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姓名 王志文(Jyh-Wen Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 影響左位數效果之因素探討
(On the Conditions Affecting the Left-Digit Effect)
★ 網頁背景圖片對消費者產品偏好的影響★ 組合商品的定價模式對消費者的滿意度與價值知覺
★ KTV消費型態與消費者類型之關聯★ 蘋果沉浸度研究
★ 女性業務人員的配飾、妝容、上衣對業務職能特質知覺之影響★ 男性業務人員服飾配件對職能特質知覺之影響
★ 個人辦公桌擺設對員工工作投入與專業職能知覺之影響★ 飯店房間內擺設對消費者知覺與金錢價值之影響 --- 以人格特質為干擾變數
★ 療癒著色本對情緒轉換與風險偏好的影響★ 名片設計對業務人員的職能特質與工作績效之知覺影響
★ 美語補習班的創新服務★ 台灣工具機製造商之策略構面、組織構面及財務績效之關係研究:五大廠商之個案分析
★ 服務花朵的創新與競爭優勢:以五家牙科診所的個案分析★ 反向策略之廣告效果研究
★ 不同性刺激形式所引發的性幻想程度對廣告效果之影響★ 情緒在消費者決策行為中的影響
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摘要(中) 左位數效果已被學者證實對價格認知造成影響,當兩個被比較的數字之最左位數不同及較接近時,將產生左位數效果,造成九結尾的價格知覺顯著較低。在先前的研究鮮少探討左位數對價格認知影響的可能干擾變數,本論文者主要探討價格實際顯示的方式、消費者的心理因素、以及更廣泛的價格範圍,在比較價格時對左位數效果與知覺價格差異可能產生之影響。
摘要(英) The left-digit effect describes what happens when product prices are presented in a certain way, for example at one cent below a whole number. The influence exerted means that prices are encoded at significantly different levels when the leftmost digit is changed to a lower level (e.g., $3.00 and $2.99), but this is not the case if the leftmost digit remains unchanged (e.g., $3.20 to $3.19). It has been shown that the leftmost digits can exert a disproportionate influence on the encoding of the perceived magnitude of a price when the leftmost digits differ and when the two prices being compared are closer (e.g., $3.99 vs. $5.00 compared to $3.99 vs. $6.00).
The left-digit effect has been shown to have a big impact on the perceived numerical difference. However, in prior research relatively little was known about the possible impact of moderating variables on the left-digit effect. In this dissertation, an analog model adapted from the numerical cognition literature (Adaval and Monroe 2002; Monroe and Lee 1999) is used to explore how the left-digit effect and perceived numerical difference may be influenced by physical and psychological factors, and a much wider price level. Eight experiments are carried out to assess the conditions under which the left-digit effect occurs or weakens with the goal at providing a deeper understanding of the processing mechanisms that underlie this form of perceptual distortion. Further, it is hoped that this endeavor will contribute to our understanding of the boundaries to the left-digit effect.
The results of study 1 show that a nine ending price affects the perceived difference between two compared prices only if the leftmost digit changes, as in Thomas and Morwitz (2005). In study 2, the empirical study of the left-digit effect to is extended to non-nine ending numbers. Similarly, three digit numbers ending in 7 (e.g., 297 vs. 300) can also be underestimated in the same way as numbers ending in 9 (e.g., 299 vs. 300).
Study 3 to study 6 seek to explore the effect of price font size, distance between digits, and orientation (horizontal vs. vertical) on the relationship of left digit and perceived difference between two compared prices. The results indicate that the left-digit effect does not occur when the font size of the target price is magnified, the distance between the price digits is increased or the prices are displayed using a vertical model. In short, price font size, the way the price is displayed, and physical separation between the digits can affect numerical difference perceptions when comparing two prices.
In studies 6 and 7 are designed to explore how the left-digit effect and perceived numerical difference may be influenced by both the digit size and the number of digits. In study 6, a comparison of regular and sale prices, specifically three digit integers with different leftmost digits, shows that consumers perceive the price discount to be larger when the left digit is small (e.g., 1 or 4) than when it is large (e.g., 7). The lower the two prices being compared, the more likely it is that the left-digit effect will occur. The results of study 7 show that the perceived discount is likely to diminish when the number of digits is increased to produce a four digit integer. In other words, the number of digits can affect perceptions of the numerical difference when comparing two prices. Thus, the effect of a left-digit change to produce a nine-ending price would be weaker for higher-priced products. The findings indicate the existence of a novel boundary to the left-digit effect.
Study 8 is designed to further to explore how the dimensions of psychological distance and motivation affect the left-digit effect. The results suggest that the left-digit effect occurs when participants have a time constraint or have a low motivation to process information; it does not occur when participants have sufficient motivation to process information and the time constraint is less. In other words, when the motivation to deal with information is high and there is little pressure, consumers are more likely to process information systematically which tends to weaken the left-digit effect.
關鍵字(中) ★ 左位數效果
★ 九結尾價格
★ 字體大小
★ 數字顯示方式
★ 數字間的距離
★ 價格大小
★ 數字位數
★ 韋伯定律
★ 時間距離
★ 動機
關鍵字(英) ★ left-digit effect
★ nine-ending price
★ font size
★ digit appearance model
★ distance between digits
★ price level
★ number of digits
★ Weber-Fechner Law
★ temporal distance
★ motivation

2.1.1 Unaware Anchoring 10
2.1.2 Unintentional Anchoring 11
2.2.1 Stroop effect 14
2.2.2 Representativeness of font size 15
2.2.3 Distance between digits 17
2.3.1 The ease of computation effect 20
2.3.2 Distance effect and Weber-Fechner Law 21
2.3.3 Number of digits 23
2.4.1 Heuristic-systematic dual-processing model and sources of time pressure 26
3.2.1 Study 1 31
3.2.2 Study 2 37
3.2.3 Study 3 42
3.2.4 Study 4 47
3.2.5 Study 5 53
3.2.6 Study 6 58
3.2.7 Study 7 64
3.2.8 Study 8 73
Appendix 1: Study 1 Questionnaire 100
Appendix 2: Study 2 Questionnaire 102
Appendix 3: Study 3 Questionnaire 103
Appendix 4: Study 4 Questionnaire 104
Appendix 5: Study 5 Questionnaire 105
Appendix 6: Study 6 Questionnaire 106
Appendix 7: Study 7 Pilot Test Questionnaire 109
Appendix 8: Study 7 Questionnaire 113
Appendix 9: Study 8 Questionnaire 116

FIGURE 1 Research framework 30
FIGURE 2 Perceived difference in magnitude between the target and the standard prices in Study 1 34
FIGURE 3 Moderating effect of the left digit in price cognition for Study 1 34
FIGURE 4 Perceived difference in magnitude between the regular and sale prices in Study 2 39
FIGURE 5 Moderating effect of the left digit in price cognition for Study 2 40
FIGURE 6 Perceived difference in magnitude between the target and the standard prices in Study 3 44
FIGURE 7 Effects of the left-digit and font size in price cognition for Study 3 45
FIGURE 8 Perceived difference in magnitude between the regular and sale prices in Study 4 50
FIGURE 9 Effects of the left-digit and distance between digits in price cognition 51
FIGURE 10 Perceived difference in magnitude between the regular and sale prices in Study 5 55
FIGURE 11 Effects of the left-digit and price appearance model in price cognition 56
FIGURE 12 Perceived difference in magnitude between the regular and sale prices in Study 6 61
FIGURE 13 Effects of the left digit and price level in price cognition 61
FIGURE 14 Perceived difference in magnitude between the regular and sale prices in Study 7 68
FIGURE 15 Effects of the left digit, price level and number of digits in price cognition 69
FIGURE 16 Perceived difference in magnitude between the target and the sale prices in Study 8 77
FIGURE 17 Effects of left digit, time distance and source of time pressure in price cognition 78

TABLE 1 Stimuli used in Experiment 1 32
TABLE 2 Descriptive statistics for Study 1 35
TABLE 3 Repeated measures ANOVA for Study 1 35
TABLE 4 Tests of within-subjects contrasts for Study 1 35
TABLE 5 Tests of between-subjects effects for Study 1 36
TABLE 6 Stimuli used in Experiment 2 37
TABLE 7 Descriptive statistics for Study 2 40
TABLE 8 Repeated measures ANOVA for Study 2 41
TABLE 9 Stimuli used in Experiment 3 43
TABLE 10 Descriptive statistics for Study 3 46
TABLE 11 Repeated measures ANOVA for Study 3 46
TABLE 12 Stimuli used in Experiment 4 48
TABLE 13 Descriptive statistics for Study 4 52
TABLE 14 Repeated measures ANOVA for Study 4 52
TABLE 15 Stimuli used in Experiment 5 53
TABLE 16 Descriptive statistics for Study 5 57
TABLE 17 Repeated measures ANOVA for Study 5 57
TABLE 18 Stimuli used in Experiment 6 58
TABLE 19 Descriptive statistics for Study 6 62
TABLE 20 Repeated measures ANOVA for Study 6 62
TABLE 21 Stimuli used in Experiment 7 66
TABLE 22 Descriptive statistics for Study 7 70
TABLE 23 Repeated measures ANOVA for Study 7 71
TABLE 24 Stimuli used in Experiment 8 74
TABLE 25 Descriptive statistics for Study 8 79
TABLE 26 Repeated measures ANOVA for Study 8 80
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指導教授 林建煌(Chien-Huang Lin) 審核日期 2016-6-13
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