博碩士論文 102323049 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳聰予(Tsung-yu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 電化學噴流摻雜磨料後對高碳鋼SKD11加工之差別探討
(The Investigation of Electrochemical Jet Machining on High Carbon Steel SKD11 with Abrasive)
★ 迴轉式壓縮機泵浦吐出口閥片厚度對性能影響之研究★ 鬆弛時間與動態接觸角對旋塗不穩定的影響
★ 電化學製作針錐微電極之製程研究與分析★ 蚶線形滑轉板轉子引擎設計與實作
★ 利用視流法分析金屬射出成形脫脂製程中滲透度與毛細壓力之關係★ 應用離心法實驗探求多孔介質飽和度與毛細力之關係
★ 利用網絡模型數值模擬粉末射出成形製程毛細吸附脫脂機制★ 轉注成形充填過程之巨微觀流數值模擬
★ 二維熱流效應對電化學加工反求工具形狀之分析★ 金屬粉末射出成形製程中胚體毛細吸附脫脂之數值模擬與實驗分析
★ 飽和度對金屬射出成形製程中毛細吸附脫脂之影響★ 轉注成型充填過程巨微觀流交界面之數值模擬
★ 轉注成型充填過程中邊界效應之數值模擬★ 鈦合金整流板電化學加工技術研發
★ 射出/壓縮轉注成型充填階段中流場特性之分析★ 脈衝電化學加工過程中氣泡觀測與分析
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摘要(中) ECJM電化學精微噴流加工(ECJM, Electrochemical jet machining)是一種非傳統的加工技術,其技術是利用電化學反應所發生的金屬移除效應去加工,金屬解離後由電解液的噴射流動帶離加工區,而磨料混漿噴射加工(ASJM, Abrasive jet machining)過程則是由水柱夾帶著磨料粒子衝擊目標工件,進而沖蝕工件材料。電化學精微噴射加工具有電極不易耗損,以電解方式噴射去除被加工物、無加工應力及變質層、加工速度快及加工表面平滑度佳的優勢,
  本文研究目標為結合ECJM電化學精微噴射加工與ASJM磨料混漿噴射加工。由於電化學加工技術具有獨特的加工特色,常被應用於他種機械難以加工之場合。但當電化學技術應用於碳鋼或熱處理過後材料加工時,其加工後表面會生成黑層(Black layer)即富碳層。此層非電化學反應析出之產物,而是靠周圍鐵以離子方式離開工件表面後脫落,但因碳活性大故容易積附在工件表面,且不易藉由一般電化學加工之電解液流動方式帶離工件表面,進而阻礙電化學加工導致加工速率降低以及加工後工件表面粗糙度增加。
摘要(英) Electrochemical jet machining (ECJM) is one of the non-traditional machining technologies, the technology is by metal material removing through electrochemical reaction, the dissolved metal were carried away via jet flow from machining region. However, The process of abrasive slurry-jet machining (ASJM) is that erodes material using abrasive particles by a steam of fluid impinging on a target. ECJM has several advantages, such as difficult to wear electrode, removing part of workpiece by dissolved via jet, no residual stress and Metamorphic layer, high machining rate and good smoothness on machining surface.
In this thesis, the object of research is to combine ECJM and ASJM. Due to the unique technology of electrochemical machining, it is usually applied to other conditions which mechanics is hard to machine. However, when the electrochemical technology applies to machine carbon steel or the material which have been heat treatment, the black layer will be generated on the surface, that is Carbon-rich layer. This layer is not the products of the electrochemical reaction, but the iron in ions fall after leaves from the surface of workpiece. Because the carbon is active, it is easy to deposit to the surface of workpiece, and it is not easy to depart by electrolyte flow in general electrochemical machining method. Moreover, this layer will obstruct electrochemical machining, so it causes the lower rate of machining and more roughness on the surface after machining.
In view of these, we proposed a project that is to machine and clear burr on SKD11 by ASJM. We can overcome the obstruction of blacklayer in the physical erosion and electrochemical corrosion, so as to increase the efficiency of machining and decrease the roughness of the surface.
In this thesis, the hollow tube is used in 500 and 700μm, and the NaCl is chosen as the electrolyte to drill SKD11, and investigate the influence of different voltage, concentration, abrasive concentration, gap and flow. Moreover, we compare the effective height and aspect ratio to choose the best parameters, and make an object to machine a hole of 1000μm, and compare the difference if ECJM with abrasive or not.
The results show that the best effective occurs when voltage in 70V and NaCl concentration in 20%, gap in 1mm and the flow in 340ml/min. And no matter roughness or material removal, ECJM assisted with abrasive is better than ECJM only.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電化學噴流加工
★ 噴流
★ 磨料
★ 黑層
關鍵字(英) ★ ECJM
★ jet
★ abrasive
★ black layer
論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
符號說明 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 微電化學鑽孔加工 2
1-3 電化學噴流加工與磨料混漿噴流加工 3
1-4文獻回顧 4
1-4-1 電化學加工 4
1-4-2 電化學噴流加工與磨料混漿噴流加工 16
1-5 研究目的與動機 19
第二章 基本原理 20
2-1 電化學加工之基本理論 20
2-1-1 電流效率 21
2-1-2 極化與過電壓 21
2-1-3 歐姆定律 23
2-2 導電度、導電度與濃度之關係、電流密度 23
2-2-1 導電度 23
2-2-2 導電度與濃度之關係 24
2-2-3 電流密度 24
2-3 電化學反應式 24
2-4 水躍現象 25
第三章 實驗設備方法與步驟 26
3-1實驗設備 26
3-1-1 機台結構設計 26
3-1-2 刀具進給控制系統 26
3-1-3 直流電源供應器 27
3-1-4 噴流加工之噴嘴與電極 27
3-1-5 泵浦 27
3-1-6 磁石攪拌器 27
3-1-7 導電度量測儀 28
3-2 實驗材料 28
3-3實驗步驟及注意事項 29
3-3-1 實驗步驟 30
3-3-2 實驗量測及拍攝 31
3-3-3實驗注意事項 31
第四章 結果與討論 33
4-1電壓對移除量與孔徑的影響 34
4-2濃度對移除量與孔徑的影響 36
4-3磨料濃度及顆粒大小對移除量與孔徑的影響 37
4-4初始加工間隙對移除量與孔徑的影響 39
4-5流量對移除量與孔徑的影響 41
4-6各參數對有效深度與深寬比之影響 42
4-7最佳參數之目標孔徑比較 44
第五章 結論與未來展望 46
5-1 結論 46
5-2 未來展望 47
參考文獻 48
附表 59
附圖 61
參考文獻 參考文獻

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指導教授 洪勵吾 審核日期 2015-11-12
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