摘要(英) |
With the vigorous impetus on escalating global demand of communication and customer electronics, the competition of semiconductor industry in recent years strongly intensified in which the wafer foundry plays the most essential role nowadays. From the perspective view on the production capacity allocation strategy, it will be the key issue about how to improve the productivity and yield rate while retaining low cost. In addition to the innovation of R&D on production, the most crucial part of the core value is how to deliver the product in a timely manner on the win-win basis for both manufacturers and customers to retain high market share in highly competitive environment.
On the case-study basis, this research investigates the correlation of improved job releasing methods of wafer foundry fab and client side hit-rate measurement. The research is conducted by interviewing management and colleagues on production line of the example wafer fab on an empirical-based discussion to figure out the comprehensive considerations of early stage planning, mid-term implementation, and following evaluation of the improved releasing method. Additionally, to form a core part of competitiveness, this research of releasing model can be applied to other correlated production line to improve the hit rate and customer satisfaction and to eliminate the imbalance of production capacity.
參考文獻 |
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