博碩士論文 103322042 詳細資訊

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姓名 楊宗翰(Zong-Han Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 具不同上部結構之樁基礎受振行為
(The Dynamic Responses of Pile with Different upper Structures)
★ 以離心振動臺試驗模擬緩衝材料中廢棄物罐之振動反應★ 緩衝材料在不同圍壓下之工程性質
★ 基盤土壤液化對上方土堤位移的影響★ 回填與緩衝材料之動態強度
★ 砂質土壤中柔性擋土牆在動態載重下的行為★ Effect of Vertical Drain Methods on The Soil Liquefaction
★ Centrifuge Modelling on Failure Behaviours of Sandy Slope Caused by Gravity, Rainfall and Earthquake★ 微生物膠結作用對砂質土壤性質的影響
★ 基盤土壤液化引致的側潰對上方土堤之影響及其改善對策★ 土壤液化引致側向滑移對樁基礎之影響及其對策
★ 挖掘機鏟斗上土壤黏附問題的基礎研究★ 基樁受側向載重之模型試驗設計與分析
★ 低放射性廢棄物最終處置回填材料於不同配比下之工程力學特性★ 以離心振動台試驗探討 基盤振動方向與坡向夾角對側向滑移之反應
★ 應用時域反射法於地層下陷監測之改善研發★ Seismic response of sheet pile walls with and without anchors by centrifuge modeling tests
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摘要(中) 台灣由於地狹人稠,土地資源有限,尤其在都市地區人口眾多且地價昂貴,許多建築物紛紛往高空發展,為了增加結構物的穩定性,樁基礎的使用也越來越多。又臺灣地屬於環太平洋火山地震帶西側為易發生地震的地區,故研究樁基礎的受振反應對安全上有一定的重要性。本研究利用離心模型試驗的尺度定律,進行80倍重力場的離心模型縮尺,模擬樁基礎埋置於乾砂土層中,受地震力作用的樁身反應,在此原則下設計並建造樁基礎的縮尺模型。配置具有三種不同上部結構物(L-Pile、M-Pile及S-Pile),並輸入預定的振動事件。為探討樁基礎的受振行為,必須取得土壤及樁基礎的動態參數,於樁基礎模型及周圍的土層中裝設各型的感測器陣列,瞭解樁基礎及土壤受振過程加速度歷時,同時在受振過程中,利用應變計量測樁體在不同深度及不同瞬時之樁身彎矩,求取樁身沿深度的剪力、土壤反力與變位,藉此分析樁身因受土壤反覆作用力下之變位分析。其中,樁基礎S-Pile即檢視上部結構物之貢獻大小,藉由試驗結果探討樁基礎的受振反應。
結果顯示,基樁受振時,L-Pile與M-Pile之最大彎矩量皆發生在土表下1.6 m (z/Dp=1.26) 處,而無上部載重之樁基礎S-Pile則分佈於土表下4.8 m~14.4 m (z/Dp=3.8~11.3) 處。當樁基礎其系統主頻與地震頻率相近時會發生共振效應,彎矩最大值發生於第7~10個週數,而系統主頻與地震頻率相差較遠時,彎矩最大值發生在第1~3個週數且為負彎矩;S-Pile易受到土壤變位影響,彎矩最大值較無規律。M-Pile (27.6 m) 及S-Pile (25.2 m) 有無樁頭載重(133 ton)的條件下,S-Pile的樁身彎矩僅M-Pile的10%;L-Pile (35.4 m)與M-Pile (27.6 m)具相同載重,當上部結構重心較高時,低頻地震產生的樁身彎矩比高頻地震大,重心較低則反之。從土壤側向變位可知,S-Pile樁身彎矩與土壤變位有關;藉地表樁身彎矩可知,L-Pile的地表樁身彎矩主要受牛頓運動定律(Newton’s law)影響;M-Pile的地表樁身彎矩主要受轉動慣量(moment of inertia)影響。
摘要(英) There is limited plate land but too much population in Taiwan, so the area and price of land at city is very expensive. Therefore, skyscraper were often built in recent year. Taiwan locates at the west side of the Circum-Pacific seismic zone, earthquakes often occur in this area. In order to increase the stability of the structure, the moment response of pile foundation is getting more important. Three kinds of piles (L-Pile, M-Pile and S-Pile) arranged for four centrifuge modeling tests which were performed in an artificial acceleration field of 80 g. The response of pile foundation were simulated by physical modeling and the seismic loadings were applied by centrifuge shaking table. The prototype pile foundation was scaled to design the model pile, and it is reduced to 1/80 times in dimension to the centrifuge model. Three accelerometer arrays were installed in the soil layer to measure the acceleration histories during shaking. The response of bending moments along the pile would be obtained from the attached strain gauges. The rotation angle and deflection of pile along depth can be calculated. Especially, the S-Pile which without upper structure to investigate the contribution from pile head loading.
Test results show that the frequencies of L-pile (with 10.8 m height of upper structure and mass of 1330 kN), M-pile (with 2.8 m height of upper structure and mass of 1330 kN) and S-pile (without upper structure) are 0.65 Hz, 1.99 Hz and 2.23 Hz, respectively. The soil resistance increases with the increasing depth for all models. The maximum bending moments of L-pile and M-pile occurred at 1.6 m (z/Dp=1.26, D is the diameter of pile) underground surface, and there is almost no significant bending moment along S-pile (z/Dp=3.8~11.3); the bending moments of L-Pile, M-Pile and S-Pile caused by Newton’s law, moment of inertia and soil displacement, respectively (L-Pile>M-Pile, 0.1×M-Pile≥S-Pile).
關鍵字(中) ★ 離心機模型試驗
★ 彎矩歷時
★ 樁基礎
★ 地盤反力係數
★ 系統主頻
關鍵字(英) ★ centrifuge shaking table test
★ bending moments
★ pile foundations
★ p-y curve
★ fundamental frequency of system
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiv
圖附錄 xv
符號說明 xix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機與目的 1
1-3研究方法 1
1-4論文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1基樁受振行為 3
2-2離心模型原理 4
2-2-1離心模型之基本相似律 5
2-2-2動態離心模型之基本相似律 5
2-2-3科氏加速度影響 6
2-2-4模型模擬(modeling of models) 7
2-3國內設計規範 8
2-4美國石油協會(API)建議之p-y曲線 8
2-5土層的彈性模數 9
第三章 試驗方法與試驗設備 19
3-1 試驗方法 19
3-2試驗土樣及基本性質 19
3-3 儀器設備與相關設備 20
3-3-1 地工離心機 20
3-3-2 中大離心振動台與資料擷取系統 20
3-3-3積層版試驗箱 21
3-3-4樁基礎模型 21
3-3-5各式感測器 22
3-3-6移動式霣降機 23
3-4試驗準備步驟與流程 24
3-4-1 前置作業 24
3-4-2重模試體製作 24
3-4-3離心機繞行前準備與振動試驗 25
第四章 試驗結果與分析 44
4-1 試驗規劃與條件 44
4-2 試驗結果 46
4-2-1 Ltest1之試驗結果 46
4-2-2 Mtest2之試驗結果 52
4-2-3 Ltest3之試驗結果 57
4-2-4 Mtest4之試驗結果 62
4-2-5 小結 67
4-3 綜合討論 69
4-3-1 加速度放大倍率 69
4-3-2 基盤與樁頭之相位差 70
4-3-3 樁基礎之旋轉角 71
4-3-4 樁基礎於各事件之最大彎矩值 72
4-3-5 L-Pile與M-Pile於土表之樁身彎矩歷時 73
4-3-6 樁身彎矩與土壤側向位移 74
4-3-7 水平地盤反力係數 74
第五章 結論與建議 210
5-1 結論 210
5-2 建議 211
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指導教授 洪汶宜、邱俊翔(Wen-Yi Hung Jiunn-Shyang Chiou) 審核日期 2016-8-29
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