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姓名 趙健宏(jian-hung Jhao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 再探現代主義: 以Sherrie Levine與Louise Lawler的攝影為例
(Rethinking Modernism: Sherrie Levine and Louise Lawler’s Photography)
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摘要(中) 1977年評論家Douglas Crimp (1944-),策劃一場名叫《圖像》(Pictures)的展覽,確立了有別於現代主義的一種新傾向,並被視為後現代主義的先聲。這一群藝術家對於圖像有著一種全然不同的感知,所關心的不是圖像所描述的內容,而是圖像本身究竟是怎麼樣的一種事物。Sherrie Levine (1947-)是其中最為人所熟知的藝術家,她在1980年代翻拍了一系列藝術家的作品,除了對現代主義的「原創性」提出質疑外,同時也反映了當時藝術發展環境所產生的變革。與她同時期的藝術家Louise Lawler(1947-),則是利用攝影捕捉藝術品所在的情境脈絡,不只牽涉到藝術體制的批評,也包含藝術家作者身分、藝術生產分工等議題,同樣對現代主義概念提出質疑。

摘要(英) In 1977, art crtic Douglas Crimp (1944-) curated an exhibition named “Pictures,” establishing a new wave in contemporary art which is different from Modernism, and pioneering the tendency of Postmodernism. These artists have a whole new sense for pictures. They are not concerned with what pictures depict. All they care is what pictures are about. Sherrie Levine (1947-) is one of best-known artists among them. In the 1980s, she rephotographed a series of artists‟ works. She not only questioned Modernism‟s principle of “originality,” but also reflected on how the development of artisitic enviroment had changed. Her fellow artist Louise Lawler (1947-) used the camera to record the setting and context of art works. Besides institutional critique, Lawler‟s works also dealt with issues like artists‟ authorship, labor division in art production and questioned Modernism‟s concepts as Levine did.

We may see Levine‟s and Lawler‟s works have different goals at the first glance, but parts of their artistic concepts and interested issues are similar. Especially they seem to have adopted a questioning attitude toward Modernism. Furthormore, facing Neo-expressionism arising in the 1980s, Levine and Lawler had an oppositional stance to these artists. Based on these common aspects, this thesis focuses on Levine‟s and Lawler‟s photography produced in the 1980s. The first chapter seeks to understand the Pictures Generation artists‟ formative background, creative concepts and production means. In chapter two, I discuss Levine‟s photography including her production approaches, creative concepts, and how she reinterpreted Modernism‟s principle of “originality.” In chapter three, I discuss Lawler‟s photography in terms of methods, creative concepts, and how she reinterpreted the context and production of art works. This thesis not only examines their works‟ relationship with Modernism but also aims to describe the rising force of the Pictures Generation in the 1980s more clearly. Though at that time art critics considered that Pictures artists had broken away from Modernism, from today‟s view, we need to question this opinion, and see the Pictures artists expanding Modernism‟s boundaries.
關鍵字(中) ★ 圖像世代
★ Sherrie Levine
★ Louise Lawler
★ 攝影
★ 現代主義
★ 圖像
關鍵字(英) ★ The Pictures Generation
★ Sherrie Levine
★ Louise Lawler
★ Photography
★ Modernism
★ pictures
論文目次 目錄
緒論................................................................................................................................ 1
研究動機................................................................................................................ 1
文獻回顧................................................................................................................ 3
問題意識................................................................................................................ 7
研究方法與理論參照............................................................................................ 8
研究架構與限制.................................................................................................... 9
第一章「圖像世代」如何重新框架現代主義.......................................................... 11
第一節、1970到1980年代的藝術發展........................................................... 11
一、探討圖像:圖像世代的出現.............................................................. 11
二、繪畫的回歸:新表現主義的興起...................................................... 15
三、圖像世代與新表現主義的對立關係.................................................. 17
第二節、圖像世代的經驗傳承.......................................................................... 22
一、圖像世代與過去藝術發展的關係...................................................... 22
二、藝術攝影之後的觀念攝影.................................................................. 25
小結...................................................................................................................... 30
第二章重新探討作者身分與原創性:Sherrie Levine的攝影 ................................. 31
第一節、Levine的攝影:原創性的消失? ..................................................... 31
一、Levine攝影作品的製作手法與理念 ................................................. 31
二、關於Levine的攝影作品與爭議 ........................................................ 35
第二節、Levine的攝影對現代主義原創性的新解讀 ..................................... 41
一、Levine的攝影與現代主義原創性的關係 ......................................... 41
二、有關複製所帶來的現象與被壓抑的本質.......................................... 45
小結...................................................................................................................... 50
第三章擴充藝術的脈絡與生產:Louise Lawler的攝影 ......................................... 51
第一節、Lawler攝影作品初探 ......................................................................... 51
一、Lawler作品的製作手法與理念 ......................................................... 51
二、關於Lawler的展覽與攝影作品 ........................................................ 55
第二節、Lawler的攝影對藝術生產的新解讀 ................................................. 60
一、從單一作者到多重作者...................................................................... 60
二、關於藝術品存在的情境脈絡.............................................................. 64
小結...................................................................................................................... 69
結論.............................................................................................................................. 70
參考資料...................................................................................................................... 74
圖版.............................................................................................................................. 81
參考文獻 參考資料
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指導教授 曾少千 審核日期 2015-7-21
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