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姓名 趙慶祥(Ching-Hsiang Chao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
(Two Essays on Real Estate Investment Behaviors: Anchoring Bias and Disposition Effect)
★ 最適指數複製法之自動化建置:以ETF50為例★ 台灣公債市場與台幣利率交換交易市場動態關聯性之研究
★ 企業貸款債權證券化--信用增強探討★ 停損點反向操作指標在台灣期貨市場實證
★ 投資型保單評價-富邦金吉利保本投資連結型遞延年金保險乙型(VANB5)★ 停損點反向操作指標在台灣債券市場實證
★ 匯率風險值衡量之實證研究-以新台幣、日圓、英鎊、歐元匯率為例★ 探討央行升息國內十年期指標公債未同步上升之原因
★ 信用風險模型評估—Merton模型之應用★ 資產管理公司購買不動產擔保不良債權評價之研究
★ 股票除息對期貨與現貨報酬之影響★ 主權基金的角色定位與未來影響力之研究
★ 我國公債期貨之研究分析★ 國內股票型共同基金異常報酬之特徵研究
★ 用事件研究法探討希臘主權債信危機-以美國及德國公債為例★ 企業避險及財務操作之實例探討
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摘要(中) 本論文由兩篇關於不動產行為財務的研究所構成。


摘要(英) This dissertation contains two essays on the behavioral research in real estate: anchoring bias and disposition effect.

First Essay:
Anchoring Bias from the Buy-side in the Real Estate Market

We examine the existence and potential influences of anchoring bias within the real estate market by evaluating evidence and a priori arguments on the effects of investor sentiment on willingness to pay among homebuyers. Based upon a unique dataset which provides the complete histories of transactions in the real estate market, we investigate whether market participants can see through the bias; that is, we examine whether such homebuyers are actually likely to fall into the anchoring trap. Our findings reveal that the anchoring phenomenon prevails regardless of homebuyer′s gender. Whilst a comparison between different kinds of homebuyers and geographical regions also reveals that homebuyers faced with higher systemic uncertainty and out-of-state housing transactions exhibit higher levels of anchoring; the heuristic thinking biased willingness to pay on the part of investors gives rise to the deviations from reasonable and actual housing values.

Second Essay:
The Comprehensive Disposition Effect: Evidence from the Real Estate Market

This paper examines whether real estate investors exhibit the “disposition effect” to ride long on losses and realize gains too soon. Based upon a unique dataset which provides complete histories of repeat transactions in the real estate market, we document the existence of disposition effect among homeowners regardless of their gender. Further comparing with different kinds of homeowners and transaction characteristics reveal that while sophisticated homeowners are less susceptible to the disposition effect, those who dealt with smaller property sizes exhibit significantly stronger disposition effect.
關鍵字(中) ★ 不動產市場
★ 定錨偏誤
★ 願付價格
★ 處分效果
★ 房屋擁有者
關鍵字(英) ★ Real estate markets
★ Anchoring bias
★ Willingness to pay
★ The disposition effect
★ Homeowner
論文目次 Chinese Abstract.........................................Ⅰ
English Abstract.........................................Ⅱ
List of Figures..........................................Ⅶ
List of Tables...........................................Ⅷ
First Essay Anchoring Bias from the Buy-side in the Real Estate Market
1. Introduction..........................................1
2. Theoretical Search Model for Buyer Anchoring..........5
3. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development..........9
3.1 Prior Anchoring Research.............................9
3.2 Hypothesis Development...............................12
3.2.1 Anchoring to the Reference Price...................12
3.2.2 Gender in Anchoring................................13
3.2.3 Experience and Anchoring...........................13
3.2.4 Increased Uncertainty..............................13
4. Data and Methodology..................................15
4.1 Data.................................................15
4.2 Variables............................................16
4.3 Methology............................................18
5. Empirical Results.....................................20
5.1 Sample Description...................................20
5.2 Anchoring Effect.....................................22
5.3 Financial Crisis.....................................24
5.4 Out-of-State Buyers..................................25
6. Robustness Analysis...................................27
6.1 Listing Price as An Alternative Reference Price......27
6.2 Robustness on Different House Types..................28
6.3 On the Fourth Floor..................................28
7. Conclusions...........................................29
Appendix: Derivations of Marginal Effects under Assumed Log-normal Distribution......................................37

Second Essay The Comprehensive Disposition Effect: Evidence from the Real Estate Market
1. Introduction..........................................67
2. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development..........71
2.1 Prior Research on Disposition Effect.................71
2.2 Hypothesis Development...............................73
2.2.1 The True Disposition Effect........................73
2.2.2 Pricing Issue in Disposition Effect................74
2.2.3 In The Face of Greater Uncertainty.................74
2.2.4 Gender Issue in Disposition Effect.................76
2.2.5 Experience and Disposition Effect..................77
3. Data and Methodology..................................78
3.1 A Unique Data Set....................................78
3.2 Variables............................................79
3.3 Methological Steup...................................81
4. Empirical Results.....................................83
4.1 Sample Description...................................83
4.2 Disposition Effect...................................84
4.3 Pricing Issue in Disposition Effect..................86
4.4 In Face of Greater Uncertainty.......................87
4.5 Gender Issue in Disposition Effect...................88
4.6 Age, Experience and Disposition Effect...............89
5. Robustness Analysis...................................91
5.1 House Type and Disposition Effect....................91
5.2 Liquidity and Disposition Effect.....................92
6. Conclusions...........................................93

List of Figures
First Essay Anchoring Bias from the Buy-side in the Real Estate Market

Figure 1 The Composition of the Different Property Categories...............................................66
Figure 2 The Composition of the Different Male Groups...................................................66
Figure 3 The Composition of the Different Female Groups...................................................66

Second Essay The Comprehensive Disposition Effect: Evidence from the Real Estate Market
Figure 1 Proportion of Different Return Range Categories..............................................120

List of Tables
First Essay Anchoring Bias from the Buy-side in the Real Estate Market

Table 1 Variable Definitions............................44
Table 2 Descriptive Statistics..........................47
Table 3 Correlation Matrix..............................48
Table 4 Regression Results on a Hedonic Price Model with the Inclusion of Anchoring Effect.......................50
Table 5 Regression Results on a Hedonic Price Model with Different Gender Samples................................52
Table 6 Regression Results on a Hedonic Price Model with Heckman (1979) Correction...............................54
Table 7 Regression Results on a Hedonic Price Model with Information-rich Samples................................56
Table 8 Hedonic Price Model Estimation Results with the Inclusion of Listing Price..............................58
Table 9 Semi-log Regression Model Estimation Results for Different Housing Categories............................60
Table 10 Box-Cox Regression Model Estimation Results for Different Housing Categories............................62
Table 11 Hedonic Price Model Regression Results on F4 Samples.................................................64

Second Essay The Comprehensive Disposition Effect: Evidence from the Real Estate Market
Table 1 Variable Definitions............................101
Table 2 Descriptive Statistics..........................104
Table 3 Correlation Matrix..............................105
Table 4 Duration for Trades: Gain Compared to Loss by Owner′s Types...........................................107
Table 5 Regression Results on a Hedonic Price Model with Heckman (1979) Correction...............................108
Table 6 Regression Results on a Hedonic Price Model with Different Gender Samples................................110
Table 7 Regression Results for a Hedonic Price Model in Different Investor Level................................111
Table 8 Regression Results for a Hedonic Price Model in Different Investor Group Samples........................113
Table 9 Duration for Trades: Gain Compared to Loss by Housing Categories......................................115
Table 10 Semi-log Regression Model Estimation Results for Different Housing Categories............................116
Table 11 Regression Results on a Hedonic Price Model in Hot and Cold Markets........................................118
參考文獻 First Essay:
Anchoring Bias from the Buy-side in the Real Estate Market

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Second Essay The Comprehensive Disposition Effect: Evidence from the Real Estate Market

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指導教授 張傳章、葉錦徽(Chuang-Chang Chang Jin-Huei Yeh) 審核日期 2016-7-11
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