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姓名 法麗佳(Himatul Farichah)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 針對裂隙岩體裂隙程度(P32)與水利傳導係數之表徵單元體積(REV)進行探討
(Representative Elementary Volume of P32 and Hydraulic Conductivity of Fractured Rock masses)
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摘要(中) 本文針對裂隙岩體裂隙程度(P32)與水利傳導係數之表徵單元體積(REV)進行探討。本文利用FracMan軟體作為生成離散裂隙網絡(DFN)之工具以模擬岩體裂隙。裂隙程度部分,本文設計一系列之參數研究,包括:傾角、傾向、費雪常數、岩體模型尺寸與形狀、取樣尺寸、裂隙直徑與岩體裂隙程度進行探討,量化各參數對於量測P32變異係數之影響,提出一計算量測P32之變異係數的方程式,其方程式以取樣體積、裂隙直徑及P32表示,並引入可接受之變異係數,即可計算岩體之幾何表徵單元體積。此外本文也利用數個現地案例進行探討並驗證此一方程式之正確性與應用性。
水利傳導係數部分,本文利用FracMan中兩個不同計算水利傳導係數之模式(Conventional Oda與Oda gold)設計一系列之參數研究,Conventional Oda部分包括:取樣尺寸、裂隙直徑、岩體裂隙程度、導水係數與破裂面開口寬進行探討;而Oda gold部分僅針對岩體裂隙程度進行探討。最後本文利用蒙地卡羅模擬以決定水利傳導係數之表徵單元體積。
This study presents the representative elementary volume (REV) of P32 (fracture intensity) and hydraulic conductivity of fractured rock mass. Discrete fracture network (DFN) generated by FracMan is adopted to create rock mass models. A series of parametric studies including dip angle, dip direction, Fisher constant κ, size of rock mass model, shape of rock mass model, specimen volume, fracture diameter, and P32 were investigated to study the REV of P32. Based on the results of the parametric studies, a novel equation to quantify the COV (Coefficient of variance) of P32 in terms of specimen volume, fracture diameter and P32 was established. A precise REV size can be obtained easily by assigning the acceptable COV. Thereafter, some case studies were used to verify the proposed novel equation.
Conventional Oda and Oda gold were adopted to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the fractured rock mass. By using Oda conventional, a series of parametric studies including specimen volume, fracture diameter, P32, transmissivity, and aperture were investigated to study the REV of hydraulic conductivity. Subsequently, that REV of hydraulic conductivity was compared with the REV of P32. In the other hand, by using Oda gold, only P32 was chosen as parametric study. Eventually, a proposed new method was conducted by examining the Monte Carlo simulation for REV of hydraulic conductivity determination.
關鍵字(中) ★ 裂隙岩體
★ 表徵單元體積(REV)
★ 離散裂隙網絡 (DFN)
★ 裂隙程度
★ 水利傳導係數
★ Oda模型
★ 蒙地卡羅模擬
關鍵字(英) ★ discrete fracture network (DFN)
★ fracture intensity
★ fractured rock mass
★ hydraulic conductivity
★ Monte Carlo simulation
★ Oda
★ representative elementary volume (REV)
Chinese Abstract i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Content iv
List of Figures viii
List of Tables xi
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Objective 2
1.3 Research Limitation 3
1.4 Research Organization 3
2.1 Representative Elementary Volume (REV) 5
2.2 Discrete Fracture Network 7
2.2.1 Fracture shape and size 8
2.2.2 Fracture planarity 9
2.2.3 Fracture location 9
2.2.4 Fracture orientation 9
2.3 Hydraulic theories 11
2.3.1 Darcy’s law 11
2.3.2 Cubic law 12
2.3.3 Oda’s permeability 13
2.4 Fracture intensity 16
2.5 Intensity measurement in 3-D 19
2.5.1 Area sampling 19
2.5.2 Line sampling 20
2.6 Statistical theories 21
2.6.1 Basic definitions 21
2.6.2 Coefficient of variance 21
2.6.3 Central limit theorem 22
2.6.4 Total sum of square 23
2.6.5 Monte Carlo simulation 24
3.1 Methodology of numerical simulation 25
3.2 Generating rock mass model 27
3.3 REV of P32 28
3.3.1 Parametric studies 28
3.3.2 Sampling method 29
3.4 REV of hydraulic conductivity 30
3.4.1 Parametric studies 30
3.4.2 Sampling method 31
4.1 The results of parametric studies 32
4.1.1 Parametric study of the size and the shape of rock mass model 32
4.1.2 Parametric study of Dip, dip direction and Fisher constant κ 33
4.1.3 Parametric study of specimen volume 36
4.1.4 Parametric study of fracture intensity 37
4.1.5 Parametric study of fracture diameter 38
4.2 Determining equation of COV of P32 39
5.1 Application of proposed equation 43
5.2 Validation of proposed equation 48
5.2.1 Comparison with the study from Esmaieli et al. (2010) 48
5.2.2 Discussions of the Comparison with the study from Esmaieli et al. (2010) 49
5.2.3 Comparison with the study from Grenon (2011) 51
5.2.4 Discussion of the Comparison with the study from Grenon (2011) 55
6.1 Numerical simulation results of parametric studies for conventional Oda approach 57
6.1.1 Parametric study of fracture intensity 57
6.1.2 Parametric study of specimen volume 59
6.1.3 Parametric study of fracture diameter 62
6.1.4 Aperture as parametric study 63
6.1.5 Parametric study of transmissivity 66
6.2 Discussion about the comparison of the results from COV of P32 and hydraulic conductivity 68
6.3 Examining Monte Carlo simulation for COV of hydraulic conductivity by conventional Oda 70
6.4 Discussion about the result of examining Monte Carlo simulation for COV of hydraulic conductivity by conventional Oda 79
6.5 Numerical simulation results of parametric studies for Oda Gold approach 80
6.2.1 Parametric study of fracture intensity 80
6.6 Examining Monte Carlo simulation for REV of hydraulic conductivity by Oda Gold 82
6.7 Discussion about the result of examining Monte Carlo simulation for REV of hydraulic conductivity by Oda Gold 85
7.1 Conclusions 86
7.2 Recommendations 88
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指導教授 田永銘(Yong-Ming Tien) 審核日期 2017-8-7
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