博碩士論文 103450047 詳細資訊

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姓名 范綱倫(Kang-Lun Fan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 電子製造業服務化之策略探討
★ 具兩岸特色的台灣銀行產業分析-以上海銀行為例★ 台灣界面活性劑產業競爭條件分析-以A公司為例
★ 台灣傳統廣告業於微利時代下的獲利模式分析★ 車用印刷電路板產業分析
★ 第三方支付機制對我國銀行發展的影響★ 銲錫產業的獲利模式與前景分析
★ 非領導主機板廠商策略之探討★ 跨國直銷公司進入中國市場之經營策略分析-以精油產品為例
★ 保險業務員專業技能升級之策略研究─以C公司為例★ 文化創意產業工藝類之行銷模式分析
★ 金融業理財專員獎酬辦法探討與績效評估★ 中國連鎖茶飲市場分析
★ 台灣商用車產業分析★ 中國手持式X射線螢光元素分析儀產業分析
★ 台灣半導體設備代理商之策略探討★ 醫院建置長照機構可行性分析─以中壢平鎮地區為例
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摘要(中) 台灣電子製造業面臨全球市場變化快速、產品生命週期縮短、原物料成本上漲與客戶需求多樣化,加上中國紅色供應鏈來勢洶洶以及歐美日韓先進大國發起的新一代工業革命,未來製造業的對手不在只有中國,而是全球各國皆是競爭對手,種種因素迫使台灣電子製造產業版圖快速洗牌。如何能更靈活、更彈性為產品及服務創造附加價值以及減少人工需求並提升效率成為每家企業首要目標。
摘要(英) Electronics manufacturing industry in Taiwan is facing many tough challenges such as rapidly changing global market, shorter product life cycle, rising raw material costs and diversified customer demands. Additionally, the rising of the red supply chain and the new generation of industrial revolution-industry 4.0 had forced the business to reconsider how to transform its business strategies, how to increase the value and how to be more flexible, more efficient and more elastic for its products and services offered. These have become the primary goal of every enterprise.
There’re many different aspects of research for “servitization of manufacturing”, but most of them only focused on theoretical studies and is deficient for SMEs. Industry in Taiwan is mainly composed of SMEs. So, the object of this study is just a case of SME. We expect the appropriate service innovation and business model derived from this research can be the reference for the case company and other similar SMEs.
The in-depth Qualitative research method and the Secondary Qualitative Study are utilized in this research. The researcher collected and analyzed the literatures in connection with the enterprise transformation, “servitization of manufacturing” and related policy. Also, some best practices for “servitization of manufacturing” are presented. And, some conclusions and suggestions are proposed after the feasibility study of “servitization of manufacturing” on case company. First of all, the enterprise must not only to retain its manufacturing advantages but also to conduct the brand marketing under the information economy era. Secondly, the electronic manufacturing industry must take the advantages of the network externalities to establish the sharing platform for technology and information in order to create the highly differentiated and high customer royalty brand. Finally, considering cross-terminal user experience, the large-scale application of life, system integration, and big data analysis development model, Taiwan′s industry should follow this megatrend to enhance the cross domain ecosystem integration and become the value creator.
關鍵字(中) ★ 製造服務化
★ 電子製造服務業
★ 經營策略
★ 資料經濟
關鍵字(英) ★ Servitization of manufacturing
★ electronic manufacturing services industry
★ business strategy, information economy
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法 2
第三節 研究流程與架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 電子製造產業的轉變 7
第二節 電子製造產業服務化 12
第三節 本章小結 18
第三章 台灣電子製造產業發展趨勢 20
第一節 電子製造產業介紹及發展現狀 20
第二節 電子製造產業發展挑戰 23
第三節 本章小結 25
第四章 電子製造產業服務化 26
第一節 服務化趨勢 27
第二節 服務化政策 30
第三節 服務化案例與成效 34
第四節 本章小結 41
第五章 個案公司分析 43
第一節 個案公司簡介與發展沿革 43
第二節 個案公司經營效益 47
第三節 個案公司服務化可行性探討 48
第六章 結論與建議 51
參考文獻 53
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指導教授 邱俊榮 審核日期 2016-6-23
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