博碩士論文 103322038 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃俊學(Jun-Xue Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 基盤土壤液化對上方土堤位移的影響
(Effect of Foundation Soil Liquefaction on Deformation Behavior of Embankment)
★ 以離心振動臺試驗模擬緩衝材料中廢棄物罐之振動反應★ 緩衝材料在不同圍壓下之工程性質
★ 具不同上部結構之樁基礎受振行為★ 回填與緩衝材料之動態強度
★ 砂質土壤中柔性擋土牆在動態載重下的行為★ Effect of Vertical Drain Methods on The Soil Liquefaction
★ Centrifuge Modelling on Failure Behaviours of Sandy Slope Caused by Gravity, Rainfall and Earthquake★ 微生物膠結作用對砂質土壤性質的影響
★ 基盤土壤液化引致的側潰對上方土堤之影響及其改善對策★ 土壤液化引致側向滑移對樁基礎之影響及其對策
★ 挖掘機鏟斗上土壤黏附問題的基礎研究★ 低放射性廢棄物最終處置回填材料於不同配比下之工程力學特性
★ 以離心振動台試驗探討 基盤振動方向與坡向夾角對側向滑移之反應★ 應用時域反射法於地層下陷監測之改善研發
★ Seismic response of sheet pile walls with and without anchors by centrifuge modeling tests★ Effect of Vegetation on The Stability of Sandy Slope by Centrifuge Modeling
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摘要(中) 臺灣位於歐亞板塊交界,地震頻繁發生,且臺灣西部平原區多屬地質軟弱的沖積地層,地下水位面高,因此這些區域的土壤液化潛能較高,當地震來臨時,很有可能發生土壤液化。若液化地盤上有一土堤結構,在受振引致土壤液化與側向移動的情況,會對土堤造成相當大的損害,因此了解基盤土壤液化對土堤結構的影響,並找出改善方法,是一個重要的課題。本研究進行一系列離心模型動態試驗,模擬土堤座落於均質地砂質地盤上的受振行為,藉由改變地盤的坡度與飽和條件,探討土堤及地盤在不同條件下,其動態反應與沉陷行為。
摘要(英) The plain of west Taiwan is soft alluvium ground with high ground water level. Moreover, Taiwan is located at Circum-Pacific seismic belt, earthquakes usually occur and leading to soil liquefaction especially for the alluvium ground. At two sides of river, the embankment built on the liquefiable ground would cause significance damage during earthquake. Therefore, it needs to be understood the failure behavior of a gentle slope by soil liquefaction or lateral spreading.
Several centrifuge shaking table tests were performed to simulate the behavior of embankment which construct on the liquefiable ground. The effects of soil liquefaction on the response of embankment are discussed. Test results show that liquefaction occurs in sequence from soil surface to deep soil layer when model subject an unequal-amplitude sinusoidal wave. In saturated inclined ground model, the acceleration amplitude is asymmetry due to static stress. In dry models, there is only immediate settlement of embankment cause by shaking. However, in saturated models, it includes immediate settlement cause and consolidation settlement cause by soil liquefaction, and the total settlement in saturated models is 10 to 15 times of total settlement of dry models. Moreover, embankment settles uniformly in all tests, and the settlement values are very close between flat and inclined ground, so the effect is slightly whether the ground is inclined or not. However, lateral spreading occur when soil liquefied in inclined ground model, therefore embankment also slide away for 1 meter on horizontal direction.
關鍵字(中) ★ 離心模型試驗
★ 土壤液化
★ 側向滑移
★ 土堤
關鍵字(英) ★ centrifuge
★ liquefation
★ lateral spreading
★ embankment
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
符號說明 xiii
一、前言 1
1-1研究背景與目的 1
1-2研究方法 2
1-3論文架構 2
二、文獻回顧 3
2-1 土壤液化定義與發生機制 3
2-1-1 土壤液化之定義 3
2-1-2 土壤液化之破壞行為 4
2-2 基盤土壤液化對土堤變形之影響 9
2-3 離心模型原理 17
2-3-1 離心模型尺度律 (scaling law) 17
2-3-2有效半徑 22
2-3-3 科氏加速度對離心模型試驗之影響 24
2-3-4 模型模擬 26
三、試驗設備與步驟 27
3-1試驗儀器與設備 27
3-1-1地工離心機 27
3-1-2 單軸向振動台 28
3-1-3 資料擷取系統 33
3-1-4 積層板試驗箱 (Laminar box) 與橡皮袋 34
3-1-5 土堤模型 36
3-1-6 各式感測器 37
3-1-7 剖面高程掃描系統 40
3-1-8 移動式霣降儀 41
3-2試驗材料 42
3-3 試體準備 44
3-3-1 試驗箱之準備與組立 44
3-3-2 試體製作 46
3-3-3 放置土堤模型 46
3-3-4 表面掃描 49
3-3-5 試體飽和 50
3-3-6 離心模型試驗前準備工作 51
四、試驗規劃與結果討論 53
4-1 試驗規劃 53
4-2 試驗結果 64
4-2-1 試驗SF之結果 64
4-2-2 試驗DFE之結果 75
4-2-3 試驗SFE之結果 84
4-2-4 試驗SI之結果 94
4-2-5 試驗DIE之結果 104
4-2-6 試驗SIE之結果 114
4-3 綜合討論 124
4-3-1 土堤及土層之響應頻率及剪力波速 124
4-3-2 加速度反應 126
4-3-3 超額孔隙水壓 127
4-3-4 沉陷量 128
五、結論與建議 136
5-1 結論 136
5-2 建議 138
參考文獻 139
附錄 141
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指導教授 洪汶宜 審核日期 2016-12-16
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