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姓名 鮑永翰(Yung-Han,Bau)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 真空聚合物薄膜在三維曲面研究
(Research of vacuum polymer film on three dimension surface)
★ 以反應性射頻磁控濺鍍搭配HMDSO電漿聚合鍍製氧化矽摻碳薄膜阻障層之研究★ 軟性電子阻水氣膜之有機層組成研究
★ 利用介電質-金屬對稱膜堆設計雙曲超穎材料並分析其光學特性★ 石墨烯與超導金屬介面的電子穿隧行為
★ 石墨烯透明導電膜與其成長模型之研究★ 電漿輔助石墨烯直接成長在Pt上成長機制
★ 以磁控電漿輔助化學氣相沉積法製鍍有機矽阻障層之研究★ 以電漿聚合鍍製氧化矽摻碳氫薄膜應力之研究
★ 快速退火影響石墨烯晶粒尺寸之研究★ 電漿輔助低溫化學氣相沉積法直接成長石墨烯/金屬複合透明導電薄膜
★ 快速退火生長高品質石墨烯★ 改善石墨烯轉印品質之研究
★ 暗場顯微鏡系統監控石墨烯成長之研究★ 以射頻磁控濺鍍鍍製多層有機矽阻障層研究
★ 利用有限元素方法分析光譜合束器之多層介電質繞射光柵之繞射效率★ 化學氣相沉積石墨烯透明導電膜之製程與分析
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摘要(中) 揮發性有機化合物(Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs)舉有高氣壓,在正常狀態下可以顯著地汽化,從而進入大氣中。大部分工業產品和消費品的塗料均含有揮發性有機化合物,會釋出揮發性有機化合物四散到空氣中,造成空氣汙染以及對人體的危害。
本研究為解決上述汙染問題並提升噴塗後的薄膜品質,提出將無溶劑塗料紫外光固化樹脂移往真空下噴塗,在真空〖10〗^(-2) torr下利用14 kg/〖cm〗^2壓力霧化黏度60 cP的光固化樹脂,並藉脫氣系統解決塗料中混雜的水氣在噴塗過程對薄膜造成的汙染,最後移往大氣下藉由高壓紫外燈固化,成功在非平曲面塗布20 μm的薄膜,液相膜在曲面有良好流動性,真空噴塗避免了灰塵汙染及水氣在膜面留下的針孔,提升了薄膜品質。
摘要(英) Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure in normal condition; they cause numerous molecules to easily evaporate into the atmosphere. Most human-made chemical compounds include lots of VOCs that produce air pollution and dangerous to human health or cause harm to the environment.
In order to decrease VOCs produce air pollution and enhance spraying film quality, the research proposed solvent-free coating that UV-cured resin spraying into vacuum, we success have atomize viscosity 60cP resin by 14 kg/cm^2 pressure at 〖10〗^(-2) torr vacuum environment, moreover remove bubble in resin by degassing system then avoid pinhole pollution, and then cured by ultraviolet at atmospheric environment, finally success coating thickness 20 μm thin film on surface, the mist of polymer liquid spray on the substrate as a full-thickness liquid film that covers the entire substrate surface and its features. The resulting surface is glassy with virtually no defects or pinholes. Because of liquid film have excellent adhesion and quite efficient smoothing on rough substrates.
The process has several advantage include smooth like mirror, better adhesion on rough substrate, more quickly coating efficient, low temperature, amenable to virtually all types of deposition processes, especially this process avoid polymer directly contact human and VOCs can be exhaust by filter system, it’s friendly to environment.
關鍵字(中) ★ 真空噴塗
★ 紫外光固化樹脂
論文目次 摘要 I
目錄 I
圖目錄 III
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 研究架構 4
第二章 基礎理論與產業概況 6
2-1 塗料業現況 6
2-2 紫外光固化原理 9
2-3 霧化噴嘴原理 11
2-4 霧化過程 14
2-5 真空下噴塗液相薄膜方法介紹 17
2-6 真空聚合物噴塗法 22
第三章 實驗架構與儀器介紹 25
3-1 真空聚合物噴塗系統架構 25
3-2 測量儀器 31
第四章 實驗結果與比較 35
4-1 雙流體噴嘴測試 35
4-2 脫氣 37
4-3 單流體噴嘴測試 37
4-4 ABS樹脂噴塗於玻璃基板測試 39
4-5 化妝瓶與車燈成品測試 43
第五章 結論與未來工作 45
5-1 結論 45
5-2 未來工作 46
參考文獻 48
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指導教授 郭倩丞 審核日期 2016-9-22
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