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姓名 陳瀅琁(Ying-Xuan Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 科學酬載氣暉影像儀模擬設計
★ Analyzing the Sprite Emission Ratio from FORMOSAT-2 ISUAL Array Photometer Data★ 太空規格影像感測器模組開發
★ 製作登陸小行星用的Scheimpflug相機系統★ 聯合觀測喜馬拉雅山區上空重力波與紅色精靈
★ 利用耦合非負矩陣分解方法進行Hyper-SCAN影像合成★ 科學酬載暉光剖面儀之實作與測試
★ 影像式光譜儀的實作與紅色精靈光譜研究★ 立方衛星高光譜儀成像系統開發以及校正
★ 高光譜儀的光機構分析與模擬★ 發展立方衛星搭載高光譜儀資料標準流程與校正實驗
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摘要(中) 氣暉,是位在地球高層大氣的發光現象,本研究論文將著重於762nm (Atmospheric O2(0-0) band)與630nm (O(1D)波段)兩個波段進行研究分析,以規劃設計立方衛星的光學酬載。首先,我們選擇模擬時間為2010年春分,透過IRI-2007模式獲得帶電粒子密度、MSISE模式獲得中性粒子密度後計算762nm與630nm氣暉的體積放射率,接著估計天底方向 (nadir-view) 觀測時,氣暉的亮度與全球分布,並計算模擬衛星由臨邊方向 (limb-view) 觀測氣暉的預期結果,將兩數值進行比較分析,以提供氣暉觀測儀器的設計參考。

氣暉影像儀規劃選擇樹莓派相機模組(Pi NoIR Camera Board),因其具有成本低、體積小、重量輕及耗能低的優勢,並進行光學實驗驗證,包含空間解析度、觀測視野以及響應程度三項測試。根據光學實驗結果,觀測762nm與630nm波段氣暉,曝光時間設定分別約為150 ms 與1s。透過實驗評估觀測酬載設計之可行性,在不考慮太空中輻射的影響的情況下,我們建議未來立方衛星可使用樹莓派相機模組作為太空中的氣暉影像儀。
摘要(英) The airglow is a luminous phenomenon in the upper atmosphere. The 762nm and 630nm airglow emissions are selected to be designed for the optical payload of CubeSate. First, we simulate the 762nm and 630nm airglow by using the density of charged particles from IRI-2007 and neutral particles from MSISE model in spring of 2010. We can calculate the volume emission rates of 762nm and 630nm emissions, which are estimated for global distribution of airglow brightness in nadir-view and for the satellite measurement of the airglow brightness in limb-view. The calculated brightness of airglow emissions from nadir and limb-view can be used to testify the performance of imager sensor onboard CubeSate.

We select the Pi NoIR camera module (Raspberry Pi board) as the imager sensor because of its advantages of low-cost, compact, light-weight and low-power. We testified the performance of spatial resolution, field of view and the responsivity of the camera module. Based on our results of optical experiments, we estimate the imager exposure time of 762nm and 630nm emissions is required at least 150 ms and 1s, respectively. We suggest that the Raspberry Pi camera module can be used to observe airglow in space without considering radiance damage.
關鍵字(中) ★ 氣暉
★ 立方衛星
★ 樹莓派
★ Pi NoIR相機模組
關鍵字(英) ★ Airglow
★ CubeSat
★ Raspberry Pi
★ Pi NoIR Camera Board
論文目次 摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII

第1 章、緒論 1
1-1 大氣暉光 1
1-2 研究動機與背景 3

第2 章、762nm與630nm 氣暉模擬 6
2-1 氣暉的化學機制與亮度計算 6
2-2 衛星軌道設定 14
2-3 630nm 氣暉天底與臨邊觀測模擬 18
2-4 762nm 氣暉天底與臨邊觀測模擬 22

第3 章、氣暉影像儀選用-樹莓派(Raspberry Pi) 26
3-1 實驗儀器介紹 26
3-2 解析度測試(Resolution) 28
3-3 觀測視野測試(Field of View, FOV) 39
3-4 響應程度測試(Responsivity) 48

第4 章、討論與總結 59

參考文獻 63
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Applied Image Products USAF-1951 Resolution Targets

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Raspberry Pi Hardware documentation-camera module

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指導教授 郭政靈 審核日期 2016-7-26
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