摘要(英) |
This study, in order to regenerate the decontamination of soil made of fine aggregate, replace the natural fine aggregate feasibility of applying cement mortar , divided into three stages of the experiment: the first phase of a water-solid ratio 0.35,0.4,0.5,0.6 , decontamination of soil and cement bonded ratio was 0,2,4,6,8,10, replace slag cement powder volume was 40%, 50%, 60%, in addition, to reduce the mixing water to maintain the slurry simultaneously and increases the incorporation of slag powder after mixing uniformity, so the incorporation of strong plasticizer of 0.5%, 0.8%, production of recycled fine aggregates within 1% in the laboratory. After the second phase of election-related tests compared with adaptation as renewable nature than fine aggregate and the basic physics of detection. The third stage in the lab had made of recycled fine aggregates partially replace natural fine aggregate production of cement blocks, to discuss the basic nature and cost of recycled fine aggregate manufacturing, for the follow-up of the study for reference.
The results show: 1. As recycled fine aggregates with higher water absorption characteristics, the pellets made from recycled fine water absorption of about 18 to 30%. 2. When combined with the decontamination of soil cement ratio is increased, the increase in the intensity decreased significantly more water to solid ratio; solid water ratio is fixed, the compressive strength of recycled fine aggregate blended cement mortar powder due to slag replace cement ratio and add a strong increase in the proportion of plasticizer significantly increased; the level of water to solid ratio of recycled fine aggregate blended cement mortar block compressive strength, will be subject to the decontamination of soil and cement powder combined ratio and replace furnace cement ratio and the added amount of strength and plasticity agent. 3. single laboratory test decontamination of soil and cement manufacture recycled fine aggregate, found the water to solid ratio 0.35, with the partial substitution of slag powder increased the degree of viscosity and slurry more obvious way to add strong plasticizer may be improved.
Keywords: soil decontamination, recycled fine aggregate, cement mortar, slag powder |
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