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姓名 賴麗芳(Li-Fang Lai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
論文名稱 性平治理與友善校園:兒少保護主義的含蓄政治
(Gender Equity and School Governance: “Friendly Campus,” Child Protectionism and the Politics of Reticence)
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摘要(中) 「友善校園」做為當前主流的教育改革政策,吸納了台灣自解嚴以來的主流社會運動訴求,將「民主」、「平等」、「人權」…等西方文明價值視為教養下一代的重要指標,其中尤以1990年代末期奠基於性侵害/性騷擾防治,由國家女性主義者所推行的「性別平等」主流化政策深刻影響2000年後校園兒少「性」部署,同時,搭配緣起於保守基督教團體的「兒少保護」意識形態,以最脆弱的幼兒想像受害族群並誓言保護未成年人,藉著弱化兒童與青少年,剝奪高中職以下學生的性與身體自主權,以達成年管理者對未成年者的權力管控。
摘要(英) This thesis examines the ideologies that shape the current structure of the “Friendly Campus” as the major project of educational reform that is jointly promoted by the government and by civil society in contemporary Taiwan. As the UN discourses of human rights, such as gender mainstreaming and anti-child abuse, have been integrated and taken for granted in the “Friendly Campus” project, the ideologies of child protectionism and gender equality are essentially practiced in the MOE’s school policy of gender equity education. Gender equity education is effected by a parental and maternal emotion/morality that reaches out not only for the children that represent the ideal of the nation’s better future but also for the minority groups who reflect the merciful glow of this superior kindness, which reciprocally stabilizes the stratification of the existing socio-cultural hierarchy. Illuminated by Ding Nai-Fei and Liu Jeng-Peng’s analysis of reticent politics, I try to unravel the friendly cruelty that is exerted under the school governance of gender equality and child protectionism through the securitization of the reporting system, and that violently dominates the life and death of the marginal sex and sexuality.
關鍵字(中) ★ 性別平等
★ 校園治理
★ 性/別
★ 兒少保護
★ 性騷擾
★ 含蓄
★ 通報系統
★ 安全
關鍵字(英) ★ gender equity
★  school governance
★  sexuality
★ child protectionism
★ sexual harassment
★ reticence
★ reporting system
★ securitization
論文目次 Contents

English Abstract i
Chinese Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Contents vii


CHAPTER 1 “Friendly Campus” and Gender Equity Governance 25

CHAPTER 2 The Mourning Politics of Gender Equity and the New “Tongzhi” Normativity 43

CHAPTER 3 The State of Emergency under the Reporting System of the “Friendly Campus” 61



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指導教授 黃道明(Hans Tao-Ming Huang) 審核日期 2016-7-19
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