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姓名 張騑麟(Fei-Lin Jhang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 非味覺感官線索對飲料酸度的影響
(The Influence of Non-Gustatory Sensory Cues on Sourness of Beverages.)
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摘要(中) 當人們在品嚐飲料時,幾乎所有感官接受到的知覺,都可能影響到飲料的味道。餐飲業者與食品業者從很早開始就有意識或無意識的在實務中使用了「跨感官知覺整合」 (cross-modal integration)來影響消費者在品嚐飲料時的整體感受。本研究希望探討當消費者在享用飲料時,是否會因為味覺以外的感官線索而影響對酸度的感知。以飲料顏色、 杯子顏色、飲料溫度、杯子形狀、杯墊形狀、搭配飲料的食物形狀、搭配飲料的食物包 裝顏色作為自變數,消費者對設計的敏感度、想像力清晰程度作為干擾變數,採實驗研 究法設計四個實驗,以大學生及研究生為對象,探討其中的主效果、干擾效果及交互作用。主要研究結果如下:
1. 證實當飲料顏色為綠色時比紅色時,有較高的感知酸度。
2. 證實當杯子為深灰色的不透明瓷杯時,飲料顏色綠色比紅色,有較高的感知酸度;當杯子顏色為白色的不透明瓷杯時,飲料顏色沒有顯著差異。
3. 證實當杯子顏色為綠色時比紅色時,有較高的感知酸度。
4. 證實當飲料溫度為加熱(65°C)時比室溫(25°C)時,有較高的感知酸度。
5. 證實當杯墊形狀為方形時比圓形時,有較高的感知酸度。
6. 證實當杯子形狀為方形的情況下,杯墊形狀為方形時比圓形時,有較高的感知酸度;當杯子形狀為圓形的情況下,杯墊形狀沒有顯著差異。
7. 證實在想像力清晰程度高的情況下,搭配飲料的食物包裝顏色為藍色時,搭配飲料的食物形狀對飲料酸度的影響沒有顯著差異。搭配飲料的食物包裝顏色為紅色時,搭配飲料 的食物形狀圓形比方形,受測者對飲料有較低的感知酸度;在想像力清晰程度低的情況 下,搭配飲料的食物包裝顏色與搭配飲料的食物形狀沒有交互作用。
摘要(英) When people drink beverage, almost all sensory perception can influence the taste. In practice, catering and food vendors has been consciously or unconsciously using cross-modal integration to affect consumers’ overall perception of beverage. Therefore, this study tries to explore that whether and how the non-gustatory cues can affect perceived sourness when consumer drink beverage. We use color of beverage content, color of cup, temperature of beverage content, shape of cup, shape of coaster, shape of food, color of food package as independent variables; sensitivity to design, vividness of mental imagery as moderator variables, perceived sourness as dependent variable and developed four experiments with experimental design. To explore the main effect of independent variable, moderator effect, and interaction between these variables, we used undergraduate and graduate students as the research samples. The results are indicated as followed.
1. When color of beverage content was green, participants’ perceived sourness is higher than the red one.
2. In the situation of dark grey cup, participants rated perceived sourness higher in green beverage content rather than red one. In the situation of white cup, there is no significant effect.
3. When color of cup was green, participants rated perceived sourness higher, rather than red one.
4. Compared to the room temperature, participants rated perceived sourness higher when the temperature of beverage content was heated.
5. When the shape of coaster was angular rather than rounded, participants rated perceived sourness higher.
6. In the situation of angular cup, participants rated perceived sourness higher when the shape of coaster was angular rather than rounded. In the rounded cup situation, there is no significant effect in the shape of coaster.
7. In the situation of high vividness of mental imagery, there is no significant effect in the shape of food when color of food package was blue. In contrast, when color of food package was red, participants rated perceived sourness lower in the rounded shape of food rather than angular one. In the situation of low vividness of mental imagery, there are no interaction in color of food package and shape of food.
關鍵字(中) ★ 跨感官知覺整合
★ 酸
★ 顏色
★ 形狀
★ 溫度
★ 杯子
★ 杯墊
★ 對設計的敏感度
★ 產品美感中心性
★ 想像力清晰程度
★ 心理意象
關鍵字(英) ★ cross-modal integration
★ sourness
★ color
★ shape
★ temperature
★ cup
★ coaster
★ sensitivity to design
★ centrality of visual product aesthetics
★ vividness of mental imagery
論文目次 摘要IV
第一章 緒論 - 1 -
第一節 研究動機 - 1 -
第二節 研究目的 - 2 -
第三節 研究問題 - 3 -
第四節 研究程序 - 4 -
第二章 文獻探討 - 5 -
第一節 聯覺、多感官味知跨整合- 5 -
第二節 顏色與味覺 - 7 -
第三節 溫度與味覺 - 11 11 -
第四節 形狀與味覺 - 12 -
第五節 知覺線索的一致與心理意象對味感影響- 15 -
第三章 研究方法、實驗與結果 研究方法、實驗與結果 - 21 -
第一節 研究方法 - 21 -
第二節 實驗一 - 22 -
第三節 實驗二 - 28 -
第四節 實驗三 - 33 -
第五節 實驗四 - 42 -
第四章 研究結果與建議 - 55 -
第一節 假設驗證 - 55 -
第二節 研究結論 - 57 -
第三節 研究貢獻 - 62 -
第四節 研究限制 - 65 -
第五節 後續研究建議 - 65 -
參考文獻 - 67 -
附錄一 酸度問卷 - 73 -
附錄二 產品美感中心性 (CVPA) (CVPA) (CVPA) 量表 - 74 -
附錄三 心理意象清晰程度 (QMI) (QMI) 量表 - 75 -
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指導教授 林建煌 審核日期 2017-1-20
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