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姓名 賴俊俊(CHUN-CHUN LAI)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 彈性元件耦合多頻寬壓電獵能器設計、製作與性能測試
(Design, fabrication and performance evaluation for the elastic elements coupled multi-frequency piezoelectric harvester)
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摘要(中) 本論文中,設計與製作了三種型態的彈性元件耦合多頻寬壓電獵能器,作為振動能量獵能器的應用。透過特徵頻率和阻抗匹配的實驗,以評估三種型態獵能器相關之輸出功率。
A結構型態,以三個螺旋彈簧來支撐壓電懸臂樑,取代傳統的由剛體支持的單自由度壓電懸臂樑獵能器。在振動加速度1.5g時最佳共振頻率為105 Hz,且在最佳負載電阻9.1kΩ時獲得最高的輸出功率10.7 W(瓦)。在振動加速度0.5g時110 Hz被選為最佳共振頻率,且在最佳負載電阻8.2kΩ時獲得最高的輸出功率0.01 mW(毫瓦)。
B結構型態,選用具有回彈性質的金屬薄板,設計其機構特性成為多種彈性體組合而成的可撓性結構,成為多頻寬壓電懸臂樑獵能器。在振動加速度1.5g時有三個最佳共振頻率為30、65和95 Hz時,且在最佳負載電阻68kΩ時獲得最高的輸出功率0.54 W。在振動加速度0.5g時分別在頻率30和65 Hz時出現兩個最佳共振頻率,且在最佳負載電阻91kΩ時獲得最高的輸出功率116.8 mW。
C結構型態,外部使用3D列印技術作成圓柱形的上蓋和底座加以包覆,內部固定鈕扣型大小的環形壓電懸臂樑,也結合彈性螺旋彈簧成為多頻寬壓電懸臂樑獵能器。在振動加速度1.5g時出現一個連續寬峰最佳共振頻率為55至80 Hz,且在最佳負載電阻68kΩ時獲得最高的輸出功率0.41 mW。在振動加速度0.5g時最佳共振頻率為25 和110 Hz時,且在最佳負載電阻100kΩ時獲得最高的輸出功率1.40 mW。
摘要(英) In this study, three models of elastic elements coupled multi-frequency piezoelectric harvester have been designed and developed as the application of vibration-based energy harvester. Through electrical tuning of the characteristic frequency and impedance matching, the output power of the three models of the harvester has been evaluated.
The Type A model, a new piezoelectric cantilever generator using elastic spiral springs as a supporting mechanism, was fabricated for vibration-based energy harvester application to replace the basic of single-degree-of-freedom (DOF) cantilever generator system supported by a rigid metal bar. Under a base acceleration magnitude of approximately 1.5g, the strongest output power 10.7W was obtained at an optimum load resistance of 9.1kΩ. Under a base acceleration magnitude of approximately 0.5g, the strongest output power 0.01mW was obtained at a optimum load resistance of 8.2kΩ.
The Type B model, a new piezoelectric cantilever generator using elastic metal sheet, was fabricated with multiple flexible materials to provide elastic elements coupled multi-frequency piezoelectric harvester. Under a base acceleration magnitude of approximately 1.5g, the strongest output power 0.54W was obtained at an optimum load resistance of 68kΩ. Under a base acceleration magnitude of approximately 0.5g, the strongest output power 116.8mW was obtained at an optimum load resistance of 91kΩ.
The Type C model, a new piezoelectric cantilever generator using 3D printing to produce a cylinder where the circle cantilever beam is mounted in, was fabricated with elastic spiral spring to provide multi-frequency piezoelectric harvester. Under a base acceleration magnitude of approximately 1.5g, the strongest output power 0.41mW was obtained at an optimum load resistance of 68kΩ. Under a base acceleration magnitude of approximately 0.5g, the strongest output power 1.40mW was obtained at an optimum load resistance of 100kΩ.
The generator could be a 2-DOF vibrating body, which can offer a wide resonance frequency bandwidth. Therefore, it is considered that the elastic spring enhanced the performance and frequency flexibility of the piezoelectric cantilever generator for broadband energy harvesting.
關鍵字(中) ★ 彈性元件
★ 壓電
★ 獵能器
★ 懸臂樑
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
一、序論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究背景 2
1.3研究動機與目的 3
1.4本文架構 4
二、壓電原理與實驗架設 5
2.1壓電原理 5
2.1.1壓電效應 5
2.1.2壓電材料 6
2.1.3壓電方程式 8
2.2實驗架設 13
2.2.1實驗儀器架設 13
2.2.2壓電獵能器—特徵頻率實驗 14
2.2.3壓電獵能器—阻抗匹配實驗 14
三、壓電獵能器模型架構與分析 15
3.1壓電獵能器模型—A結構型態 15
3.2壓電獵能器模型—B結構型態 18
3.3壓電獵能器模型—C結構型態 21
四、實驗結果與討論 25
4.1壓電獵能器模型—A結構型態之實驗結果與討論 26
4.1.1 A結構—加速度1.5g—特徵頻率 26
4.1.2 A結構—加速度1.5g—阻抗匹配 28
4.1.3 A結構—加速度0.5g—特徵頻率 29
4.1.4 A結構—加速度0.5g—阻抗匹配 31
4.2壓電獵能器模型—B結構型態之實驗結果與討論 32
4.2.1 B結構—加速度1.5g—特徵頻率 32
4.2.2 B結構—加速度1.5g—阻抗匹配 33
4.2.3 B結構—加速度0.5g—特徵頻率 34
4.2.4 B結構—加速度0.5g—阻抗匹配 37
4.3壓電獵能器模型—C結構型態之實驗結果與討論 38
4.3.1 C結構—加速度1.5g—特徵頻率 38
4.3.2 C結構—重力加速度1.5g—阻抗匹配 41
4.3.3 C結構—加速度0.5g—特徵頻率 42
4.3.4 C結構—加速度0.5g—阻抗匹配 45
4.4壓電獵能器模型—A、B和C結構型態之實驗總結 47
五、結論與建議 49
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指導教授 傅尹坤 審核日期 2015-7-8
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