摘要(英) |
The mission of a nonprofit organization serves to solve social problems and promoting public welfare by operating the resources gather from Government relative and the society, and thus a wholesome executive team and organization, good operation performance have a direct impact to national social work and public welfare.
To understand more clearly if the NPO are well developed, individual cases analysis and evaluation are required. The evaluation serves for two purposes. From the external, this is the reference for the Government as to rewards and counseling. Within the organization, this is the foundation for self-evaluation, improvement and re-planning.
But the evaluation system standard is quite complicated, involving the NPO’s performance and the target, a field of professional. To highlight the application of an innovative business model, aiming at nonprofit organization individual cases, this article adopted the results as the basis for the administrative capacity of the organization performance. Two different organizations promoting the disable employment were under evaluation, their operating performances, organization problems, solutions; building relative application example and hoping to provide a clear management tools to grasp the overall situation for social enterprises and NPOs. |
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