博碩士論文 942402006 詳細資訊

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姓名 翁棋蓉(Chi-jung Weng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 人造細胞膜的相行為及脂質-固醇交互作用之研究
(A study on the phase behavior and lipid-sterol interaction of model membranes)
★ 用氘核磁共振儀研究含高濃度麥角脂醇的DPPC人造膜之分子交交互作用★ Fluorescence study of lipid membranes containing sterol
★ 含固醇的脂質雙層膜的形態及相行為的研究★ The effects of composition and thermal history on the properties of supported lipid bilayers
★ The effect of sterol on the POPE/DPPC membranes★ 麥角固醇對含膽固醇的脂雙層膜的影響
★ Deuterium NMR Study of the Effect of Stigmasterol on POPE Membranes★ Deuterium NMR Study of the effect of 7- dehydrocholesterol on the POPE Membranes
★ 運用氘核磁共振儀研究POPC/cholesterol膜之物理性質★ 模型細胞膜(含有相同碳鏈的PC/PE)存在或缺乏固醇類的物理性質
★ 運用氘核磁共振研究DPPC/POPE/sterol人造細胞膜之物理性質★ Phase Behavior and Molecular Interactions of Membranes Containing Phosphatidylcholines and Sterol: A Deuterium NMR Study
★ The physical properties of phytosterol-containing lipid bilayers★ An AFM Study on Supported Lipid Bilayers with and without Sterol
★ β-谷固醇對POPE膜物理特性的影響★ 固醇結構對PC膜物理特性的影響
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摘要(中) 固醇在生物膜的脂質組織及動力學性質扮演重要的角色。研究證實膜上富含膽固醇和磷鞘脂的脂筏區塊,在很多的生物功能的運作具有關鍵性的影響。然而,它們的存在和物理性質仍有爭議。為了對這些問題做深入的探討,我們研究飽和脂質、不飽和脂質、固醇組成的人造細胞膜的物理性質。研究中,我們運用螢光顯微術得到大型單層微胞(giant unilamellar vesicles)的形態隨溫度與成分的變化。由核磁共振(2H NMR)研究其人造細胞膜的相行為,進而建構該成分的相圖。結果顯示該三元混合物在相圖上不同的區域顯示不同的特性。例如,在固醇濃度較低的膠態與液態的共存區呈現微米尺度的小型分散的區塊(small, scattered domains)。而在固醇濃度較廣之液態-液態共存區,則形成微米尺度的大面積區塊(large domains)。
目前大多數研究聚焦於含低濃度(<30 mol%)固醇的脂質膜的探討,對於含高濃度固醇的脂質膜的研究相對較少。然而有些細胞膜中的膽固醇的濃度可以大於40 mol%。為了研究細胞膜中的高濃度固醇區域的物理性質,我們運用核磁共振光譜術與x-ray繞射研究脂質與固醇組成的人造細胞膜,我們發現相對於膽固醇分子結構,在碳氫鏈上額外的分子群與雙鍵,兩者皆阻礙了脂質與固醇之間的交互作用。另一方面,固醇環上額外的雙鍵對於脂質與固醇之間的交互作用並無影響。
摘要(英) Sterols play important roles on lipid organization and dynamics in cell membranes. Rafts domains rich in cholesterol and sphingolipids have been implicated to play crucial roles in a wide range of biological processes. However, their existence and physical properties have been controversial. To gain a better understanding of these issues, we study the physical properties of model membranes composed of saturated lipid, unsaturated lipid and sterol. The morphology of giant unilamellar vesicles has been observed as a function of temperature and composition by fluorescence microscopy. The phase behavior of model membranes was investigated by deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance (2H NMR) spectroscopy. The composition phase diagram was constructed. This ternary mixture manifests itself differently at different regions of the phase diagram. Solid-liquid phase coexistence, displaying small, scattered domains in micron size, was observed at low sterol concentration. Liquid-liquid phase coexistence, exhibiting large domains in micron size, was observed in a wide sterol concentration range.
While most studies have been focused on membranes containing low sterol concentration (<30 mol %), less studies have been performed at the high sterol concentration. Cholesterol content can be as high as 40 mol % or greater in some cells. To investigate the physical properties of membranes at high sterol concentration regime, we study model membranes composed of lipid and sterol by 2H-NMR spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction. We found that in comparison with cholesterol, the extra group and extra double bond at the side chain of other sterols both hinder the lipid-sterol interaction. The extra double bond at the fuse ring, on the other hand, has no effect on the lipid-sterol interaction.
關鍵字(中) ★ 脂質
★ 固醇
★ 核磁共振
★ X光繞射
關鍵字(英) ★ lipid
★ sterol
★ 2H NMR
論文目次 中文摘要 I
致謝 IV
圖表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 細胞膜的結構 1
1.2 脂質分子的相行為(phase behavior) 3
1.3 三元混合的脂質膜之相關研究 5
1.4 脂質-固醇交互作用 11
第二章 螢光顯微術 (Fluorescence Microscopy)及X-ray繞射 (X-ray Diffraction) 15
2.1 螢光顯微術 (Fluorescence Microscopy) 15
2.1.1 螢光發光原理 (Principle of Fluorescence) 15
2.1.2 螢光顯微鏡工作原理 16
2.1.3 螢光分子 19
2.1.4 實驗材料 21
2.1.5 GUVs的製備 22
2.2 X-Ray繞射 (XRD) 24
2.2.1 X-ray繞射基本原理 24
2.2.2 實驗材料 28
2.2.3 XRD實驗樣品MLVs的製備 28
2.2.4 X-ray繞射數據量測 29
第三章 核磁共振光譜術 (2H NMR Spectroscopy) 30
3.1 NMR原理 30
3.2 電四極交互作用(Quadrupole Interaction) 32
3.3 相行為(Phase Behavior)及First Moment M1 35
3.4 實驗材料 37
3.5 2H NMR實驗樣品MLVs的製備 37
3.6 2H NMR光譜的量測 38
第四章 POPC/DPPC/erg脂質膜之形態與相行為之研究 39
4.1 GUVs形態之簡介 39
4.2 POPC/DPPC脂質膜的形態及相行為 44
4.2.1 螢光實驗與2H NMR量測的相變溫度之比較 44
4.2.2 POPC/DPPC脂質膜之形態及相行為隨成分的變化 45
4.3 POPC/DPPC/erg脂質膜之形態及相行為隨成分的變化 48
4.4 POPC/DPPC/erg相圖 56
4.5 POPC/DPPC/erg脂質膜形態及相行為隨溫度的變化 60
第五章 固醇與POPE交互作用之探討 64
5.1 Pure POPE脂質膜 64
5.2 POPE/chol脂質膜 68
5.3 POPE/erg脂質膜 76
5.4 POPE/β-sitosterol脂質膜 81
5.5 POPE/stigmasterol脂質膜 86
5.6 固醇對脂質膜溶解差異探討 91
第六章 結論 95
參考文獻 99
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指導教授 薛雅薇(Ya-wei Hsueh) 審核日期 2016-1-27
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