博碩士論文 103522019 詳細資訊

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姓名 張瓊方(CHIUNG-FANG CHANG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 使用卷積神經網路偵測街景文字圖案
(Detecting Texts and Graphs in Street View Images by Convolutional Neural Networks)
★ 基於QT之跨平台無線心率分析系統實現★ 網路電話之額外訊息傳輸機制
★ 針對與運動比賽精彩畫面相關串場效果之偵測★ 植基於向量量化之視訊/影像內容驗證技術
★ 植基於串場效果偵測與內容分析之棒球比賽精華擷取系統★ 以視覺特徵擷取為基礎之影像視訊內容認證技術
★ 使用動態背景補償以偵測與追蹤移動監控畫面之前景物★ 應用於H.264/AVC視訊內容認證之適應式數位浮水印
★ 棒球比賽精華片段擷取分類系統★ 利用H.264/AVC特徵之多攝影機即時追蹤系統
★ 利用隱式型態模式之高速公路前車偵測機制★ 基於時間域與空間域特徵擷取之影片複製偵測機制
★ 結合數位浮水印與興趣區域位元率控制之車行視訊編碼★ 應用於數位智權管理之H.264/AVC視訊加解密暨數位浮水印機制
★ 基於文字與主播偵測之新聞視訊分析系統★ 植基於數位浮水印之H.264/AVC視訊內容驗證機制
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摘要(中) 本論文提出於街景畫面中尋找文字與圖案的偵測機制,主要考量街景環境所拍攝的畫面常出現具識別性的人為標記,包括交通路牌與商家招牌,
招牌所屬區域,我們採用基於全卷積網路(Fully Convolutional Network, FCN)分割技術,訓練街景路牌及招牌的偵測模型,以期迅速且有效地確認目標。第二部分則於該區域中擷取文字及商標,我們利用招牌及路牌的特性,即不論兩者形狀為何,通常都由一塊平滑區域組成背景,而文字及商標存在於其中。我們依據灰階梯度強度(Gradient Magnitude),建構平滑區域圖,再根據第一部分所偵測的區域,以比對平滑區域的方式確認畫面中招牌的實際區域,根據文字與圖案的特性定義人為資訊位置機率圖。最後以適用於文本檢測的最大穩定極值區域 (Maximally Stable Extremal Regions,MSER)方法,從資訊位置機率大的區域中擷取文字及商標。實驗結果顯示本機制在各類複雜街景畫面中能有效取得文字與圖案,並依此探討FCN在此應用中的使用方式。
摘要(英) Considering that traffic and shop signs appearing in street view images contain useful information, such as locations of scenes or effects of advertising billboards, a text and graph detection mechanism in street view images is proposed in this research. Many of these artificial objects in street view images are not easy to extract with a fixed template. Besides, cluttered backgrounds containing such items as buildings or trees may block some parts of the signs, increasing the challenges of detection. Weather or light conditions further complicate the detection process. The proposed detection mechanism is divided into two parts; first, we use the Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) to train a detection model for effectively locating the positions of signs in street view images. In the second part, we extract the texts and graphs in the selected areas employing their characteristics. By observing that, regardless of various shapes, the texts/graphs are usually superimposed on smooth areas, we construct
smooth-region maps according to the gradient magnitudes and then confirm the actual areas of signs. The texts and graphs can then be extracted by Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER), which is suitable for text detection. Experimental results show that this mechanism can effectively extract texts and
graphs in different types of complex street scenes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 文字偵測
★ 卷積神經網路
★ 全卷積神經網路
★ 最大極值穩定區域
關鍵字(英) ★ text detection
★ convolution neural network
★ fully convolutional network
論文目次 論文摘要 .......................................................................................................................................... I
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................... III
目錄 .............................................................................................................................................. IV
附圖目錄 ....................................................................................................................................... VI
表格目錄 ........................................................................................................................................ IX
第一章 緒論 ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 研究動機 ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 研究貢獻 ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 論文架構 ............................................................................................................................ 5
第二章 文字偵測相關研究 ...................................................................................................... 6
第三章 深度學習介紹 .................................................................................................................. 10
3.1 類神經網路 ............................................................................................................................ 11
3.1.1 類神經網路基本原理 ......................................................................................................... 11
3.1.2 類神經網路發展 ................................................................................................................. 14
3.1.3 類神經網路訓練 ................................................................................................................. 15
3.1.4 倒傳遞類神經網路問題 ..................................................................................................... 17
3.2 深度學習發展歷程 ................................................................................................................ 19
3.3 卷積神經網路 ........................................................................................................................ 21
3.3.1 卷積神經網路基本結構 ..................................................................................................... 22
3.3.2 卷積神經網路發展 ............................................................................................................. 25
3.3.3 卷積神經網路模型 ............................................................................................................. 26
第四章 提出方法 ......................................................................................................................... 30
4.1 招/路牌之偵測 ...................................................................................................................... 31
4.1.1 全卷積神經網路介紹 ......................................................................................................... 31
4.1.2 網路建立與訓練資料 ......................................................................................................... 33
4.2 定位文字與圖案 .................................................................................................................... 36
4.2.1 確認招/路牌實際位置 ....................................................................................................... 36
4.2.2 區分招/路中背景區域 ....................................................................................................... 42
4.2.3 擷取文字與圖案 ................................................................................................................. 46
4.2.4 定位文字與圖案位置 ......................................................................................................... 49
第五章 實驗結果 ................................................................................................................... 52
5.1 網路訓練結果分析 .............................................................................................................. 52
5.2 文字圖案偵測結果比較 ...................................................................................................... 57
5.3 不同情境之偵測結果 .......................................................................................................... 60
第六章 結論與未來工作 .............................................................................................................. 72
參考文獻 ....................................................................................................................................... 73
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指導教授 蘇柏齊(Po-Chyi Su) 審核日期 2017-1-23
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