摘要(英) |
In the past, most of the research data for organic market research were based on questionnaire or census. However, electronic invoices are increasingly used in the retail industry, especially in Taiwan. Hence, this study aims to use visual data mining on electronic invoices (e-invoices) to analyze Taiwan’s organic consumer market. The data used in this study were collected from the Fiscal Information Agency, Ministry of Finance in Taiwan. There were 18,157,387 and 31,814,770 e-invoices on organic-related products in 2014 and 2015, respectively. People on organic products per capita consumption in 2014 were from 87.66 dollars up to 123.66 dollars in 2015, the growth rate is up to 41%. The organic fresh fruits and vegetables accounted for 46% of the total organic market in 2015, followed by 19% of cereals and 15% of processed products. By using heat map analysis of the total amount of consumption, the total amount of consumption in November was higher than other months. Because November 11th is a national day of organic agriculture, the corresponding channels usually do promotional activities through that month. By using funnel plot for the analysis of popular organic products, the results show that the top three organic goods were rice, king oyster mushroom and golden mushroom in 2015. Moreover, because the penetration rate of organic market was under 30%, it indicates that the organic market in Taiwan still has great room for further growth. |
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