Summary I.................................................................................................................72
4.4 Thermal Properties of Gray Iron........................................................................73-78
4.5 Ultrasonic Characteristic of Gray Iron................................................................79-82
Summary II...............................................................................................................83
V. Conclusion............................................................................................................84
VI. Reference........................................................................................................85-86
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指導教授 施登士(Teng-shih Shih) 審核日期 2015-7-21
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