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姓名 邱雅靖(Ya-Ching Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 軸變形影響下之修整型螺旋齒輪對接觸特性探討
★ LED封裝點膠系統創新設計之研究★ 夾治具概念設計方法之研究
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★ 平行軸錐形齒輪齒根應力特性之研究★ 漸開線直齒錐形齒輪齒根應力之量測與分析
★ 單軸押出機減速機系列產品之計算機輔助開發模式之研究★ 漸開線直齒錐形齒輪齒根應力計算模型之初步研究
★ 非旋轉式表面電漿儀之創新設計與製作★ 電腦輔助單軸押出機減速機系列產品之開發
★ 單軸押出機減速機箱體系列化發展模式之研究★ 電腦輔助機械零件製造成本預估 – 以單軸押出機減速機為例
★ 直齒錐形齒輪齒根應力解析計算模式之研究★ 具點接觸型態之歪斜軸錐形齒輪對齒面疲勞破壞之初步研究
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摘要(中) 一般而言,漸開線齒輪有著加工簡單,中心距組裝誤差敏感度低等特性。且和正齒輪相比,螺旋齒輪更有較高的接觸率以及漸進的接觸線變化,使其能承受較大的負載,傳動過程也較為平順;故做為傳動元件,螺旋齒輪的應用範圍相當廣泛。
摘要(英) Compared with spur gears, helical gears have the advantages of relatively higher contact ratio and load capacity, as well as more smooth and silent operation. As a consequence, helical gears ar the most used elements for power transmission.
In general, the shafts are deformed caused by the loads acting in the gears. In order to explore the effects of the gear shaft deformation on the contact characteristics of loaded teeth, an LTCA (loaded tooth contact analysis) model are developed in the thessis. The proposed LTCA model, based on the influence coefficient method, involves the contacted deformation and the bending of the tooth, as well as the torsion and deflection of the shaft. This LTCA model includes also a tooth contact model for gear meshing analysis, in which the mathematical equations of the actual helical gear flank surfaces, the assembly conditions of the gear pair, the contact points and the tooth gaps can be involved. Because the actual three dimensional flank surfaces are considered in the LTCA model, the contact stress distribution and the also the corresponding contact patterns can be simulated, even also the non-hertz contact of the the engaged teeth.
Three different tooth forms of the helical gears are considered in the study: non-modified flanks, ideally double corwned flanks and double crownded flanks by profile-grinding. On the other hands, two support arrangements of the shafts are also involved in the analysis: simple support arrangement and overhand arrangement. The contact characteristics, analyzed in the thessis, include the contact stress distribution, the variation of the load sharing and the max. contact stress during the gear meshing, as well as the transmission errors.
It can be recognized from the analysis results of the non-modified helical gears that the contact stress near the face-end of the bearing-side increases obviously due to the effect of shaft deformation. This phenomenon of uneven stress distribution is more serious with the increasing of shaft deformation (inclination angle). On the other hand, the concentrated stresses can be also found in the tooth conact on the tip and the face-end. The peak-to-peak value and the average amount of the loaded transmission error in this case increases also by the enlarged deformation of the loaded shaft.
In order to increase the load capacity and elimate the stress concentration, the flank modification of helical gears is, an essentail but alos effective method. In the study, double crowning modification is choosen, which consists of the helix modification, the lead crowning modification, and the profile crowning crowning modification. Helix modification can reduce the uneven contact stress distribution on flanks due to the shaft doformation, while lead and profile crowning can elimate stress concentration on the face-end, and tip/root of flanks. The analysis results of the ideally modified helical gears show that an uniform oval-shaped contact pattern is performed. The stress concentration on the flanks during the gear meshing does not occur, but the loaded contact ratio decreases from 2.47 (line contact) to 1.76 (point contact). In addition, the variation of the load sharing of the single tooth pair during the gear meshing becomes smooth.
Profile grinding is now a widely applied finishing method for helical gears, because of its high precision and good productivity. However, twisted tooth flank occurs if there are no correction measures conducted for profile grinding of the lead crowned flnaks. The contact characteristics of the double crowned flanks with nature twist are thus studied by using the proposed LTCA approach. Because the ease-off twisted right flank of gears with right hand helix angle is similar to the diagonal flank modification, the contact characteristics of this flank side are better than those of the left flank. Similarly, this guidline is also valid for the gear with left hand helix angle, where the contact characteristics of the left flank is better than those of the right flank. Besides, the peak-to-paek value of twisted flanks with the modification parameters used in the case is twice larger than that of ideally modified flank, but the averge value is smaller.
關鍵字(中) ★ 平行軸漸開線螺旋齒輪
★ 軸彎曲變形
★ 螺旋修整
★ 雙隆起修整
★ 受載齒面接觸分析
★ 成形磨隆起修整
★ 受載傳動誤差
關鍵字(英) ★ parrallel-axis involute helical gear
★ shaft deformation
★ helix modification
★ double crowning
★ form grinding
★ loaded transmission error
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
謝誌 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xviii
符號說明 xix
第 1 章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 論文架構 5
第 2 章 螺旋齒輪齒面數學模型 6
2.1 無修整螺旋齒輪之齒面方程式 6
2.1.1 齒輪座標系定義 6
2.1.2 標準螺旋齒輪漸開線齒面方程式 7
2.2 理想修整齒面之數學模型 11
2.2.1 齒線修整模式 11
2.2.2 齒形修整 14
2.2.3 雙隆起修整螺旋齒輪之齒面方程式 15
2.3 成形磨齒面修整之數學模型 16
2.3.1 成形磨組裝位置座標系設定 16
2.3.2 磨輪標準齒面方程式 18
2.3.3 成形磨修整加工之嚙合方程式 21
2.3.4 修整齒面方程式 24
2.4 修整齒輪齒面偏差量計算 25
第 3 章 螺旋齒輪受載齒面接觸分析模型 27
3.1 螺旋齒輪對嚙合分析 27
3.1.1 接觸條件 27
3.1.2 接觸點關係式建立 28
3.2 受載齒面接觸應力計算基本模型 30
3.2.1 單齒對接觸狀況 30
3.2.2 多齒對接觸負載 32
3.3 嚙合齒對齒面間距計算 33
3.3.1 無修整齒面間距計算 34
3.3.2 修整齒面間隙角計算 37
3.4 不同負載形式之影響係數 38
3.4.1 齒面接觸赫茲變形影響係數 39
3.4.2 螺旋齒輪輪齒彎曲變形影響係數 40
3.4.3 軸扭轉變形影響係數 46
3.4.4 軸彎曲變形影響係數 48
3.5 傳動誤差定義 50
第 4 章 無修整齒對齒面受載接觸分析 52
4.1 分析案例之參數 52
4.1.1 齒輪參數與分析案例 52
4.1.2 軸支撐配置 54
4.2 特定位置的接觸應力分佈 55
4.2.1 不考慮軸影響接觸應力分佈 56
4.2.2 考慮軸支撐形式對接觸應力之影響 60
4.2.3 螺旋角旋向影響接觸應力分佈 65
4.3 無修整齒輪之嚙合過程分析 70
4.3.1 嚙合過程之負載分配 70
4.3.2 嚙合過程之最大接觸應力 78
4.3.3 5嚙合過程之受載傳動誤差 82
第 5 章 理想修整齒面受載接觸分析 86
5.1 齒線修整設計 86
5.1.1 螺旋修整對線接觸齒面接觸應力分佈之影響 87
5.1.2 無限齒面寬下隆起修整對點接觸齒面應力分佈之影響 90
5.1.3 有限齒面寬下的修整量選擇 92
5.1.4 齒線修整後之特定位置接觸應力 95
5.1.5 小結 100
5.2 齒形修整設計 100
5.2.1 不同齒形修整量比較 100
5.2.2 雙隆起修整後特定位置接觸應力 103
5.2.3 修整齒面偏差情形 110
5.3 較佳修整參數之嚙合過程分析 113
5.3.1 嚙合過程之負載分配 113
5.3.2 嚙合過程之齒面負載分佈 118
5.3.3 嚙合過程之傳動誤差 121
第 6 章 成形磨修整齒面受載接觸分析 130
6.1 修整齒面特性 130
6.1.1 成形磨齒線拋物線隆起修整 131
6.1.2 成形磨雙隆起修整 137
6.2 嚙合過程分析 144
6.2.1 嚙合過程負載分配 144
6.2.2 嚙合過程之歯面最大應力 145
6.2.3 嚙合過程傳動誤差 148
第 7 章 結論與展望 151
7.1 結論 151
7.2 未來展望 153
附錄A 154
參考文獻 155
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指導教授 蔡錫錚(Shyi-Jeng Tsai) 審核日期 2016-7-27
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