博碩士論文 89322025 詳細資訊

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姓名 張凱程(Kai-Cheng Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 變動租用數共用櫃檯指派之研究
(varied counter number on common-use counter assignments)
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摘要(中) 隨著國人旅遊人數的提高,國內外航空公司紛紛加入國內的航空市場,並增闢新航線,相對地機場旅客報到櫃檯的需求也隨之增加。目前國內部分機場航站大廈在有限的櫃檯數量下,逐漸無法滿足各航空公司專屬櫃檯的需求,因此共用櫃檯的使用方式因應而生,而在共用櫃檯的指派上,依數量可分為固定與變動租用櫃檯數量兩種指派方法,以櫃檯資源使用效率來看,變動租用櫃檯數指派方式在櫃檯使用效率上是較高的。
摘要(英) Because of increased passenger demand, flights and airlines, the demand of checking counters required in Taiwan’s airports increases momentarily. Due to constrained space in airports, existing checking counters are gradually not sufficient for airline uses. Thus, the application of common-use counters becomes more popular than before. In general, there are two categories of assignment approaches to common-use counters, those are fixed and varied counter number. For utilization ratio of counters, the varied counter number approach is higher than the other.
In literature, there have only four researches to the assignment of common-use counters, particularly none applying systematic analysis by varied counter number approach to airports. Hence, this research considers the objective of minimizing total passenger walking distance and total inconsistency, coupled with the constraint of allowable inconsistency of flight-to-common-use-counter in different time windows, and other related operating constraints, to develop an integer programming model by varied counter number approach, in order to help airport authorities solve common-use counter assignments.
Due to many complicated factors that have to be considered in the model, the problem size of the model is expected to be huge, which would be difficult to solve. For this, we develop two heuristic solution framework to solve the model. Finally, to test how well the proposed models and the solution algorithms could be applied in real world, we perform a case study concerning the operations of a major airport in Taiwan. To enhance to applicability of the developed models and solution algorithms, the optimization software, CPLEX will be employed to perform tests on personal computers. The results show the model could be useful.
關鍵字(中) ★ 變動租用櫃檯數
★ 系統最佳化
★ 擾亂度
★ 分枝界限法
★ 共用櫃檯
關鍵字(英) ★ varied counter number
★ common-use counter
★ systematic optimization
★ branch-and-bound
★ inconsistency
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的與範圍 2
1.3研究方法與流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1機場共用櫃檯指派問題之文獻回顧 5
2.2機場機門指派問題之文獻回顧 6
2.3小結 8
第三章 模式架構 10
3.1櫃檯指派架構 10
3.2模式構建 14
3.2.1模式一 15
3.2.2模式二 17
3.3有效限制式 19
3.3.1班次有效限制式 19
3.3.2區塊有效限制式 23
3.4模式應用 25
3.5小結 25
第四章 求解方法 26
4.1CPLEX參數說明 26
4.2模式一啟發式解法 28
4.3模式二求解方法 33
4.4整體程式求解 38
4.5小結 38
第五章 範例測試 39
5.1資料分析 39
5.1.1共用櫃檯佈設資料 39
5.1.2班次申請租用櫃檯資料 42
5.2模式發展 46
5.2.1電腦演算環境 46
5.2.2模式輸入資料 46
5.2.3模式輸出資料 47
5.3模式測試及結果分析 47
5.3.1模式一 48
5.3.2模式二 50
5.3.3模式一與模式二比較 52
5.4敏感度分析 53
5.4.1模式一敏感度分析 53
(1) 班次拆解方式 53
(2) 租用班次數 55
(3) 租用櫃檯數 59
5.4.2模式二敏感度分析 61
(1) 切割時點 61
(2) 班次數 64
(3) 可租用櫃檯數 67
(4) 擾亂度上限 70
5.5小結 71
第六章 結論與建議 73
6.1結論 73
6.2建議 76
6.3貢獻 77
參考文獻 79
附錄一 CPLEX求解程式 81
附錄二 班次申請租用櫃檯資料 82
附錄三 模式一班次指派結果 83
附錄四 模式二班次指派結果 84
附錄五 模式一依班次編號拆解原問題之範例測試結果表 85
附錄六 模式一依班次開始租用時間拆解原問題之範例測試結果表 88
附錄七 模式一依班次結束租用時間拆解原問題之範例測試結果表 91
附錄八 模式一依班次平均租用時點拆解原問題之範例測試結果表 94
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指導教授 顏上堯(Shangyao Yan) 審核日期 2002-6-22
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