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姓名 陳右緯(Yu-Wei Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 W-Stroke Care: 以穿戴式裝置為基礎建置之 個人臨床中風復健輔助系統
(W-Stroke Care: Wearable and Personal Application Development and Practice for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation)
★ 具多重樹狀結構之可靠性群播傳輸★ 應用嵌入式系統於呼吸肌肉群訓練儀之系統開發
★ 勃起障礙與缺血性心臟病的雙向研究: 以台灣全人口基礎的世代研究★ 基質輔助雷射脫附飛行時間式串聯質譜儀 微生物抗藥性資料視覺化工具
★ 在嵌入式行動裝置上設計與開發跨平台Widget★ 在 ARM 架構之嵌入式系統上實作輕量化的手持多媒體播放裝置圖形使用者介面函式庫
★ 基於網路行動裝置所設計可擴展的服務品質感知GStreamer模組★ 針對行動網路裝置開發可擴展且跨平台之GSM/HSDPA引擎
★ 於單晶片多媒體裝置進行有效率之多格式解碼管理★ IMS客戶端設計與即時通訊模組研發:個人資訊交換模組與即時訊息模組實作
★ 在可攜式多媒體裝置上實作人性化的嵌入式小螢幕網頁瀏覽器★ 以IMS為基礎之及時語音影像通話引擎的實作:使用開放原始碼程式庫
★ 電子書嵌入式開發: 客制化下載服務實作, 資料儲存管理設計★ 於數位機上盒實現有效率訊框參照處理與多媒體詮釋資料感知的播放器設計
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摘要(中) 腦中風長年佔據國人十大死因的前三名,也是造成國人殘障的首要原因。腦中風病患在急性期過後,遺留之神經功能方面後遺症,可能嚴重影響患者日常及家庭生活。中風後肢體功能障礙的部份,建議把握急性中風後六個月的黃金治療期,靠著密集的復健治療達到良好的復原效果。但根據過往的研究分析,造成中風病患出院後無法返院持續積極復健的主因為排程不易,交通不便及家人時間無法配合等因素。利用智慧型手機及手錶等穿戴式裝置的普及性及可攜性,我們開發了一套專門用於中風復建的手機應用程式,協助患者能隨時隨地依照復健團隊的處方在院外做復健。而且這些復健的過程及成果都會被儲存下來,並上傳到雲端,讓被授權的醫護人員及復健治療師能更精確且及時確實地掌握病患在家復健的情況,作為臨床評估及追蹤病情後調整復健治療處方的依據,達到更有效的復健效果。在預防腦血管疾病方面,智慧型手機的應用程式內含可依據個人風險因子檢測的中風風險量表及中風防治保健的電子書。民眾可以透過這個專為中風防治而研發的手機應用程式,更了解中風這個疾病及保健,期望達到『全民防治中風』的目標。本系統與復健治療師共同研發的研究顯示,穿戴裝置的準確度高。本系統研發的目標在於整合內含偵測器、具無線傳輸的穿戴裝置及內含可處理相關生理訊號的手機應用程式,利用雲端強大的儲存及運算能力,配合智慧型手機的多媒體功能,發展適合病患使用的相關醫療保健運用,及利用復健輔助功能以增加在家復健的遵囑性。未來發展的目標在於結合新開發的穿戴式裝置及軟體運用,如虛擬實境及擴增實境,在無線網路環境與目前醫療團隊的醫療照護方式互相配合,達到全面監控防治中風的目標。
摘要(英) Stroke is the leading cause of disability around the world. Rehabilitation is crucial for post-stroke functional recovery, but the therapy could have limitation on available space, faculties and facility. The evolving mobile and wearable devices could be incorporated in the prevention and rehabilitation in the stroke system of care. We proposed a web-based customizable wearable sensor-driven system that allows people to be engaged in the post-stroke rehabilitation program by integration of smart watches and smartphones. The details of activity of individual patient could be sensed and recorded on the smartphones. Users could have a real-time feedback to themselves and the records will be uploaded to the database in the server, monitored in the web view by of the authorized medical staff and therapists. Due to its cross-platform and internet characteristics, more stroke patients could benefit from the system and the rehabilitation activity outside the institutes. The system, W-Stroke Care (named after “we” and “wearable”), also includes prediction model for stroke risk and an e-book for public health education. Six standard post-stroke rehabilitation programs were designed in the applications in the smartphones and the connecting smart watches. The accuracy of the system is validated using the motions of physical therapists as standards. We demonstrated that the internet-based rehabilitation programs could be performed with the wearable devices, the algorithms and assistance of the caregivers. With further investigation following the governance guidance, the system is aimed to integrate the new information technology of the wearable and mobile devices, virtual or augmented reality, in cooperation with the practice of the medical systems for ubiquitous stroke monitoring to facilitate public awareness of stroke, the efficiency of medical care and the prognosis of stroke patients.
關鍵字(中) ★ 穿戴式裝置
★ 中風
★ 復健
關鍵字(英) ★ Wearable devices
★ Stroke
★ Rehabilitation
論文目次 摘 要 i
Abstract ii
List of Figures viii
List of Tables x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.1.1 Stroke System of Care 1
1.1.2 Mechanism of Post-Stroke Rehabilitation 7
1.1.3 Applications of Information Technology in Stroke Prevention and Care 8
1.2 Motivation and Research Goal 10
1.2.1 Motivation 10
1.2.2 Research Goal 10
1.3 Related Works 13
1.3.1 Multidisciplinary Stroke Center 13
1.3.2 Application of Mobile and Wearable Device in Stroke Care 14
1.4 Organization of This Dissertation 18
Chapter 2 A Mobile Personal Health Assistant Application for Health Check 20
2.1 Background 20
2.2 Personal Health Assistant System 22
2.2.1 System Architecture 22
2.2.2 Cloud and Sociality 26
2.2.3 Scenario of System 27
2.3 Feasibility of Implementing Application 28
2.3.1 Stages to Implement Apps 28
2.3.2 Implementation in the Organization 30
2.4 Summary 31
Chapter 3 A Wearable Devices-based Assistive Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Application 33
3.1 Background 33
3.2 Mobility Rehabilitation System 35
3.2.1 System Architecture 35
3.2.2 Rehabilitation on Smartphone 36
3.2.3 Rehabilitation with Bracelet or Smart Watches 38
3.2.4 PhoneGap 40
3.2.5 Accelerometer and Gyroscope 41
3.2.6 Scenario of System 42
3.2.7 Motion Capture 42
3.3 Results 44
3.4 Summary 46
Chapter 4 Integration of W-Stroke Care and its Clinial Implementation for Stroke Prevention and Rehabilitation 48
4.1 Background 48
4.2 Interactive W-stroke Care System 48
4.2.1 System Design 48
4.2.2 Implementation of Rehabilitation Programs 52
4.2.3 Connection of Smartphones and Smart Watches 53
4.2.4 Instruction by the Video Demonstration 54
4.2.5 Server for Record Tracking 54
4.2.6 Adjustment of Programs on the Smartphones from Website 55
4.2.7 Outcome Measurement 55
4.3 Results 55
4.3.1 System Framework 55
4.3.2 Algorithm 57
4.3.3 Outcome Measurement 59
4.4 Consideration in Clinical Implementation 60
4.4.1 Proposed Solution of the Implementation 60
4.4.2 Challenges in the Practical Application 62
4.5 Discussion 65
4.6 Summary 68
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Works 69
5.1 Conclusion 69
5.2 Ongoing Augmented Reality in Rehabilitation 70
5.3 A Study for Clinical Implementation 71
References 73
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指導教授 吳曉光、洪炯宗(Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu Jorng-Tzong Horng) 審核日期 2016-7-22
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