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姓名 鄭皓元(Hao-Yuan Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 水文與海洋科學研究所
(Development of S-band and Coherent-on-Receive Marine Radar for Ocean Surface Wave and Current Measurement)
★ 西北太平洋長期波候變遷之研究★ 近岸海洋波浪對海面粗糙度之影響
★ 濁水溪河口懸浮沉積物輸送之調查研究★ 低掠角微波雷達海面背向散射強度受波浪影響程度之探討
★ 澎湖海域潮流之數值模擬及其發電潛能評估★ 台灣沿海表面風之週期特性
★ 微波雷達與CCD影像分析於潮間帶地形測量之應用★ The directional spreading of surface wave in the shallow water zone
★ Resuspension of bottom sediment on Inner shelf - A case study of North-western coast of Taiwan★ 平緩海灘表層含水量變化特性研究
★ 內陸棚及河口混合與擴散特性觀測研究★ 臺灣海峽海洋塑料垃圾的輸運
★ 有限項目的連續水質監測 應用於探討觀新藻礁區水體環境即時變化★ 海岸帶地區海表拖曳係數與海表粗糙度(均方傾度)之相依關係
★ 應用微波雷達監測海流之演算法流程改善★ 微型資料浮標觀測波浪及MSS的比對分析與演算流程的改善
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摘要(中) 應用遙測方式獲取高時間與空間分辨率之海洋環境資訊為環境監測與防災之新趨勢,雷達遙測為非接觸式監測,雷達訊號強度會受外在環境影響而衰減,例如降雨與高濕度環境之影響,本研究第一部分即在討論降雨對現在廣為應用之X與S頻航海雷達之影響,並討論此類航海雷達於海洋環境監測能力之優劣.內文第二部分為改善現行廣為使用之影像雷達,使其具有同調性雷達之訊號,以增加其對海洋環境流場與坡場監測之應用性.
本研究第一部分研製 S-band 雷達進行波浪量測,不同於以往採用的 X-band 觀測系統,S-band 雷達不受降雨的影響,可進行全天候不間斷觀測。為了解 S-band 雷達觀測波浪的能力與限制,本研究在東北與西南季風期間於中央大學臨海工作站新屋海域佈放離岸不同距離位置之底碇式都卜勒流速波浪量測儀(Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, upgrade to wave mode),並在岸上架設 X-band 與 S-band 雷達測波系統,進行兩次為期 18 與 25 天的同步聯合觀測實驗,實驗期間包含降雨與高相對濕度天候,觀測時間間距為每 20 分鐘一次。觀測比對結果顯示 S-band 雷達可有效於降雨期間進行海面波浪觀測,其回波訊躁比 SNR 與波高之對數比對,成線性正相關,其迴歸曲線隨觀測位置依雷達入射角度而有一截距偏移。由 MTF 曲線顯示 S-band 雷達觀測結果能量較偏低頻,這與使用的天線長度與S-band 雷達電磁波特性造成之觀測 Footprint 大小有關。
摘要(英) The content of this thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is the development of S-band radar and the second part is the development of coherent-on-receive radar.

The first part: The high spatial resolutions of sea-clutter image sequences from X-band radar offer a means of deriving individual waves and wave field at low-cost. However, the performance of X-band radar is impaired under rainy conditions, which are usually accompanied by the severe weather at sea. In the present study, we examine the effectiveness of S-band radar for wave measurements under precipitation. The results of comprehensive comparative studies with sea-truth data show that S-band radar is capable of carrying out wave measurements in rainy conditions. Although the longer wavelength of the S-band leads to a coarser resolution of radar imagery, the S-band radar features at least the equivalent performance of the X-band system in non-rainy conditions, in terms of wave height measurement. The results suggest that the S-band and X-band could be complementary systems. In rainy conditions the S-band is more efficient but in the non-rainy periods the X-band gives more confident results. The relationship of significant wave height with radar signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and the modulation transfer function (MTF) between radar spectrum and wave spectrum for the used X-band and S-band radars are established and discussed in this paper.

The second part: In present study, an X-band marine radar was installed at the northwestern coast of Taiwan. The IF signal from the super-heterodyne receiver of the marine radar was retrieved, amplified, band-pass filtered and digitized to be the raw dataset, from which the phase of transmitted and echo radar EM wave could be determined. Based on Doppler theory, the time rate change of the phases between succeeding pulses could be used for estimating the water particle velocity of wave orbital motion. Due to the fact that the magnetron in the marine radar produces random frequency jump, and leading to mis-estimate of the phase differences. We adopted the Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition method as a filter to exclude the effects of frequency jump.
關鍵字(中) ★ S頻測波流雷達
★ 同調性雷達
關鍵字(英) ★ S-band marine radar
★ Coherent-on-receive radar
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
List of Figures IV
List of Tables VII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Goal and objective 6
Chapter 2 Implementation of S-band marine radar for surface wave measurement under precipitation 7
2.1 Field experiment setup 7
2.2 Analysis method 14
2.3 Calibration of the intensity of radar backscatter 18
2.4 Results and discussions 22
2.5 Conclusions 34
Chapter 3 Developments of Coherent-on-Receive Microwave Marine Radar for Wave and Current Measurement 36
3.1 Field experiment setup 36
3.2 Analysis method 38
3.3 Data processing and results 41
3.4 Summary 46
Chapter 4 Developments of miniature drifters for sea surface wave and current validations of Coherent-on-Receive Microwave Marine Radar 47
4.1 The design of miniature wave buoy 47
4.2 The design of miniature sea surface drifter 57
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指導教授 錢樺 審核日期 2017-7-28
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