摘要(英) |
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure in normal condition; they cause numerous molecules to easily evaporate into the atmosphere. Most human-made chemical compounds include lots of VOCs that produce air pollution and dangerous to human health or cause harm to the environment.
In order to decrease VOCs produce air pollution and enhance spraying film quality, the research proposed solvent-free coating that UV-cured resin spraying into vacuum, we success have atomize viscosity 60cP resin by 14 kg/cm^2 pressure at 〖10〗^(-2) torr vacuum environment, moreover remove bubble in resin by degassing system then avoid pinhole pollution, and then cured by ultraviolet at atmospheric environment, finally success coating thickness 20 μm thin film on surface, the mist of polymer liquid spray on the substrate as a full-thickness liquid film that covers the entire substrate surface and its features. The resulting surface is glassy with virtually no defects or pinholes. Because of liquid film have excellent adhesion and quite efficient smoothing on rough substrates.
The process has several advantage include smooth like mirror, better adhesion on rough substrate, more quickly coating efficient, low temperature, amenable to virtually all types of deposition processes, especially this process avoid polymer directly contact human and VOCs can be exhaust by filter system, it’s friendly to environment. |
參考文獻 |
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