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姓名 劉書豪(Shu-Hao Liou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 對於Exchangeable Learning Objects的自動轉換機制-使用Google Course Builder為例
(An Automatic Conversion Mechanism for Exchangeable Learning Objects- using Google Course Builder as an Example)
★ 基於edX線上討論板社交關係之分組機制★ 利用Kinect建置3D視覺化之Facebook互動系統
★ 利用 Kinect建置智慧型教室之評量系統★ 基於行動裝置應用之智慧型都會區路徑規劃機制
★ 基於分析關鍵動量相關性之動態紋理轉換★ 基於保護影像中直線結構的細縫裁減系統
★ 建基於開放式網路社群學習環境之社群推薦機制★ 英語作為外語的互動式情境學習環境之系統設計
★ 基於膚色保存之情感色彩轉換機制★ 一個用於虛擬鍵盤之手勢識別框架
★ 分數冪次型灰色生成預測模型誤差分析暨電腦工具箱之研發★ 使用慣性傳感器構建即時人體骨架動作
★ 基於多台攝影機即時三維建模★ 基於互補度與社群網路分析於基因演算法之分組機制
★ 即時手部追蹤之虛擬樂器演奏系統★ 基於類神經網路之即時虛擬樂器演奏系統
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摘要(中) 隨著近幾年網路的普及 ,人們的學習方式有了很大的改變 ,從書本式學習進而轉變成數位學習模式 ,近年來更出現了Flipped Classroom 、MOOC(Massive Open Online Course)等創新學習模式 ,其中MOOCs為現今最廣為人知並且具有代表性的數位學習模式 ,知名的MOOCs平台網站包括edX 、Coursera 、Udacity和Google Course Builder等等 ,面對這麼多種的課程平台不禁讓人對教材的重複使用感到困擾,所以ELO的概念和它跟彼此課程平台的課程包的轉換機制就此產生 。
此篇論文中我們提出了Exchangeable Learning Object(ELO)和Google Course Builder課程之間的轉換機制並且實作出轉換工具 ,ELO為一新定義出的學習物件(Learning Object) ,它的概念是獨一無二 ,目的在於設計將edX 、SCORM 、Google Course Builder三者間的課程互相轉換 ,並且將數位學習的內容做單元式的分解和組成和重複利用 ,以節省編教材的時間 ,關於ELO的規格定義會在第三章第一節提到 。
在論文中將轉換工具 、編輯工具與共通儲存庫整合後提供更好的ELO創作工具 ,使用者可以在上面轉換課程包並使用ELO viewer觀看ELO的內容和編輯ELO和metadata ,上面也提供可以跟社群網路互動的功能 。最後在本篇論文的技術也一樣可以運用在ELO跟不同MOOCs平台上的課程轉換 。

關鍵字:MOOCs, Google Course Builder, LOs, ELO, Authoring tool, Conversion tool
摘要(英) With the current popularity of network technology, the way of learning changes dramatically from book learning into e-learning. In recent years, Flipped Classroom, MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and other learning mode are becoming the innovative study type; MOOC is for today’s most well-known and representative e-learning model among them. Facing variety of popular MOOC platforms such as edX, Coursera, Udacity, Google Course Builder (GCB), people may confuse the reusability of course materials, the concept of ELO, therefore, was generated.
The aim of this paper is to propose a mechanism to implement a conversion tool to exchange learning objects (LOs) between GCB and Exchangeable Learning Objects (ELO). We define a new LO which is called ELO. It focuses on the design of an exchangeable mechanism between edX, SCORM and GCB, serving as an atomic object for authoring tools to compose and decompose e-Learning contents. The specification of ELO is discussed in part one of section 3. Conversion tool is integrated to a common repository infrastructure for exchanging ELOs, providing a better authoring tool that allows users to covert or edit course packages. In addition, Authoring tool further includes functions for social community interactions, viewing ELO and editing metadata. Finally, the technical contribution of this paper can be used to exchange LOs between different MOOCs platforms.

Keywords—MOOCs, Google Course Builder, LOs, ELO, Authoring tool, Conversion tool
關鍵字(中) ★ MOOCs
★ Google Course Builder
★ LOs
★ Authoring tool
★ Conversion tool
關鍵字(英) ★ MOOCs
★ Google Course Builder
★ LOs
★ Authoring tool
★ Conversion tool
論文目次 摘要---------------------------------i
Abstract----------------------- -----ii
List of Figures------------------ -----vii
List of Tables-------------------------ix
Chapter 1. Introduction------------1
1.1 Background----------------------1
1.2 Motivation-----------------------2
1.3 Thesis Organization--------------3
Chapter 2. Related works ----------4
2.1 Massive Open Online Course------4
2.2 Learning object-------------------6
2.3 SCORM 2004 specification--------8
2.3.1 Content Model----------------9
2.3.2 Content Packaging ------------12
2.4 Learning Object Metadata----------13
2.5 The Open edX Representation------15
2.6 Google Course Builder--------------15
2.7 Authoring tool and conversion tool--18
Chapter 3. Proposed methodology----20
3.1 Specification of Exchangeable Learning Objects------20
3.2 An ELO authoring/search tool and a common repository test-bed----22
3.3 System implementation--------------28
3.3.1 Components Used on the client side----29
3.3.2 Components Used on the server side---29
3.4 Concept of course architecture------31
3.4.1 Course Architecture of GCB-----31
3.4.2 Course Architecture of ELO-----31
3.5 Convert Google Course Builder course package to ELO--------32
3.5.1 Design of ELO Aggregation XML of ELO Representation---32
3.5.2 Design of ELO manifest XML of ELO representation-------35
3.5.3 Design of Static folder of ELO representation-------------36
3.5.4 Design of HTML files-------------------------------------36
3.5.5 Design of ELO Metadata XML of ELO representation------36
3.6 Convert ELO to course package of Google Course Builder -----39
3.6.1 Create course YAML file under files folder-----------------39
3.6.2 Create course JSON file under data folder-----------------40
3.6.3 Distribute resources to assets folder-----------------------41
3.6.4 Create manifest JSON file under Course Builder package---41
3.7 Convert one unit of Course Builder to ELO----------------------42
3.7.1 Design of ELO Aggregation XML of ELO Representation under one unit-42
3.7.2 Design of ELO manifest XML of ELO representation under one unit----43
3.7.3 Design of Static folder of ELO representation under one unit----------43
3.7.4 Design of HTML files under one unit----------------------------------44
3.7.5 Design of ELO Metadata XML of ELO representation under one unit---44
3.8 Using Flow Control to solve asynchronous problem-----------------------44
3.8.1 Synchronous and Asynchronous problems---------------------------45
3.8.2 Continuation-passing style------------------------------------------46
3.8.3 Management of functions’ execution state---------------------------48
3.8.4 Flow control---------------------------------------------------------49
Chapter 4. Demonstration of conversion tool-------------------------------51
4.1 Conversion tool architecture----------------------------------------------51
4.2 User function interface---------------------------------------------------51
4.3 Demonstration of ELO viewer---------------------------------------------53
4.4 Demonstration of ELO metadata editor------------------------------------55
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Future Works-----------------------------------57
5.1 Environment---------------------------------------------------------------57
5.2 Conclusions---------------------------------------------------------------58
5.3 Future Works--------------------------------------------------------------58
5.3.1 Assessment between GCB and ELO-----------------------------------58
5.3.2 Conversion mechanism between GCB and SCORM 2004--------------58
Appendix I---------------------------------------------------------------------64
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指導教授 施國琛(Timothy K. Shih) 審核日期 2016-7-19
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