摘要(英) |
80% of the company′s performance is created by 20% of the talent people in the company. The talent employees have become must be resources of human capital. Any enterprises that are looking for sustainable development must find the talent people through talent cultivation and talent management. This study is mainly not only to establish the talent management mechanism, successor team, but also to find a suitable talent evaluation model. Therefore the organizations can apply the right approach to select the right talent people.
This research is focus on the design of key talent management process, the establishment of talent criteria, screening methodology, talent assessment and training direction. Total 45 key talents are selected to participate in talent evaluation. This study examines whether the "level of rating", "assessment score", "career planning", "job position" and "education level" are the main factors influencing the promotion results of case company.
The empirical results show that the "level of rating" is a slight positively correlated with the promotion. It is indicating that the higher the level of rating, the greater the probability of promotion. There is negative correlation between the "job position" and the promotion, indicating that the lower position of the job, the higher probability to be promoted; the higher position of the job, the smaller the chance of promotion.
The main contribution of this study is to come out a set of management processes for key talent people, In the mean time the method can be applied to select the right talent people. |
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