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姓名 黃信誠(Sin-Cheng Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 圓片顆粒體在振動床迴流現象之研究-電腦模擬與實驗之驗證
★ 顆粒形狀對顆粒體在旋轉鼓內流動行為之影響★ 水中顆粒體崩塌分析與電腦模擬比對
★ 以離散元素法探討具有傾斜開槽之晶體結構在單軸拉力作用下的裂縫生成與傳播行為★ 可破裂顆粒在單向度壓力及膨脹收縮 之力學行為
★ 掉落體衝擊顆粒床之力學與運動行為的研究 : DEM的實驗驗證及內部性質探討★ 掉落體衝擊不同材質與形狀顆粒床之運動及力學行為
★ 顆粒體在具阻礙物滑道中流動行為研究:DEM的實驗驗證及傳輸性質與內部性質探討★ 以物理實驗探討顆粒形狀 對顆粒體在振動床中傳輸性質的影響
★ 以物理實驗探討顆粒形狀 對顆粒體在旋轉鼓中傳輸性質的影響★ 一般顆粒體與可破裂顆粒體在單向度束制壓縮作用下之力學行為
★ 以二相流離散元素電腦模擬與物理實驗探討液體中顆粒體崩塌行為★ 振動床內顆粒體迴流機制的微觀探索與顆粒形狀效應
★ 非球形顆粒體在剪力槽中的流動行為追蹤與分析★ 以有限元素法模擬單向度束制壓縮下顆粒體與容器壁間的互制行為及摩擦效應的影響
★ 以離散元素法分析苗栗縣南庄鄉鹿湖山區之土石崩塌行為及內部性質之探討★ 顆粒外形對顆粒體在滑坡道流動行為之影響及內部性質之探討
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摘要(中) 研究使用離散元素法(DEM)模擬圓片顆粒體在振動床中的迴流現象,探討背景阻尼對振動床系統的影響,並以實驗結果驗證DEM模擬的結果。實驗採用改良式粒子追蹤法(Improved Particle Tracking Velocimetry)量測圓片顆粒體的平移速度及旋轉速度,進而計算顆粒體傳輸性質(例如:局部平均速度、局部擾動速度、局部粒子溫度、擾動速度分佈、擴散係數與整體平均動能)。由實驗結果得知兩側顆粒體旋轉速度在振動床中頗為顯著。在DEM模擬所需要的圓片重要輸入參數,皆由基本測試量測而得。本研究比對實驗結果與DEM模擬結果,發現DEM沒有加背景阻尼的系統能量甚大於實驗系統的能量,而DEM加入背景阻尼的結果有效地消散模擬系統過大的能量,並與實驗的傳輸性質吻合。最後使用驗證合理的DEM模擬結果,分析顆粒體在振動床的內部性質,結果證實振動床兩側與底部剪力帶確實存在,而在剪力帶區域裡,其剪率(shear rate)較大。另外,發現振動床中間部分顆粒個數與接觸頻率較多,但接觸力道與平均旋轉速度較小,而振動床兩側顆粒個數與接觸頻率較少,但接觸力道與平均旋轉速度較大。
摘要(英) This paper proposes a discrete element method (DEM) model to simulate the convection phenomenon of circular disk particles in a vibrating bed. The effect of background damping on the convection behavior of disks was investigated. The discrete element simulations were validated with the corresponding experiments. The improved Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) was employed to measure translational and rotational velocities of these disk particles in the vibrating bed. The transport properties of disk particles (such as local average velocities, local fluctuation velocities, local granular temperature distributions, fluctuation velocity distributions, and self-diffusion coefficients) in the vibrating bed were evaluated from the experimental results. The results showed that the average rotational velocities of disk particles adjacent to the sidewalls can play a significant role in a vibrated granular bed. The important particle properties required for DEM simulation were not simply assumed but measured directly in laboratory tests. The corresponding transport properties from DEM results were also analyzed. The comparison between the DEM results and experimental results was made and discussed in this paper. It can be seen that the system energy is larger in the DEM results without background damping than in the experimental results. However, the DEM results with background damping matched well with the experimental results. The internal characteristics in the vibrating bed were further analyzed via a reasonably validated DEM model. The DEM results corroborated that the shear bands occur at the regions neighboring the sidewalls and the bottom base. In addition, although the solid fraction and contact frequency are larger in the central part of vibrating bed, the contact forces and particle rotational velocities are smaller. In contrast, although the solid fraction and contact frequency are smaller in the regions neighboring the sidewalls, the contact forces and particle rotational velocities are larger.
關鍵字(中) ★ 圓片顆粒體
★ 振動床實驗
★ 離散元素法
★ 實驗驗證
★ 傳輸性質
★ 剪力帶分佈
關鍵字(英) ★ Disk particulate
★ Vibrated bed
★ Experimental Validation
★ Transport properties
★ Shear band
論文目次 目錄
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
附表目錄 vi
附圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1顆粒流 1
1.2顆粒體在振動床內之迴流現象 2
1.3研究動機與方向 5
第二章 實驗設置與模擬原理 7
2.1 實驗設置 7
2.1.1 實驗設備 7
2.1.2 實驗步驟 12
2.1.3 實驗影像處理 13
2.1.4影像分析流程 16
2.2離散元素法介紹 17
2.2.1離散元素法介紹 17
2.2.2模擬參數 21
2.3傳輸性質 22
第三章 結果與討論 26
3.1實驗結果與DEM結果比對 27
3.2振動床內部性質探討 33
第四章 結論 37
參考文獻 39
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 鍾雲吉(Yun-Chi Chung) 審核日期 2015-11-9
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