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姓名 王泓翔(Hung-Hsiang Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 基於分類系統建立文章表示向量應用於跨語言線上百科連結
(Cross-Language Encyclopedia Article Linking Using Category-based Embedding and English Title Occurrence with Edit Distance)
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摘要(中) 自《維基百科》上線以來,徹底顛覆人們學習新知的方法。最初上線的《英文維基》挾著強勢語種,成為不同語言中最豐富也最多人使用的版本,比起其他版本的文章數量是幾倍之多。以《中文維基》為例,《英文維基》的文章數量是它的六倍,但中文卻是在世界上語言使用人口之冠。我們認為文章數量不平衡的理由有三:一、《中文維基》上線較晚,且較不為人熟知;二、中文使用者大部分居於中國,但中國防火長城阻擋使用者存取中文維基;三、中國傾向扶植國內線上百科—《百度百科》。
如上述,除《維基百科》外,也有類似《百度百科》,提供特定語言的線上百科存在,西班牙語有《Enciclopedia Libre》;德語有《Wikiweise》;俄文有《WikiZnanie》等,因此在「跨線上百科中建置跨語言連結」成了我們的目標,不僅能豐富非英文的文章,也能增加跨語連結,一舉兩得。
和支持向量機判斷中英兩篇文章是否為相對應的跨語言文章。其中使用機器翻譯、文字相似度、上謂詞、基於分類系統的文章向量作為特徵,提供支持向量機作為判斷依據,在兩個資料集上分別獲得 0.8019(+0.477) 和0.6824(+0.157)平均倒數排名。
摘要(英) Our goal is to link corresponding articles from English Wikipedia to Chinese Baidu Baike, which is called “Cross-language Article Linking.” According to Wang et al. (2014) [1]’s statistics, there are only 2.3% English Wikipedia articles link to their Chinese version. On the other hand, Chinese article is 60%. Moreover, the number of articles between those two has a tremendous gap.
Because of the unbalance number of articles and lacking inner cross-language links between different Wikipedia versions, CLAL has become a major issue. Without cross-language links, there are many things cannot be done, for example, global knowledge sharing, cross-language information retrieval, machine translation, machine understanding, etc.
Fortunately, there are other wiki-like online encyclopediae, most of them are local exclusive, such like: “Enciclopedia Libre” in Spanish, “WikiZnanie” in Russian and “Wikiweise” in German. We can take good use of them to link to Wikipedia and solve the unbalance and inner cross-language problem.
We target English Wikipedia and Chinese Baidu Baike. Our approach has two stage: candidate selection and link prediction. Using Candidate selection reduce the search space from entire encyclopedia into 10 candidates. We employ LIBSVM as machine learning tool to predict two articles should be linked or not. The SVM features include title similarity and matching, English title occurrence, hypernym translation and category-based embedding which we special design in this thesis.
In the experiment, we reach 0.8019 and 0.6824 in both datasets, and both of them are better than baseline (+0.477 and +0.157). Because our approach doesn’t rely on language-dependent features, the flexibility let it suits for other wiki-like encyclopediae. For our core design, CBE, We expect that it can apply to variety domain, to make good easy results.
關鍵字(中) ★ 線上百科
★ 跨語言
★ 連結
★ 文章表示向量
★ 維基百科
★ 百度百科
關鍵字(英) ★ online encyclopedia
★ cross-language
★ linking
★ article representation vector
★ Wikipedia
★ Baidu Baike
論文目次 摘要 p.i
Abstract p.ii
Acknowledgments p.iv
Contents p.v
List of Figures p.viii
List of Tables p.ix
1 Introduction p.1
1.1 Motivation p.1
1.1.1 Knowledge in Online Encyclopedia p.2
1.1.2 Situation of Online Encyclopedia p.2
1.2 Problem Description p.4
1.3 Research Objective p.5
1.4 Thesis Organization p.6
2 Related Work p.7
2.1 Cross-Language Article Linking p.7
2.1.1 CLAL across Wikipedia Language Version p.8
2.1.2 CLAL between Wikipedia and Baidu Baike p.9
2.1.3 Others Knowledge Base Linking Task p.10
2.2 Document Representation Method p.11
2.2.1 Term-based Representation p.11
2.2.2 Topic-based Representation p.11
2.2.3 Term-based learning Representation p.11
2.2.4 Knowledge base Representation p.12
3 Methodology p.15
3.1 Problem Definition p.15
3.2 Article in Online Encyclopediae p.16
3.3 Propose Method p.21
3.3.1 Category-Based Embedding (CBE) p.21
3.3.2 English Title Occurrence with Edit Distance (ETO_ED) p.21
3.3.3 Framework p.21
3.4 Candidate Selection p.24
3.5 Link Prediction p.25
3.5.1 Category-Based Embedding (CBE) p.25
3.5.2 English Title Occurrence with Edit Distance (ETO_ED) p.29
3.5.3 Title Matching and Title Similarity (Baseline) p.30
3.5.4 Hypernym Translation (HT) p.31
3.6 Classifier p.32
4 Experiment p.33
4.1 Dataset Description p.33
4.1.1 Description of English Wikipedia p.33
4.1.2 Description of Baidu Baike p.33
4.2 Golden Standard Dataset p.36
4.3 Dataset Preprocessing p.37
4.4 Experiment Setup p.38
4.4.1 Baseline Method Setup p.38
4.4.2 Category-Based Embedding Setup p.39
4.5 Experiment Results p.40
4.5.1 Result of CLAL p.40
4.5.2 Result of Category-Based Embeddings p.41
5 Conclusion p.44
5.1 Summary and Contribution p.44
5.2 Future Work p.45
Bibliography p.46
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指導教授 蔡宗翰(Richard Tzong-Han Tsai) 審核日期 2016-10-26
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