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姓名 梁雅婷(Ya-Ting Liang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 應用擴散光學方程式解析解於造影量測系統驗證之研究
(Study on applying analytical solution of diffusion equation to the verification of diffuse optical imaging system)
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摘要(中) 女性乳癌之發生率逐年增加,針對乳癌篩檢可藉由常規檢測機制診斷,可及早發現病灶並提早治療,以降低死亡率,本實驗室所發展近紅外光擴散光資訊斷層造影系統 (Near-Infrared Diffuse Optical Tomography, NIR-DOT)相對於常規之檢測方式,其優點為可排除輻射疑慮及顯示功能性影像。該造影系統利用近紅外光穿透組織後造成的光能量衰減及相位延遲資訊,藉由反算程式以重建組織內部之光學係數影像,依據正常組織與病灶組織在近紅外光波段下,其吸收係數及散射係數間的差異作為辨別之基準,用以協助乳癌檢測。然而在成像前,其實驗數據須利用均質標準塊進行校正,但在人體試驗中,實驗數據並無均質組織作為校正之基準,故其標準塊校正方式有所限制。本研究基於擴散方程式,由量測結果中光能量衰減及相位差變化之關係,推估組織的均質光學特性。
摘要(英) According to the report from Health Promotion Administration (HPA), the incidence rate and mortality rate of women breast cancer increase gradually within a decade in Taiwan. Comparative to the common breast cancer detection method, such as X-ray mammography, near-infrared diffuse optical tomography (NIR-DOT) provides functional images and reduce the concerns of radiation. Due to different characteristics of optical properties, tumor tissue can be distinguished from normal tissue. NIR DOT uses near-infrared light to image tissue and measures the transmitted light from the tissue surface. Using the reconstruction algorithm with the measured data can estimate the optical coefficients (absorption coefficients and scattering coefficients) of the tissue. A standard homogenous phantom with optical properties similar to the object being imaging is used as the reference to calibrate the measured data before the reconstruction. In clinical trials, however, it doesn’t have this phantom for calibration. Therefore, bases on diffusion equation, this study will estimate the homogenous/bulk optical coefficients of the tissue by using measured data of the attenuation of the light intensity and the delay of the phase for facilitating calibration.
For the verification of the measurement system, we have to confirm the characteristic of the components used in NIR-DOT imaging system. From the characteristics of these components, optimal configuration can be set during the experiment. We use two different phantoms with known optical coefficients for verification of NIR-DOT imaging system under two measurement conditions. In the measurement condition of using uniform and infinite medium (without effect of boundary condition), the light intensity attenuates and the phase delays with increasing the distance between the source and the detector. The result of the experiment and the computed data from the derived analytical expressions based on the diffusion equation are close and show that the measurement system is stable. In the measurement condition of using circular phantom (with effect of boundary condition), the trend of result from NIR-DOT imaging system is also similar to the simulated data from solving the diffusion equation with the finite element method. With the previous results, it verifies the validity of measurement system.
According to the experimental data, the slopes of attenuation of light intensity and increase of phase delay with source-detector separation distance can be obtained. These slopes can further be used to estimate the optical coefficients based on the derived analytical expressions. Since the validity of our imaging system had been verified through the measurement of phantom with known optical properties, the homogeneous/bulk optical coefficients of tissue can be estimated from measured data, and be used as the initial value for reconstruction.
關鍵字(中) ★ 擴散光學斷層掃描
★ 系統驗證
關鍵字(英) ★ Diffuse Optical Tomography
★ System Validation
論文目次 摘要 V
Abstract VI
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XIV
第一章 緒論1
1-1 研究動機與目的1
1-2 文獻探討3
1-3 研究範疇5
第二章 理論基礎 8
2-1 組織光學特性 8
2-2 組織擴散光學檢測機制 11
2-3 擴散光學理論 12
第三章 光電量測模組17
3-1 光學檢測機制 17
3-2 元件特性 19
3-2-1 光源端元件 19
3-2-2 光偵測器端元件 20
3-2-2 電訊號處理元件 27
3-3 光電量測模組 33
第四章 檢測驗證與結果討論35
4-1 理論計算結果 35
4-2 光子密度波實驗 38
4-2-1 連續波光源 38
4-2-2 強度調變光源 40
4-3 關聯性探討44
4-4 仿乳假體試驗 48
第五章 結論與未來展望 57
參考文獻 59
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指導教授 潘敏俊 審核日期 2017-4-24
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