博碩士論文 102322053 詳細資訊

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姓名 張永欣(JHANG,YONG-SIN)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 應用去污土製作為再生細粒料之研究
★ 水泥製程於資源再利用之研究★ 焚化底渣水洗前處理及應用之探討
★ 鈦鐵礦氯化爐碴應用於道路基底層及礦尾渣水洗前處理之研究★ 水洗礦尾渣造粒後之粒料特性探討
★ 水洗礦尾渣取代水泥製品中細粒料之可行性研究★ 陶瓷業無機性污泥資源化用於人工細粒料及自充填混凝土之研究
★ 磚製品中摻配鈦砂之較佳配比研究★ 單維電化學傳輸陽離子技術抑制混凝土ASR之研究
★ 不同醇類製備聚丙烯酸酯應用於水泥基材的行為研究★ 人工粒料作為路基材料及CLSM對RC構件和金屬腐蝕之影響研究
★ 經高溫製程產生含矽再生粒料之鹼質活性研究★ 改質人工粒料的應用策略基礎研究
★ 爐碴作為混凝土細粒料的膨脹安定化方法及檢測技術研究★ 鎂鋁氧化物及類水滑石對氯離子吸附行為之研究
★ 以CFB副產石灰作為水淬爐石粉激發劑之可行性探討★ 加速鋰離子傳輸技術中不同電極間距對離子傳輸行為的影響研究
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摘要(中) 本研究探討,以去污土製成的再生細粒料,取代天然細粒料應用於水泥砂漿方塊的可行性,共分三階段實驗:第一階段以水固比0.35、0.4、0.5、0.6,去污土與水泥結合比例分別為0、2、4、6、8、10,爐石粉取代水泥的體積為40%、50%、60%,此外,為減低拌合用水量同時維持漿體工作性並增加摻入爐石粉後的拌合均勻性,故摻入強塑劑為0.5%、0.8%、1%於實驗室內製作再生細粒料。第二階段進行相關試驗後選出較適配比做為再生細粒料並檢測基本物理之性質。第三階段於實驗室內以所造再生細粒料部分取代天然細粒料製作水泥砂漿方塊,探討基本性質,並分析再生細粒料製造的成本,供作後續之研究參考。
摘要(英) This study, in order to regenerate the decontamination of soil made of fine aggregate, replace the natural fine aggregate feasibility of applying cement mortar , divided into three stages of the experiment: the first phase of a water-solid ratio 0.35,0.4,0.5,0.6 , decontamination of soil and cement bonded ratio was 0,2,4,6,8,10, replace slag cement powder volume was 40%, 50%, 60%, in addition, to reduce the mixing water to maintain the slurry simultaneously and increases the incorporation of slag powder after mixing uniformity, so the incorporation of strong plasticizer of 0.5%, 0.8%, production of recycled fine aggregates within 1% in the laboratory. After the second phase of election-related tests compared with adaptation as renewable nature than fine aggregate and the basic physics of detection. The third stage in the lab had made of recycled fine aggregates partially replace natural fine aggregate production of cement blocks, to discuss the basic nature and cost of recycled fine aggregate manufacturing, for the follow-up of the study for reference.
The results show: 1. As recycled fine aggregates with higher water absorption characteristics, the pellets made from recycled fine water absorption of about 18 to 30%. 2. When combined with the decontamination of soil cement ratio is increased, the increase in the intensity decreased significantly more water to solid ratio; solid water ratio is fixed, the compressive strength of recycled fine aggregate blended cement mortar powder due to slag replace cement ratio and add a strong increase in the proportion of plasticizer significantly increased; the level of water to solid ratio of recycled fine aggregate blended cement mortar block compressive strength, will be subject to the decontamination of soil and cement powder combined ratio and replace furnace cement ratio and the added amount of strength and plasticity agent. 3. single laboratory test decontamination of soil and cement manufacture recycled fine aggregate, found the water to solid ratio 0.35, with the partial substitution of slag powder increased the degree of viscosity and slurry more obvious way to add strong plasticizer may be improved.
Keywords: soil decontamination, recycled fine aggregate, cement mortar, slag powder
關鍵字(中) ★ 去污土
★ 再生細粒料
★ 水泥砂漿
★ 爐石粉
論文目次 摘要 I
目錄 V
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XV
第一章 1
1-1研究動機 1
1-2研究目的及內容 1
1-2-1研究目的 1
1-2-2研究內容 2
1-3名詞解釋 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1國內砂石概況 4
2-2政府對再生資源的運用概念 8
2-2-1再生資源運用管理制度 9
2-2-2資源再利用法源依據 12
2-2-3再生資源產業發展現況 14
2-3再生資源材料作為細粒料之應用 18
2-4再生粒料之製造設備與方法 19
2-4-1再生粒料之製造設備 19
2-4-2再生粒料之製造方法 20
2-5孔隙結構與強度之關係 21
2-6再生粒料介紹及性質 23
2-6-1再生粒料介紹 23
2-6-2再生粒料性質 24
2-7爐石粉 25
2-7-1爐石粉與水泥混合作為摻料 26
2-7-2各級爐石粉強度發展關係 26
第三章 研究規劃與試驗材料 28
3-1研究規劃 28
3-1-1研究流程 30
3-1-2材料準備 30
3-1-3子流程A 35
3-1-4子流程B 38
3-1-5子流程C 38
3-1-6再生細粒料與天然細粒料性質分析 39
3-1-7評估再生細粒料取代天然細粒料對砂漿性質的影響 40
3-1-8成本分析 41
3-2試驗材料 42
3-2-1再生細粒料 42
3-2-2天然細粒料 43
3-2-3水泥 44
3-2-4爐石粉 46
3-2-5強塑劑 47
3-2-6試驗用水 48
3-2-7去污土 48
3-3編碼方法 49
3-4試驗方法及試驗儀器 53
3-4-1拌合機 53
3-4-2抗壓試驗機 53
3-4-3電子秤 55
3-4-4搖篩機 55
3-4-5李氏比重瓶 56
3-4-6費開氏儀器 56
3-4-7水泥砂漿流動性台 57
3-4-8顎式破碎機 58
3-4-9細粒料磨損試驗儀 60
3-4-10協助之器具 61
第四章 結果與討論 63
4-1再生粒料之造粒 63
4-1-1水固比、去污土/水泥 用量對去污土水泥漿新拌性質之影響 63
4-1-2水固比、去污土/水泥 用量對去污土水泥漿硬固性質之影響 71
4-1-3爐石粉取代水泥體積對去污土水泥漿新拌性質之影響 79
4-1-4爐石粉取代水泥體積對去污土水泥漿硬固性質之影響 81
4-1-5去污土-爐石粉水泥漿添加強塑劑對單位重、抗壓強度及其吸水率之影響 92
4-1-6去污土-爐石粉水泥漿添加強塑劑對凝結時間、流度及其抗壓強度之影響 94
4-1-7再生粒料之造粒分析小結 96
4-2再生細粒料與天然細粒料性質分析 97
4-2-1再生及天然細粒料之比重及吸水率試驗 98
4-2-2再生及天然細粒料磨損試驗 100
4-2-3再生細粒料之健度試驗 102
4-2-4再生細粒料與天然細粒料性質比較分析小結 103
4-3評估再生細粒料取代天然細粒料對砂漿性質的影響 104
4-3-1新拌漿體分析結果 104
4-3-2硬固漿體分析結果 109
…. 112
4-4再生細粒料製作成本分析 113
4-4-1配比成本計算 113
第五章 結論與建議 116
5-1結論 116
5-2建議 116
參考文獻 119
附錄 126
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指導教授 李釗 審核日期 2015-10-16
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