博碩士論文 955402009 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳獻廷(Hsien-Ting Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 背景白化目標物偵測法運用於高光譜影像
(Background Whitened Target Detection Algorithm for Hyperspectral Imagery)
★ 基於GPU的SAR資料庫模擬器:SAR回波訊號與影像資料庫平行化架構 (PASSED)★ 高頻譜影像物質含量估計運用加權最小 平方法
★ 利用X光乳房攝影產生之紋理特徵影像在腫瘤偵測上之研究★ 高光譜影像雜訊模式估計
★ 利用高光譜影像作異常物偵測★ 無參數加權特徵萃取對遙測及醫學影像目標偵測的應用
★ 利用電腦自動化對數值高程模型作線形偵測★ 高光譜影像異常物偵測與識別之平行運算方法與其效能評估
★ 利用多光譜影像的光譜與空間資訊結合數學型態學進行海洋油汙偵測★ 低解析度車牌視訊之強化與辨識
★ 利用遙測影像自動萃取校正點★ 新的影像融合演算法應用於多光譜遙測影像
★ 利用影像處理進行遙測影像的河道偵測與醫學影像的血管偵測★ 可調式都卜勒主動雷達校正器之改良研究
★ 基於色彩校正的遙測影像變遷偵測★ 利用固定式攝影機即時偵測土石流
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摘要(中) 隨著遙測技術的進步,近年來高光譜影像的應用越來越廣泛,由於影像中每個像素都包含了上百個波段的資訊,要從如此巨量的資料中,找尋影像中的異常物,是一項艱難的挑戰。在之前的研究中,知名的RX演算法與高次方統計法已被運用來解決這個問題。然而RX演算法雖然可以偵測出異常物,卻無法區分這些異常物的種類;高次方統計法雖可彌補無法辨別各類異常物的缺點,但必須重複找尋新的投影方向,需要花費較長的時間。在這篇論文中,我們根據RX演算法,提出一個新的能有效偵測且可區分異常物類別的偵測演算法,稱為「背景白化目標物偵測演算法」(BWTDA)。我們假設影像中的背景物為高斯分布並先將資料白化,經過白化的過程後,各個維度(光譜波段)上的資料成為彼此獨立且單一的分布型態(independent-identical-distributed),接著利用「目標物偵測程序」(Target Detection Process),自動的找到可能的異常物,最後透過「目標物分類程序」(Target Classification Process),區分出異常物的種類。實驗的結果顯示我們設計的方法改善了RX演算法無法區分異常物種類的缺點,且比高次方統計的方法更為快速。
摘要(英) With the improvement of remote sensing technology, applications of hyperspectral imaging have rapidly grown in various fields. Hyperspectral imaging collects information of the surface with hundreds of channels resulting in hundreds of co-registered images. To process such large amount of data without prior information of the scene is challenging, especially for anomaly detection. Several existing methods are devoted to this problem, such as the well-known RX algorithm and high-moment statistics approaches. The RX algorithm can detect all anomalies in a single image but it cannot classify them. On the other hand, the high-moment statistics approaches use parameters such as skewness and kurtosis to find the projection directions recursively, which is computationally expensive and time-consuming. This dissertation proposes an anomaly detection and classification algorithm extended from the RX algorithm named the Background Whitened Target Detection Algorithm. It first performs background whitening by assuming a Gaussian distribution. After the whitening, the background will be independent-identical-distributed Gaussian in all spectral bands. The Target Detection Process then searches for potential anomalies automatically, and the Target Classification Process classifies them individually. Experimental results show that the proposed method can improve upon the RX algorithm by classifying the anomalies and outperforming the original high-moment statistics approach in computational time.
關鍵字(中) ★ 背景白化目標物偵測法
★ 異常物偵測
★ RX 演算法
★ 偏度與峰度法
★ 白化
關鍵字(英) ★ Background Whitened Target Detection Algorithm
★ Anomaly Detection
★ RX algorithm
★ Skewness and Kurtosis method
★ Whitening Process
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Table viii
Chapter 1 1
1.1 Background 1
1.1.1 Hyperspectral Imagery 1
1.1.2 Anomaly Detection 5
1.2 Motivation 7
1.3 Experimental Data 8
1.3.1 USGS Digital Spectral Library 8
1.3.2 Real Data 9
1.4 Dissertation Outline 12
Chapter 2 13
2.1 RX Algorithm 13
2.2 Data Whitening Process 15
2.3 High-Order Statistics Approach 17
2.4 Automatic Target Detection and Classification Algorithm 20
2.4.1 Linear Spectral Mixing Model 21
2.4.2 Orthogonal Subspace Projector 22
2.4.3 Least Square Estimate 25
2.4.4 Automatic Target Detection and Classification Algorithm 26
2.5 Procedure of Background Whitened Target Detection Algorithm 28
2.6 Summary 31
Chapter 3 32
3.1 Synthetic Data Analysis 33
3.1.1 Two-dimensional Data Experiment 33
3.1.2 Multi-dimensional Data Experiment 37
3.2 Real Data Analysis 46
3.3 Summary 57
Chapter 4 59
Bibliography 63
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指導教授 任玄(Hsuan Ren) 審核日期 2017-1-23
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