博碩士論文 103329003 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳澍齊(Shu-Chi Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 材料科學與工程研究所
論文名稱 氫化二氧化鈦作為鋰、鈉、鎂鋰雙離子電池電極活性材料之電化學性質研究
(Hydrogenated TiO2 for Li-, Na-, and Mg/Li-ion battery electrodes)
★ 以超臨界流體製備金屬觸媒/奈米碳管複合材料並探討其添加對氫化鋁鋰放氫特性的影響★ 陽極沉積釩氧化物於離子液體中之擬電容行為
★ 以電化學沉積法製備奈米氧化釩及錫在多孔鎳電極上與其儲電特性★ 以超臨界流體製備石墨烯/金屬複合觸媒並 探討其添加對氫化鋁鋰放氫特性的影響
★ 離子液體電解質應用於石墨烯超級電容之特性分析★ 溶劑熱法合成三硫化二銻複合材料應用於鈉離子電池負極
★ 利用超臨界流體製備二氧化錫/石墨烯奈米複合材料 應用於鈉離子電池負極★ 電解質添加劑對鋅二次電池陽極電化學性質的影響
★ 電化學法所製備石墨烯及其硼摻雜改質之 超級電容特性分析★ 活性碳之粒徑與表面官能基以及所搭配的電解質配方對超高電容特性之影響
★ 超臨界CO2合成SnO2、CoCO3與石墨烯複合材之儲鋰特性及陽極沉積層狀V2O5之儲鈉特性研究★ 高濃度電解質於鋰電池知應用研究
★ 熱解法製備硬碳材料應用於鈉離子電池負極★ 活性碳粉之表面官能基及粒徑尺寸 對超高電容特性的影響
★ 離子液體電解質於鈉離子電池之應用★ 研發以二氧化錫為負極材料的鈉離子電池: 電解液、輔助性碳材料與黏著劑的優化
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摘要(中) 本研究將三種二氧化鈦晶相,anatase、bronzer及rutile氫處理成氫化二氧化鈦,並應用於鋰離子、鈉離子與鎂鋰雙離子電池,藉由氫化增進電極的導電度與電化學動力學性質,以提升電池性能。過往研究僅有將氫化應用於鋰離子電池,尚未有文獻報導應用於鈉離子與鎂鋰雙離子電池。
實驗結果發現氫化anatase較原材在鋰離子、鈉離子與鎂鋰雙離子電池效能皆大幅提升。在鋰離子電池方面,在16.8 mA/g (0.05 C) 低電流密度下可得264 mAh/g;在10 A/g (30 C) 高電流密度下仍有34 mAh/g,經500圈循環壽命測試維持率仍有74%。鈉離子電池方面,在大電流充放電下10 A/g 仍可維持達94 mAh/g,在循環壽命上也有非常優異表現,以500 mA/g 測試4300圈循環壽命維持率,其電容值仍有110 mAh/g。在鎂鋰雙離子電池方面,在8.4 mA/g (0.05 C) 低電流密度下可得240 mAh/g;而在1680 mA/g (10 C) 高電流密度下仍可得95 mAh/g,而在168 mA/g (1 C) 循環壽命測試下,200圈循環壽命維持率達83%。
摘要(英) Hydrogenated transition metal oxides (TMOs) prepared via a hydrogenation treatment process have attracted increasing attention as electrodes in lithium ion batteries and supercapacitors, which is attributed to the improved electronic conductivity and electrochemical reactions kinetics. In this work, three different TiO2 phases including anatase (TiO2-A), bronze (TiO2-B), and rutile (TiO2-R) and their hydrogenated products (denoted with a prefix “H”) are investigated as electrodes in Li-, Na-, and Mg/Li-ion battery. We demonstrate, for the first time, the effects of hydrogenation treatment on electrochemical performances of TiO2 in Na- and Mg/Li-ion battery.
Our experimental results shows that hydrogenation treatment improves the capacity of anatase TiO2 in MLIBs up to 240 mAh/g (at 8.4 mA/g), which is 2 times higher than the raw TiO2. Furthermore, the high rate capabilities of anatase TiO2 (HTiO2-A) in LIBs (34 mAh/g at 10A/g), NIBs (94 mAh/g at 10A/g), and MLIBs (95 mAh/g at 1.68A/g) are enhanced as compared to the raw TiO2-A. Regarding the cycle stabilities of HTiO2-A, 74% capacity is retained after 500 cycles for LIBs, while 60% after 4300 cycles for NIBs and 83% after 200 cycles for MLIBs. All these results indicate the significant benefits of hydrogenation treatment on the anatase TiO2.
The enhanced performances might be explained by oxygen vacancies, disordered surface and Ti3+ ions created by hydrogenation process. The introduction of oxygen vacancies improves the electronic conductivity of materials, while the disordered surface may provide more active sites for electrochemical reactions. The combined effects of the disordered surface and Ti3+ induce pseudocapacitive lithium storage on the HTiO2 surface, which features much faster kinetics. However, hydrogenation treatment improves the electrochemical performances of the bronze and rutile phases only for NIBs, which is possibly attributed to phase transformation of the bronze phase and the larger particle size of the rutile phase.
Conclusively, hydrogenation treatment enhances electrochemical performances of transition metal oxides not only in LIBs but also in SIBs and MLIBs although the simultaneous phase transformation and particle size are needed to be concerned. In the future, the developed hydrogenation technique potentially extends to a variety of metal oxide electrodes in lithium, sodium, magnesium, and aluminum ion battery applications.
The experimental results show that the enhanced effect of hydrogenated treatment on transition metal oxides not only in lithium ion batteries but also in sodium ion battery and magnesium-lithium ion battery. Therefore, the developed hydrogenation technique potentially extends to a variety of metal oxide electrodes in lithium, sodium, magnesium, and aluminum ion battery applications.
關鍵字(中) ★ 氫處理
★ 二氧化鈦
★ 鋰離子電池
★ 鈉離子電池
★ 鎂離子電池
★ 雙鹽系統
關鍵字(英) ★ hydrogenation
★ titanium oxide
★ lithium ion batteries
★ sodium ion batteries
★ magnesium ion batteries
★ dual ion system
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 VI
一、 緒論 1
二、 文獻回顧 2
2-1 金屬離子電池 2
2-1-1 鋰離子電池 2
2-1-2 鈉離子電池 3
2-1-3 鎂離子電池 7
2-1-4 雙鹽系統之鎂離子電池(鎂鋰雙離子電池) 9
2-2 二氧化鈦應於金屬離子電池 13
2-2-1 二氧化鈦應用於鋰離子電池負極材料 13
2-2-2 二氧化鈦應用於鈉離子電池負極材料 20
2-2-3 二氧化鈦應用於鎂鋰雙離子電池正極材料 26
2-3 氫化金屬氧化物簡介 27
2-4 氫化金屬氧化物在鋰離子電池應用 29
2-5 氫化二氧化鈦特性鑑定 32
2-5-1 表面無序結構鑑定 32
2-5-2 氧空缺鑑定 33
2-5-3 Ti3+離子鑑定 33
2-5-4 Ti-OH 鍵結鑑定 34
2-5-5 Ti-H 鍵結鑑定 34
2-6 氧空缺改質鋰離子電池與鈉離子電池 40
三、 實驗方法及步驟 41
3-1 活性物質製備 41
3-1-1 TiO2及H-TiO2之製備 41
3-1-2 電解液之調配 42
3-1-3 電極製作與鈕扣型電池封裝 42
3-2 材料特性鑑定 44
3-2-1 TiO2及H-TiO2之形貌分析 44
3-2-2 TiO2及H-TiO2晶體結構分析 44
3-2-3 TiO2及H-TiO2缺陷結構鑑定 44
3-3 電化學測試 46
3-3-1 循環伏安法 (Cyclic voltammetry, CV) 46
3-3-2 計時電位法 (Chronopotentimetry, CP) 46
3-3-3 交流阻抗法 (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, EIS) 47
四、 結果與討論 49
4-1 TiO2及H-TiO2材料分析 49
4-1-1 材料外觀照片 49
4-1-2 材料結晶結構分析 49
4-1-3 材料形貌分析 50
4-1-4 拉曼光譜分析 51
4-1-5 X光電子能譜分析 51
4-1-6 X光吸收光譜分析 52
4-2 TiO2及H-TiO2之鋰離子電池分析 60
4-2-1 交流阻抗分析 60
4-2-2 定電流充放電分析 60
4-2-3 循環壽命分析 62
4-2-4 TiO2及H-TiO2之鋰離子電池之反應機構探討 62
4-3 TiO2及H-TiO2之鈉離子電池分析 70
4-3-1 交流阻抗分析 70
4-3-2 循環伏安分析 70
4-3-3 定電流充放電分析 71
4-3-4 循環壽命分析 73
4-3-5 TiO2及H-TiO2之鈉離子電池之反應機構探討 74
4-4 TiO2及H-TiO2之鎂鋰雙離子電池分析 83
4-4-1 表面形貌分析 83
4-4-2 鎂化鑑定 83
4-4-3 交流阻抗分析 84
4-4-4 循環伏安分析 84
4-4-5 定電流充放電分析 85
4-4-6 循環壽命分析 87
4-4-7 TiO2及H-TiO2之鎂鋰雙離子電池之反應機構探討 88
五、 結論 99
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61. Yang, C.; Zhu, Q.; Lei, T.; Li, H.; Xie, C. The coupled effect of oxygen vacancies and Pt on the photoelectric response of tungsten trioxide films. J. Mater. Chem. C 2014, 2, 9467-9477.
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71. Li, G.; Zhang, Z.; Peng, H.; Chen, K. Mesoporous hydrogenated TiO2 microspheres for high rate capability lithium ion batteries. RSC Advances 2013, 3, 11507.
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74. Qiu, J.; Li, S.; Gray, E.; Liu, H.; Gu, Q.-F.; Sun, C.; Lai, C.; Zhao, H.; Zhang, S. Hydrogenation Synthesis of Blue TiO2 for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118, 8824-8830.
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77. Wang, N.; Yue, J.; Chen, L.; Qian, Y.; Yang, J. Hydrogenated TiO2 Branches Coated Mn3O4 Nanorods as an Advanced Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2015, 7, 10348-10355.
78. Xia, T.; Zhang, W.; Li, W.; Oyler, N. A.; Liu, G.; Chen, X. Hydrogenated surface disorder enhances lithium ion battery performance. Nano Energy 2013, 2, 826-835.
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80. Xia, T.; Zhang, W.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Song, X.; Murowchick, J.; Battaglia, V.; Liu, G.; Chen, X. Amorphous carbon-coated TiO2 nanocrystals for improved lithium-ion battery and photocatalytic performance. Nano Energy 2014, 6, 109-118.
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82. Zhang, Z.; Zhou, Z.; Nie, S.; Wang, H.; Peng, H.; Li, G.; Chen, K. Flower-like hydrogenated TiO2(B) nanostructures as anode materials for high-performance lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 267, 388-393.
83. Zheng, J.; Liu, Y.; Ji, G.; Zhang, P.; Cao, X.; Wang, B.; Zhang, C.; Zhou, X.; Zhu, Y.; Shi, D. Hydrogenated Oxygen-Deficient Blue Anatase as Anode for High-Performance Lithium Batteries. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2015, 7, 23431-23438.
84. Peng, X.; Zhang, X.; Wang, L.; Hu, L.; Cheng, S. H.-S.; Huang, C.; Gao, B.; Ma, F.; Huo, K.; Chu, P. K. Hydrogenated V2O5 Nanosheets for Superior Lithium Storage Properties. Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26, 784-791.
85. Qiu, J.; Lai, C.; Gray, E.; Li, S.; Qiu, S.; Strounina, E.; Sun, C.; Zhao, H.; Zhang, S. Blue hydrogenated lithium titanate as a high-rate anode material for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2, 6353-6358.
86. Liu, L.; Sun, L.; Liu, J.; Xiao, X.; Hu, Z.; Cao, X.; Wang, B.; Liu, X. Enhancing the electrochemical properties of NiFe2O4 anode for lithium ion battery through a simple hydrogenation modification. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2014, 39, 11258-11266.
87. Xiao, X.; Peng, Z.; Chen, C.; Zhang, C.; Beidaghi, M.; Yang, Z.; Wu, N.; Huang, Y.; Miao, L.; Gogotsi, Y.; Zhou, J. Freestanding MoO3−x nanobelt/carbon nanotube films for Li-ion intercalation pseudocapacitors. Nano Energy 2014, 9, 355-363.
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90. Zhang, C.; Yu, H.; Li, Y.; Gao, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Song, W.; Shao, Z.; Yi, B. Supported Noble Metals on Hydrogen‐Treated TiO2 Nanotube Arrays as Highly Ordered Electrodes for Fuel Cells. ChemSusChem 2013, 6, 659-666.
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92. Xia, T.; Zhang, C.; Oyler, N. A.; Chen, X. Enhancing microwave absorption of TiO2 nanocrystals via hydrogenation. Journal of Materials Research 2014, 29, 2198-2210.
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100. Wang, Z.; Yang, C.; Lin, T.; Yin, H.; Chen, P.; Wan, D.; Xu, F.; Huang, F.; Lin, J.; Xie, X. H‐Doped Black Titania with Very High Solar Absorption and Excellent Photocatalysis Enhanced by Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance. Advanced Functional Materials 2013, 23, 5444-5450.
101. Qiu, B.; Zhang, M.; Wu, L.; Wang, J.; Xia, Y.; Qian, D.; Liu, H.; Hy, S.; Chen, Y.; An, K.; Zhu, Y.; Liu, Z.; Meng, Y. S. Gas-solid interfacial modification of oxygen activity in layered oxide cathodes for lithium-ion batteries. Nature communications 2016, 7, 12108.
102. Xu, Y.; Zhou, M.; Wang, X.; Wang, C.; Liang, L.; Grote, F.; Wu, M.; Mi, Y.; Lei, Y. Enhancement of Sodium Ion Battery Performance Enabled by Oxygen Vacancies. Angewandte Chemie 2015, 54, 8768-8771.
103. Chen, C. L.; Dong, C. L.; Chen, C. H.; Wu, J. W.; Lu, Y. R.; Lin, C. J.; Liou, S. Y.; Tseng, C. M.; Kumar, K.; Wei, D. H.; Guo, J.; Chou, W. C.; Wu, M. K. Electronic properties of free-standing TiO2 nanotube arrays fabricated by electrochemical anodization. Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP 2015, 17, 22064-22071.
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105. Li, S.; Qiu, J.; Lai, C.; Ling, M.; Zhao, H.; Zhang, S. Surface capacitive contributions: Towards high rate anode materials for sodium ion batteries. Nano Energy 2015, 12, 224-230.
106. Mohtadi, R.; Matsui, M.; Arthur, T. S.; Hwang, S. J. Magnesium borohydride: from hydrogen storage to magnesium battery. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012, 51, 9780-9783.
指導教授 張仍奎(Jeng-Kuei Chang) 審核日期 2016-8-31
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