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姓名 陳舜元(Shun-Yuan Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 第四方物流業之商業模式及流程的分析與設計
★ 以整合性產品開發系統創新設計netbook PC★ 發展一品質導向的新產品開發管理系統
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★ 以統包方式導入薄膜式太陽能發電模組供應鏈研究★ 因應產業高度競爭的管理對策--以銅箔基板為例
★ 建構一新產品之協同開發管理體系★ 兩岸光學影像產業的競爭與合作
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★ 工業機器人產品在中國之發展經營策略─以D公司為例★ 發展一跨國製造業之品管與品質資訊系統之個案研究
★ 背光模組產業的協同設計與供應★ 以運行參考模型SCOR探討網通產業供應鏈
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摘要(中) 隨著資訊技術的快速發展,經濟全球化成為現代經濟的特徵。為了滿足顧客的需求,企業對物流服務的要求也變得更加多元化和複雜化。因應這種變化,物流公司開始熱衷於第四方物流的發展,很多企業也開始了第四方物流的研究以提高國際競爭力。當前,全球經濟復甦緩慢,物流的成本對企業的發展變得更加重要。本研究基於目前的經濟形勢,討論個案W物流有限公司發展第四方物流的對策,為第四方物流業的前景提供一些研究思路和參考。
本研究採用質性研究方式,首先回顧第四方物流的定義及國內外理論和應用,透過對第四方物流的特點、基本作用、運作模式及發展的研究,提出企業在進行物流外包時選擇第四方物流公司的優勢。接著分析個案W物流有限公司的營運現狀及其發展策略,參考 Osterwalder (2010)九項商業模式作為理論基礎,並利用ARIS軟體做為流程設計工具,探討個案公司如何運用本身的內部條件及優勢,在詭譎多變的大環境中,以有效的經營策略,帶領企業順利迎戰未來,並在競爭市場中佔有一席重要地位。
第四方物流是當前物流運作中最新的一種物流模式,在利用社會資源、提供多元化的物流服務,以及控制整個供應鏈等方面有顯著優勢。本文的主要研究結論如下:1.W物流有限公司的運作模式符合安德森顧問公司提出的第四方物流運作模式中的第三種:產業革新型模式。2. W物流有限公司目前的營運績效已達成集團發展第四方物流的策略目的及公司的短期目標。3.當前企業發展第四方物流所要提升的關鍵要素有:強大的物流系統資訊平臺、優秀的協力廠商物流合作夥伴、強大的諮詢合作機構。
摘要(英) Economy globalization is the feature of modern economy with the rapid development of information technology. In order to fulfill the needs of customers on logistic, companies demand more diversity and complex service on its own logistic capability. Given that, not only logistic companies develop but also the companies start to work on the “fourth party logistic” solution to increase the international competitiveness. In current circumstances, the global crisis on economy recovers slowly, so the logistic cost becomes relatively important. This research is to provide solutions and recommendations for the future of fourth party logistic by analyzing the logistic strategies of the W logistic company.
Qualitative methodology is used in this research. Firstly the definition and world-wide researches and applications are reviewed. The advantage when company out-sources the logistic to the fourth party company is highlighted through the comprehensive study on the fourth party logistic characteristics, fundamentals, operation model and development. Following it, the W logistic company operation process and development strategies are analyzed, which is to take the nice business model as research theory from Osterwalder (2010) and to do the process re-engineering with ARIS. By taking a real company as real case study in my research, particularly how this company leverages its own capability and strength, it is believed that this can help individual company to identify the strategy to fight for the future, and to compete against competitors. Finally, business is able to win from competition in the unpredictable environment.
The fourth party logistic is the newest concept in current logistic world: fully utilizing the social resource, providing diversified logistic service ad controlling the whole supply chain etc. This research concludes as below:
1. The operation process of W corresponds to the third type: Industrial Innovation mode, advised by the Anderson consultant company.
2. The W operation result has achieved the group strategic goal and company short-term target.
3. The key elements for company to develop the fourth party logistic are: platform to display the logistic information, co-operative vendors and consultant institution.
For W company sustainable development, this research offers below recommendations:
1. The management of vendors must be strengthened.
2. The training of employee development must be strengthened.
3. The ability of risk management must be strengthened.
關鍵字(中) ★ 第四方物流
★ 商業模式
★ ARIS 流程設計
關鍵字(英) ★ Fourth party logistic
★ Business model
論文目次 第一章 緒論 ..................................................... 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 .......................................... 1
1-2 研究目的與內容 .......................................... 2
1-3 研究流程 ................................................ 3
第二章 文獻探討 ................................................. 5
2-1 第四方物流介紹........................................... 5
2-2 商業模式介紹............................................. 28
第三章 研究方法 ................................................. 43
3-1 模型建立的方法和步驟..................................... 44
3-2 基於ARIS方法的模型建立................................... 46
3-3 ARIS方法在物流中心管理中的作用.. . ....................... 56
第四章 個案分析與研究結果........................................ 60
4-1 個案公司成立背景......................................... 61
4-2 個案公司第四方物流發展方向............................... 62
4-3 個案公司主要業務範圍..................................... 64
4-4 個案公司發展第四方物流的商業模式分析..................... 66
第五章 結論與建議 ............................................... 81
5-1 結論 .................................................... 81
5-2 建議 .................................................... 82
5-3 研究限制 ................................................ 87
參考文獻 ........................................................ 88
參考文獻 一、 英文文獻
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指導教授 高信培 審核日期 2016-7-11
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