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姓名 陳宜萱(Yi-Hsuan Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 正負網路評論之有效性探討 ─以讀者信任程度為調節變項
(The moderating effect of reader trust on the negativity bias on online review)
★ 以第四方物流經營模式分析博連資訊科技股份有限公司★ 探討虛擬環境下隱性協調在新產品導入之作用--以電子組裝業為例
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★ B2C網路黏著度之探討-以博客來為例★ 組織機制與吸收能力關係之研究-以新產品開發專案為例
★ Revisit the Concept of Exploration and Exploitation★ 臺灣遠距醫療照護系統之發展及營運模式探討
★ 資訊系統與人力資訊科技資源對供應鏈績效影響之研究-買方依賴性的干擾效果★ 資訊科技對知識創造影響之研究-探討社會鑲嵌的中介效果
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摘要(中) 在網路日益發達的社會中,藉由網路分享的網路評論也隨之受到大眾之關注。根據資策會調查之結果發現台灣使用網路的消費族群中高達81%的消費者在購物前會使用網路口碑做為購物之參考。網路評論的盛行也使得網路評論之有效性受到業界及學者的關注。
在探討評論有效性的過程中,學者發現讀者通常會比較重視負面之網路評論所提供的訊息,而這樣的現象被稱為負面偏誤(Negativity Bias),且因為網路環境虛擬且存在著許多風險,信任對於網路互動扮演著十分重要的角色。因此,本研究旨在探討信任及讀者態度對於正負面網路評論之有效性影響。
摘要(英) In an increasingly developed society, the public′s attention is drawn to online reviews. According to the III (Institute for Information Industry) and the results of a survey they undertook; they discovered that up to 81% of Taiwanese consumers use online reviews as a reference when shopping. As the online review has grown increasingly popular, so too, it has also become an important factor for the industry and scholars.
During the process of discussing online review validity, researchers found that readers would usually pay more attention to negative online reviews. Such a phenomenon is called negativity bias, and because of how the virtual network operates—including potential risks from people writing misleading online information—trust towards network interaction plays a very important role. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of trust and the readers’ attitude on the effectiveness of both positive and negative online reviews.
This study selected a positive and negative online review through pretest. The Experimental Design and Research Method we created to conduct this experiment included dividing our subjects into two groups. One group read only the positive review, and the other saw only the negative review. Afterwards, the subjects were then required to fill out a questionnaire, which resulted in a total of 291 valid questionnaires at the end of the study. The results showed that:
1. The effect of negative online reviews will be greater than positive online reviews.
2. Trustworthy positive moderate negative bias.
3. If the readers and the online review are consistent, the reader′s trust should be enhanced; but on the contrary, the trust is weakened.
關鍵字(中) ★ 正負網路評論
★ 負面偏誤
★ 信任
★ 評論有效性
關鍵字(英) ★ Online review valence
★ Negativity bias
★ Trust
★ Review Helpfulness
論文目次 摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
一、 緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2研究目的 3
1-3研究流程 4
二、 文獻探討 5
2-1網路評論與評論有效性 5
2-2信任 7
2-3負面偏誤 8
三、 研究設計 10
3-1研究架構 10
3-2研究假說 11
3-3變數定義、操弄與衡量 13
3-4研究設計 15
四、 資料分析與檢定 18
4-1樣本之人口統計分析 18
4-2信度與效度 19
4-3模型路徑分析與假設檢定 22
4-4干擾效果統計結果與分析 23
4-5假說檢驗結果總整理 23
五、 結論與建議 24
5-1研究結果討論 24
5-2管理意涵 25
5-3研究限制與未來建議 25
文獻參考 27
附錄一 32
附錄二 36
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指導教授 陳炫碩 審核日期 2016-9-14
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