博碩士論文 89322022 詳細資訊

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姓名 李銘杰(Ming-Chieh Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 變動需求下飛航排程暨班次表建立之研究
(Fleet Routing and Timetable Setting with Variable Demands)
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摘要(中) 良好的飛航排程,除考量航空公司本身的機隊供給及相關作業措施,亦必須兼顧旅客的反應。以往雖有少數文獻於中長期規劃中考量市場競爭之旅客需求變動,然而一般短程飛航排程之研究多以草擬班表為輸入,並假設旅客需求己知且固定,忽略旅客搭機的選擇行為,致使所求得之排程結果未能反映真實之需求狀況,而降低營運績效。緣此,本研究於考量市場需求與該航空公司排程相關性下,建立一變動需求(variable demand)之短期飛航排程模式,以幫助航空公司求得最佳的機隊排程與班次表。本研究利用網路流動技巧構建模式。此模式將包括多重人流與機流網路。在人流網路中,加入旅客偏好選擇模式以定式此一旅客流動問題。為考量等待旅客在實務中的流失情況,本研究使用一般化網路以定式旅客在時空中的變動。在機流網路的設計上,則以整數流動方式定式機隊於時空中的排程。二網路流動間再加上實務限制,以符合實際的飛航作業。本研究模式期能於未來實務應用上,提供為航空業一短期排程暨班次表建立之輔助規劃工具。
摘要(英) The setting of a good flight schedule for an airline not only has to consider its fleet and related supply, but also has to take into account of passenger reactions on its service. Although little research of medium/long-term flight scheduling in the past has ever dealt with variable passenger demands considering market competitions, almost all past short-term flight scheduling models assumed passenger demands as fixed and used a draft timetable as input to produce the final timetable and schedule, neglecting passenger choice behaviors among different airlines in practice. As a result, the schedule and fleet route offered may not reflect the real demands, decreasing the system performance. Considering both fleet supply and market demands, in this research, we developed a short-term flight scheduling model with variable demands, in order to help an airline solve optimal fleet routes and timetables. We employed network flow techniques to construct the model which includes multiple passengers and fleet flow network. In the passenger flow networks, we introduced a passenger choice model to formulate passenger flows. Considering the loss of waiting passengers in practice, we used generalized networks to formulate passenger flows in terms of time and space. In the fleet flow network, we used integer flow networks to formulate the aircraft routes in terms of time and space. Some side constraints were sat between the passenger and fleet flow network according to the real operating requirements. The model is expected to be a useful planning tool for airlines to determine their short-term fleet routes and timetables.
We used mathematical programming techniques to formulate the model as a nonlinear mixed integer program that is characterized as a NP-hard problem and is more difficult to solve than traditional flight scheduling problems that are often formulated as integer linear programs. To efficiently solve the model with practical size problems, we developed an iterative solution framework, in which we repeatedly modify the target airline market share in each iteration and solve a fixed-demand flight scheduling problem with the assistance of the mathematical programming solver, CPLEX. To evaluate the model and the solution framework, we performed a case study using real operating data of domestic passenger transportation from a major Taiwan airline.
關鍵字(中) ★ 飛航排程
★ 班次表
★ 變動需求
★ 旅客選擇模式
★ 一般化網路
★ 非線性混合整數規劃問題
關鍵字(英) ★ generalized network
★ passenger choice model
★ variable demand
★ timetable
★ fleet routing
★ nonlinear mixed integer program
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與範圍 2
1.3 研究方法與流程 3
第二章文獻回顧 4
2.1短程飛航排程相關文獻 4
2.2旅客需求模式相關文獻 6
2.3 小結 9
第三章 模式構建 10
3.1模式架構 10
3.1.1 機流時空網路 10
3.1.2人流時空網路 13
3.1.2 旅客選擇模式 16
3.2 問題定式 20
3.2.1 模式假設 20
3.2.2 數學定式 21
3.3模式延伸 26
3.4小結 29
第四章 模式求解 30
4.1求解架構 30
4.2 模式求解步驟 32
4.3 整體程式求解 34
4.4人流流量推擠 36
4.5單機定線 36
4.6小結 38
第五章 實例測試 39
5.1 資料輸入 39
5.1.1 國內航線資料 39
5.1.2規劃草擬班表及各航線競爭航空公司班表 41
5.1.3機場起降時間帶及額度限制 41
5.1.4航機種類及機隊規模 43
5.1.5旅客起迄資料 44
5.1.6成本資料 46
5.1.7票價資料 47
5.1.8旅客選擇模式參數資料 48
5.2 輸出資料 49
5.3敏感度分析 58
5.3.1機隊規模 58
5.3.2旅次量敏感度分析 62
5.3.3旅客旅行時間效用參數敏感度分析 64
5.3.4 旅客等候成本敏感度分析 67
5.3.5旅客考慮時間敏感度分析 68
5.3.6航段節線時間長度敏感度分析 70
5.3.7票價敏感度分析 72
5.3.8轉運成本敏感度分析 75
5.4 、小 結 77
第六章 結論與建議 78
6.1結論 78
6.2 建議 80
6.3 貢獻 82
參考文獻 83
附錄 86
1、 CPLEX callable library code 86
2 、求解結果及敏感度分析結果 87
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指導教授 顏上堯(Shangyao Yan) 審核日期 2002-6-17
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