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姓名 許正達(Jheng-Da Syu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 奈米材料應用在散熱技術設計與量測
(Application of nano-materials in techniques of thermal dissipation design and measurement)
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摘要(中) 本論文主要在發展奈米材料應用在散熱技術之設計方法,由於傳統的量測方法無法非破壞性直接測量晶片內層溫度,而且紅外線熱像儀所測得之溫度只能一個局部表面溫度,不易得知晶片內層實際的溫度,本論文提出經由材料的熱傳導係數或者材料特性來計算出內部晶片溫度。量測方法為使用熱傳導原理以及等溫度曲線的特性,轉換等效電路方法計算出LED內部的實際溫度分佈,在恆溫裝置的環境下量測以提高準確度,由數位電源供應器提供電壓及電流,用熱電偶搭配NI CompactDAQ資料截取器長期取得多點電壓值,然後將數據記錄至 LabVIEW圖形化程式設計平台,以自己撰寫的LabVIEW程式將數據轉換成攝氏溫度並記錄,可簡化大量的運算過程以及計算的誤差。
摘要(英) This thesis is mainly focused on developments of new technology of thermal dissipation design and measurement using nano-materials, as traditional methods of temperature measurement are not direct non-destructive ways measuring the inner temperature of the chip, and it’s not easy to know the real inner chip temperature using infra-red thermal imager since only temperature of partial surface can be measured. In this thesis we put forward a new method to calculate the internal chip temperature via thermal conductivity or property of materials. The actual internal LED temperature distribution is calculated by using of heat transfer principles such as characteristics of isothermals, as well as conversion to the equivalent circuit. Experimental data are measured in constant temperature environment to improve the accuracy of measurements. Voltages and currents are provided via the digital power supply. Long-term multi-point voltages values are recorded via thermocouple combined with NI CompactDAQ data interceptor, and then are inputted to a LabVIEW graphical programming platform and are finally converted to Celsius temperature data with a LabVIEW program developed by the author which simplifies the process of complex computing as well as reduces the calculation error.
During the experiment of the effect of thermal dissipation, we found that within the same period of cooling time, liquid nano- materials are better than silver conductive plastics by a temperature difference of about 2℃, and better than nano-powder materials by a temperature difference of about 4℃. So the liquid nano-materials are with better heat conductivity and convection, and nano-powder materials are with poorer performances as a result of irregular arrangement. Although silver conductive plastics are good in heat conductivity, they are poorer in heat convection. It’s a major breakthrough in nano-technology using nano-liquid materials as the heat carriers to increase the effect of heat dissipation of LED.
Nano-liquid materials with the temperature monitoring system mentioned above will not only enhance the heat transfer performance, increase the thermal conductivity, lower the costs, but can also directly calculate the internal chip temperature. This technique can be developed into a 3D temperature measurement system used in IC packaging industry in the future. We also confirmed that the actual temperature within the chip can be measured by the combination of heat transfer theory and the material properties. This system will be upgraded into a small error, rapid calculation system of the temperature measurement.
關鍵字(中) ★ LED
★ 熱傳導
★ 奈米材料
★ 對流
關鍵字(英) ★ LED
★ Nano- materials
★ Convection
★ Heat transfer
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 iii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 3
1-3 研究目的與方法 9
1-4 文獻回顧 10
1-4-1 散熱技術方面 11
1-4-2 量測溫度方面 12
1-5 論文架構 14
第二章 發光二極體與奈米碳管介紹 16
2-1 發光二極體介紹 16
2-1-1 發光二極體工作原理 17
2-1-2 發光二極體封裝演進 19
2-1-3 發光二極體散熱模式 20
2-2 白光發光二極體 24
2-2-1 白光發光二極體發光技術 25
2-2-2 白光發光二極體散熱問題 27
2-3 奈米碳管 28
2-3-1 奈米碳管結構及性質 29
2-3-2 奈米碳管熱學性質 31
第三章 LED的散熱計算 32
3-1 熱傳遞理論 32
3-1-1 熱傳導 32
3-1-2 熱對流 35
3-1-3 輻射冷卻 37
3-2 等溫度特性曲線 39
3-3 等效電路計算方法 41
3-4 發光二極體發光效率 46
第四章 實驗方法及設備 47
4-1 實驗方法 47
4-2 實驗設備 50
4-2-1 電源供應器 50
4-2-2 恆溫裝置 50
4-2-3 積分球 51
4-2-4 三角量測系統 52
4-2-5 溫度自動擷取記錄系統 53
4-2-6 熱電偶 55
4-2-7 恆流電路 55
4-3 實驗材料 56
4-3-1 晶片 56
4-3-2 固晶銀膠 57
4-3-3 奈米碳管 57
4-3-4 封裝膠 59
4-3-5 散熱基板 59
4-4 量測參數設定 60
4-5 實驗流程 62
4-5-1 LED封裝流程 62
4-5-2 量測LED結構厚度流程 63
4-5-3 量測不同材料溫度紀錄流程 63
4-5-4 計算LED內部溫度分布流程 64
第五章 結果與討論 66
5-1 量測結果 66
5-2 轉換等效電路 79
5-3 等溫度曲線繪製 81
第六章 結論 84
參考文獻 87
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指導教授 張榮森(Rong-Seng Chang) 審核日期 2009-2-16
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