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姓名 陳翊翔(Yih-Shyang Chen) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系 論文名稱 顯示器色彩之視覺疲勞研究
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摘要(中) 顯示器色彩形成方法基本上分成三類:分時形成法(Time Sharing Method)、空間組成法(Spatial Formation Method)、重疊合成法(Overlay Formation Method),因為色彩形成原理不同,使得人眼觀看顯示器有不同程度之視覺疲勞產生。目前已知分時形成法會產生色分裂(Color Break-Up),容易使人眼疲勞度增加,但評估色分裂對於人眼視覺疲勞影響大小,大多採用主觀評量問卷,因此結果較不客觀。為了提升結果的可靠性及同時比較三種色彩形成法對於視覺疲勞之關係,在此我們利用視調節微動之高頻成分頻譜功率(spectral power of High frequency component of accommodative microfluctuations)作視覺疲勞分析。
研究中利用色輪轉速為1.5及2倍速之單片式DLP投影機(分時形成法)、三片式前投影LCD投影機(重疊合成法)及LCD TV(空間組成法,以CCFL為背光源之電視)當做色彩形成法研究之對象。實驗分別以靜態及動態模式於同一視距、不同觀看時間進行人眼刺激,在觀看顯示器前後均利用睫狀體調節微動分析儀紀錄受測者視調節微動情形,其中在動態實驗又加入主觀評量問卷分析實驗結果。
(一) 靜態實驗中,LCD TV給予人眼負擔比1.5x-DLP及三片式LCD投
(二) 動態實驗中,經由主客觀交叉比對後得到1.5x-DLP給予人眼負擔
本研究已初步將色彩形成法與視覺疲勞之關係建立出來,未來將改變實驗中之參數,希望更清楚地闡明兩者之關係。摘要(英) The color formation methods of the display basically divide into three kinds of methods: Time sharing method, Spatial formation method and Overlay formation method. Since color formation principles are different, they make the human eyes have differently visual fatigue. So far Time sharing will produce color break-up, and it’s easy to make human eyes be tired degree increase. It mostly uses subjective questionnaire method to assess visual fatigue from color break-up, so the results are less objective. In order to improve dependability and compare three color formation methods to the visual fatigue at the same time, we analyse visual fatigue by spectral power of high frequency component of accommodative microfluctuations.
In this study, we use 1.5x and 2x speed of color wheel single-chip DLP projector (time sharing method), a three-panel LCD projector (overlay formation method) and a LCD TV (spatial formation method) to investigate the color formation methods. The experiment divides into two modes: static and dynamic mode, and they stimulate human eyes at the same visual distance, different viewing time. Before and after viewing the displays, it must use auto refract-keratometer to record accommodative microfluctuations of subjects. In addition, we increase subjective questionnaire method to assess visual fatigue in the dynamic mode.
The experiment conclusions are divided into two parts of the static and the dynamic mode:
(a) In the static experiment, the LCD TV has slighter visual fatigue than the
1.5x-DLP projector and the three-panel LCD projector, but it does not have apparent difference to the 2x-DLP projector.
(b) In the dynamic experiment, the 1.5x-DLP projector has more serious visual
fatigue than the 2x-DLP projector and the three-panel LCD projector via subjective and objective method.
In this research we have already found the relation between color formation methods and visual fatigue, and will change the parameters in the experiment in the future. We hope to expound the relation between them more clearly.關鍵字(中) ★ 重疊合成法
★ 空間組成法
★ 分時形成法
★ 視調節
★ 視調節微動
★ 高頻成分
★ 視覺疲勞關鍵字(英) ★ visual fatigue
★ spatial formation method
★ time sharing method
★ overlay formation method
★ high frequency component
★ accommodative microfluctuations
★ accommodation論文目次 中文摘要..................................................I
第一章 緒論 ..............................................1
1-1 前言..................................................1
1-2 研究動機與目的........................................1
第二章 顯示器色彩形成原理和特性...........................4
2-1 分時形成法............................................4
2-1-1 單片式DLP色輪.......................................5
2-1-2 色輪設計技術........................................6
2-1-3 色分裂現象介紹......................................7
2-1-4 DMD設計技術.....................................10
2-2 空間組成法...........................................12
2-2-1 液晶顯示原理.......................................13
2-2-1 彩色濾光片配置方式.................................15
2-3 重疊合成法...........................................17
2-3-1 三片式LCD在投影機上的應用..........................18
2-3-2 合光稜鏡...........................................19
2-4 三種顯示器的色彩形成原理比較.........................21
第三章 視覺疲勞探討......................................23
3-1 視覺過程.............................................23
3-2 視覺疲勞來源.........................................26
3-3 視覺疲勞量測指標及方法...............................27
3-3-1 調節力(accommodation power)........................28
3-3-2 視力(visual acuity)................................29
3-3-3 瞳孔直徑(pupil diameter)...........................29
3-3-4 閃光融合閾值(CFF)..................................30
3-3-5 眼睛移動速度(eye movement velocity)................30
3-3-6 受測者主觀評比法(subjective rating of visual fatigue).................................................31
3-3-7 視覺工作績效.......................................32
第四章 視調節微動與視覺疲勞研究..........................36
4-1 睫狀體視調節微動現象.................................36
4-2 視調節微動之高頻成分頻譜功率分析.....................37
4-3 視調節微動與視覺疲勞之關係...........................38
4-4 HFC與其他視覺疲勞評估指標之比較......................40
4-4 睫狀體調節微動分析儀.................................41
第五章 實驗..............................................43
5-1 研究目的.............................................43
5-2 研究方法.............................................43
5-3 研究設備.............................................43
5-3-1 顯示器.............................................43
5-3-2 Farnsworth-Munsell 100色相檢定器...................46
5-3-2-1 原理.......................................46
5-3-2-2 實施方法...................................47
5-3-2-3 錯誤記分方式...............................49
5-3-3 HFC頻譜功率值分析..................................50
5-4 實驗內容.............................................53
5-4-1 靜態文字模式.......................................53
5-4-1-1 靜態實驗設計................................53
5-4-1-2 靜態實驗受測者..............................54
5-4-1-3 靜態實驗流程................................54
5-4-2 動態影片模式.......................................59
5-4-1-1 動態實驗設計................................59
5-4-1-2 動態實驗受測者..............................60
5-4-1-3 動態實驗流程................................61
第六章 研究結果及分析....................................66
6-1 分析方法.............................................66
6-2 研究結果.............................................67
6-2-1 靜態文字模式結果...................................67
6-2-2 動態影片模式結果...................................74
6-2-2-1 不考慮分組情形.............................80
6-2-2-2 考慮分組情形...............................91
第七章 討論、結論及未來展望.............................113
7-1 討論................................................113
7-2 結論................................................114
7-3 未來展望............................................114
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