摘要(英) |
This research investigated the impact of the promotion on job satisfaction and turnover intention. Because A company is one subsidiary of the multinational corporations, to cope with multicultural management style, internal complex workflows and China highly competitive workforce market, the talent strategy of human resource in A company is developing internal talent pool. Particularly, an annual promotion is considered as a critical and valid policy.
To verify promotion is an effective tool to improve employee satisfaction, intention of stay and reduce turnover intention, the questionnaire is designed for the China manufacturing in-direct employees. 88 questionnaires were distributed, and the number of valid questionnaires recovered as 85 to achieve the effective response rate was 96.6%. Research methods included reliability analysis, factor analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient and linear regression analysis.
This study has adopted the SPSS to do data analysis. According to the result of verification analysis, conclusions are generated as followings. (1) promotion has significant positive correlation with job satisfaction , which is, employees who were promoted within two years compared to employees who were not promoted have higher job satisfaction (2) promotion has significant positive correlation with turnover intention , which is, employees who were promoted within two years compared to employees who were not promoted have higher intention to stay, also indicated lower turnover intention (3) if compensation and benefits is adopted as intervening variable, it would completely mediated the correlation of promotion, job satisfaction and turnover intention. |
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