博碩士論文 103421069 詳細資訊

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姓名 李怡蓁(I-Chen Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 探索品牌特定領導與員工品牌權益之間的奧秘:以個人與環境適配度及員工知覺品牌價值一致性為中介角色
(Exploring the mystery between brand-specific leadership and EBBE: The mediating role of person-environment and employees’ brand value congruence)
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★ 中小企業之組織診斷與分析-以A公司為例★ 高科技產業人力資源發展與組織績效之研究-以新竹科學園區為例
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摘要(中) 本研究欲了解-「品牌特定轉換型領導與交易型領導如何藉由影響員工知覺品牌價值一致性而提高員工品牌權益?」。為此,本研究以跨層次階層線性模型之方式進行,並將中介變數聚焦於與員工在工作環境中最為息息相關之中介變數,即個人與環境適配度(本研究選定之中介變數為-個人與工作適配度及個人與團隊適配度)的情況下來做探討。本研究之研究對象為國內某間最具代表性之大型銀行(簡稱C公司)於全台不同地區之數個工作團隊之主管與員工;在徵求該公司之362名員工同意下,以工作團隊為單位發放紙本問卷,並進行不記名調查。而在回收的355份問卷當中,其中之38份為主管問卷,其餘之317份則為員工問卷,有效問卷回收率為98.07%。
摘要(英) This study proposed the question of how brand-specific transformational leadership and transactional leadership enhance employee-based brand equity by influencing the employees’ perceptions of brand value congruence. For answering this question, this study employed hierarchical linear modeling and chose the moderating variables which were mostly related to the working environment to discuss. They were person-job fit and person-group fit. The sample selected were the managers and employees served in the largest domestic bank, abbreviated for C company, in Taiwan. Under the agreements from 362 employees, we distributed the questionnaires in terms of teams and with the anonymous survey. There were 355 samples recycled. Among them, 38 of them were for the managers and the remaining 317, for the employees, forming the valid response rate of 98.07%.
The contents of this research could be divided into three parts. First, I investigated if the person-job fit induced the mediating effects in the relationship between brand-specific TFL, brand-specific TRL, and employees’ perceptions of brand value congruence. Next, I investigated if the person-group fit induced the mediating effects in the relationship between brand-specific TFL, brand-specific TRL, and employees’ perceptions of brand value congruence. Last, I discussed whether employees’ perceptions of brand value congruence positively influenced employee-based brand equity. The results were listed as followed. First, it was found that the person-job fit produced the moderating effects between brand-specific TFL, brand-specific TRL, and employees’ perceptions of brand value congruence. However, brand-specific TFL and employees’ person-job fit were presented the positive relationship and brand-specific TRL, the negative relationship. In addition, person-group fit produced the moderating effects between brand-specific TFL, brand-specific TRL, and employees’ perceptions of brand value congruence. Yet, brand-specific TFL and employees’ person-group fit were presented the positive relationship and brand-specific TRL, the negative relationship. Finally, employees’ perceptions of brand value congruence and employee-based brand equity were presented as the positive relationship.
This study contributes to the research in four aspects. First, we expected the investigation of the relationship between brand-specific leaderships and employee-based brand equity, which wasn’t noticeable in the past, would provide more comprehensive research in employee-based brand equity research. Second, we proposed a new variable to influence employee-based brand equity, employees’ perceptions of brand value congruence, and emphasized its importance simultaneously. Third, we tried to understand more variables influencing employees’ perceptions of brand value congruence to compensate the gap in the current study of employee’s perceptions of brand value congruence. Last, the mediating variables, person-environment fit, would contribute to the future practices for the leaders or managers in the real working circumstances.
關鍵字(中) ★ 員工品牌權益
★ 個人與工作適配度
★ 員工知覺品牌價值一致性
★ 個人與團隊適配度
★ 品牌特定轉換型領導
★ 品牌特定交易型領導
關鍵字(英) ★ Employee-based brand equity
★ person-job fit
★ person-group fit
★ brand-specific TFL
★ brand-specific TRL
★ employees’ perceptions of brand value congruence
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌 謝 v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與目的 1
第二章 文獻探討與研究假設 5
2.1 員工品牌權益 5
2.2 品牌特定轉換型領導與品牌特定交易型領導 6
2.2.1 品牌特定轉換型領導 7
2.2.2 品牌特定交易型領導 7
2.3 員工知覺品牌價值一致性 8
2.4 個人與環境適配理論 9
2.4.1 個人與工作適配理論 10
2.4.2 個人與團隊適配理論 13
2.5 員工知覺品牌價值一致性與員工品牌權益 15
2.6 品牌特定轉換型領導、品牌特定交易型領導與員工品牌權益 16
第三章 研究方法 18
3.1 研究對象與樣本發放 18
3.2 問卷設計 19
3.3 變項衡量方式 20
3.3.1 品牌特定轉換型領導 20
3.3.2 品牌特定交易型領導 21
3.3.3 個人與工作適配度 23
3.3.4 個人與團隊適配度 23
3.3.5 員工知覺品牌價值一致性 24
3.3.6 員工品牌權益 25
3.4 控制變數 26
3.5 分析方法 27
3.5.1 敘述性統計與相關分析 27
3.5.2 信度分析 27
3.5.3 效度分析 27
3.5.4 共同方法變異控制 28
3.5.5 階層線性模型分析 28
第四章 資料分析與研究結果 29
4.1 敘述性統計分析 29
4.2 相關分析 33
4.3 信度分析 36
4.4 建構效度分析 36
4.4.1 收斂效度 36
4.4.2 區別效度 37
4.5 共同方法變異分析 39
4.6 階層線性模型之假設分析結果 39
4.6.1 員工品牌權益之虛無模型 39
4.6.2 員工知覺品牌價值一致性與員工品牌權益之關係 40
4.6.3 員工知覺品牌價值一致性之虛無模型 41
4.6.4 「個人與工作適配度」在「品牌特定轉換型領導」與「員工知覺品牌價值一致性」之中介關係 42
4.6.5 「個人與工作適配度」在「品牌特定交易型領導」與「員工知覺品牌價值一致性」之中介關係 43
4.6.6 「個人與團隊適配度」在「品牌特定轉換型領導」與「員工知覺品牌價值一致性」之中介關係 44
4.6.7 「個人與團隊適配度」在「品牌特定交易型領導」與「員工知覺品牌價值一致性」之中介關係 44
4.6.8 「品牌特定轉換型領導」、「品牌特定交易型領導」與「員工品牌權益」之關係 45

第五章 結論與建議 49
5.1 研究結論 49
5.1.1 H1與H2之假設結果 51
5.1.2 H3與H4之假設結果 52
5.1.3 H5之假設結果 53
5.1.4 H6與H7之假設結果 54
5.2 研究貢獻 55
5.3 實務建議 57
5.4 研究限制與後續研究建議 58
參考文獻 60
附錄一 主管問卷 75
附錄二 員工問卷 79

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