博碩士論文 103522044 詳細資訊

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姓名 劉玠泓(Liu, Chieh-Hung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 三維空間之即時手部追縱與吉他和弦手勢辨識
(Real-Time 3D Hand Tracking and Guitar Gesture Recognition)
★ 基於edX線上討論板社交關係之分組機制★ 利用Kinect建置3D視覺化之Facebook互動系統
★ 利用 Kinect建置智慧型教室之評量系統★ 基於行動裝置應用之智慧型都會區路徑規劃機制
★ 基於分析關鍵動量相關性之動態紋理轉換★ 基於保護影像中直線結構的細縫裁減系統
★ 建基於開放式網路社群學習環境之社群推薦機制★ 英語作為外語的互動式情境學習環境之系統設計
★ 基於膚色保存之情感色彩轉換機制★ 一個用於虛擬鍵盤之手勢識別框架
★ 分數冪次型灰色生成預測模型誤差分析暨電腦工具箱之研發★ 使用慣性傳感器構建即時人體骨架動作
★ 基於多台攝影機即時三維建模★ 基於互補度與社群網路分析於基因演算法之分組機制
★ 即時手部追蹤之虛擬樂器演奏系統★ 基於類神經網路之即時虛擬樂器演奏系統
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摘要(中) 人機互動漸漸成為電腦科學中的一個重要議題,它讓我們能更輕易地與電腦或各種設備進行交流。本篇提出了一個基於區域搜索的手部追蹤方法,我們採用了三維點雲 (Point Cloud) 資訊的方法來改善手部追蹤的穩定度,並且介紹了一個基於分群的手指指尖偵測方法,可以在手指追蹤失敗時用來還原手指座標。在手部追蹤完成後,我們利用手指指尖座標與我們的吉他和弦手勢資料庫比對,並且將結果整合到虛擬吉他系統中。在最後,我們設計了一個實驗讓一般的使用者在我們的虛擬吉他系統上演奏一首。而我們也分別在Kinect V1和Kinect V2彈上三首歌來討論兩種感測器的差異。結果說明了我們的方法在虛擬吉他系統上表現良好,而一般使用者也能簡單地學習我們的系統。
摘要(英) Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is becoming a hot issue in computer science which makes people communicate with computers easier. A novel hand tracking method based on region search is presented in this paper. We adopt the concept of 3D point clouds to further improve the stability of hand tracking. Also, the cluster-based finger detection is introduced in this paper, which can be used for restoring finger position if finger tracking failed. After hand tracking finished, we use the position of fingertips to match our hand gesture with our guitar hand gesture database, and integrate proposed method into our virtual guitar system. At last, we setup an experiment which allows general users to play a song with our virtual guitar system. And we also test our system by playing three songs on both Kinect V1 and Kinect V2 sensor and discuss their difference. The result shows that our method performs well on virtual guitar system and general users can learn our system easily.
關鍵字(中) ★ 手指追縱
★ 吉他和弦手勢辨識
★ 點雲
★ 深度資訊
★ 即時
★ 區域搜尋
關鍵字(英) ★ Finger Tracking
★ Guitar Chord Gesture Recognition
★ Point Clouds
★ Depth Data
★ Real-Time
★ Region Search
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vii
List of Tables ix

Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Thesis Organization 3

Chapter 2. Related Works 4
2.1 Musical applications on Kinect 4
2.1.1 3D Music Control interface 4
2.1.2 A Gesture-Based Game for Teaching Music to Children 4
2.2 The analysis of existing method 5
2.2.1 Real-time Markerless Kinect based Finger Tracking and Hand Gesture Recognition for HCI 5
2.2.2 A robust method of detecting hand gestures using depth sensors 5
2.2.3 3D fingertips and palm tracking in depth image sequences 6
2.2.4 Efficient Model-based 3D Tracking of Hand Articulations using Kinect 7
2.3 Kinect V1 vs Kinect V2 8
2.4 Acoustic fingerprint 9
2.5 MIDI protocol 10

Chapter 3. Proposed method 13
3.1 Depth Frame and Point Clouds 14
3.2 Reduce Data Usage 16
3.2.1 Build Lookup Table for Hand Data 16
3.2.2 Down Sampling Hada Data 18
3.3 Center Point of Hand Palm and Wrist Removement 19
3.4 Hand Flipping Detection 20
3.5 Finger Detection 21
3.6 Finger Tracking 24
3.7 Finger Labeling 27
3.8 Guitar Chord Gesture Recognition 30

Chapter 4. Experimental Results and Discussions 33
4.1 Preliminary Results 33
4.2 Experiment Setup 34
4.2.1 Chord Testing 35
4.2.2 Note Testing 36
4.2.3 Song List and Testing Machine 37
4.2.4 Comparsion Tools and Method 38
4.2.5 Preparation of hand database 44
4.3 Experiment Results 45
4.3.1 Self Testing 45
4.3.2 User Testing 46
4.3.3 Benchmark Testing 48

Chapter 5. Conclusions and Future Works 49
5.1 Conclusions 49
5.2 Future Works 53

References 58
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指導教授 施國琛(Timothy K. Shih) 審核日期 2016-7-19
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