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黃建福(Chian-fu Huang)
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光電科學與工程學系 |
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表面次微米結構增加矽薄膜太陽能電池的光捕捉效率 (Improvement of the light trapping in silicon thin film solar cell by surface sub-micron structure)
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摘要(中) |
結構,經由FDFD 演算法觀察光在結構中各filling factor 間的耦合形
段(900 nm~1100 nm),來分析光在矽薄膜內的停留時間,對稱型結
構與非對稱型可以將時間拉長至平面型的6 倍。在相同時間下
(C*t=25μm,C 為光速),光在非對稱型結構矽材料內的總能量可以
增加3~3.4 倍,且角度容忍度在±40o 內總能量亦維持在3 倍。當考慮
矽薄膜太陽能電池等效光路徑1.3~3.3 倍,進而顯著增加矽薄膜太陽
率,使得矽薄膜太陽能電池更具實用性。 |
摘要(英) |
Silicon thin film solar cell is paid attention to think of reducing silicon materials to low cost day by day. But because of the reduction of the thickness of material, absorption will be reduce, near IR and IR especially. So, for Si thin film solar cell it is the important subject how effective increase the optical path in the silicon. This thesis is about using surface sub-micron structure to improve the light trapping of Si thin film solar cell. Two structures of symmetrical and asymmetric type each was be proposed, and performed by FDFD algorithm can observe the light coupling among the every filling factor. This thesis analyses the time of light staying in Si for near IR (900 nm~1100 nm) with high conversion efficiency to the theory in the silicon material .The symmetrical and asymmetrical structures can enhance decay time 6 times . Under the same time, total energy of light in silicon can enhance 3.4 in asymmetric structure, Under 40° of angles also maintains 3 times. As considering the absorption coefficient of materials, optimized asymmetrical structure can improve the optical path 1.3~3.3 times, and then effectively improve the light trapping. It can maintain the conversion efficiency while considering the cost of material, and make the silicon thin film solar cell have practicability even more. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 光捕捉 ★ 矽薄膜太陽能電池 ★ 結構 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ light trapping ★ Si thin film solar cell ★ sub-micron structure |
論文目次 |
摘要........................................................................................................... iv
目錄........................................................................................................... vi
圖目錄..................................................................................................... viii
第一章 緒論.............................................................................................1
1-1 太陽能電池簡介..........................................................................1
1-2 太陽能電池發電原理..................................................................3
1-3 研究動機......................................................................................4
第二章 有限時域差分法(Finite-Difference time-Domain ,FDTD)於矽
2-1 FDTD 理論.................................................................................6
2-2 FDTD 於矽薄膜太陽能電池模型及其光捕捉特性分析........8
第三章 對稱型次波長結構之矽薄膜太陽能電池光學特性分析......10
3-1 對稱型結構設計........................................................................10
3-1.1 設計原理..........................................................................10
3-1.2 FDTD 於矽薄膜太陽能電池之光場分析.....................11
3-2 光捕捉特性分析........................................................................14
3-2.1 結構對波長響應..............................................................14
3-2.2 結構與入射角響應..........................................................19
第四章 非對稱型次微米結構於矽薄膜太陽能電池光捕捉特性改善22
4-1 非對稱型結構設計....................................................................22
4-1.1 設計原理..........................................................................22
4-1.2 FDTD 於矽薄膜太陽能電池之光場分析.....................22
4-2 光捕捉特性分析........................................................................25
4-2.1 結構對波長響應..............................................................25
4-2.2 結構與入射角響應..........................................................30
4-3 對稱型與非對稱型結構光捕捉效率比較與討論....................33
第五章 非對稱型結構於矽薄膜太陽能電池等效光路徑之延長........36
5-1 光捕捉效率及其穿透頻譜響應之關係....................................36
5-2 非對稱型結構之等效光路徑計算與分析……………………39
第六章 結論.............................................................................................40
參考文獻...................................................................................................41 |
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
伍茂仁、張正陽 (Mao-jen Wu、Jeng-Yang Chang)
審核日期 |
2007-7-19 |
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