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論文名稱 不連續創新政策社會化兩難困境之實證研究-以本國數位匯流政策體制面議題為例
(Dilemmas Concerning the Socialization of Discontinuous Innovation Policies: A Case Study of Digital Convergence Policies in Taiwan)
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摘要(中) 數位匯流發展是這個世代重大的創新,它已經成為現在資訊化社會的趨勢,並創造出一個新的數位生活的世代。數位匯流延伸出的應用服務已經改變人們的生活方式與品質,例如工作、教育、娛樂、醫療以及通訊傳播等,更是改變整個社會結構與發展。數位匯流的重要性,它在許多先進國家(即美國、歐洲、英國、大陸、日本)的國家層級政策中,數位匯流已成為重要的發展項目之一。換言之,這些國家都已經非常重視數位匯流的發展,因為這些發展的水準已經代表著這個國家人民的生活品質程度。這些生活要素的品質都是建立在一個完整的數位匯流環境平台上,所包括的數位匯流的發展政策、硬體建設以及相關法令,不論是那一項要素都是需要藉由政府的力量進行建設與發展;然而,當一項創新逐漸走向社會化時,除了它代表著人們的生活品質將更為提升;另一方面則是會影響到原本目標市場的既得利益者們的生存空間,因此他們之間開始互相對抗,進而產生許多爭議的現象。通常,這些爭議都會阻礙提升人們生活獲得更好品質的時機點,以及與其它國家產生更大的生活落差,甚至產生巨大的經濟損失。目前臺灣對於數位匯流發展的問題仍然未有重大的突破。
As a major innovation of the 21st century, digital convergence prevails within informatized societies and has been instrumental in ushering the digital era. Digital convergence has reshaped various aspects of human life such as employment, education, entertainment, healthcare, and communication, as well as the structure and development of wider society. Economic powers including the United States, European nations, United Kingdom, China, and Japan have promoted digital convergence as a national development policy because its development is associated with quality of life in these countries. Therefore, a well-established environment for digital convergence comprising relevant development policies, infrastructures, and laws and regulations must be developed by the government. Moreover, although the socialization of an innovation represents improved quality of life, it also poses a threat to the stakeholders of the original target market, causing intergroup conflict. Such conflict normally engenders barriers to the enhancement of quality of life, wider gaps from the quality of life of other countries, and substantial economic losses. Taiwan is yet to experience a major breakthrough in digital convergence.
Policies and programs concerning the development of digital convergence are enormous enterprises. It is crucial for the government to manage such enterprises effectively and strengthen the information and telecommunications industry chain, thereby furthering digital convergence on a national scale. Such a national initiative is typically formulated by a decision-making team composed of experts from business, governmental, and educational organizations; however, the opinions of these decision-makers tend to diverge because of differences in professional backgrounds. Therefore, this study aims to explicate the dilemmas concerning the development of digital convergence and issues associated with the underlying value chain, and synergize the views of specialists from different professions. A literature review is conducted on the socialization of innovations, discontinuous innovation, and dilemmas between value networks and innovation to propose a socio-institutional theory of discontinuous innovation.
Semistructured interviews are administered to experts from business, governmental, and educational organizations to explore and compile their opinions on policies for the development of digital convergence in Taiwan. The rationale behind each opinion is elucidated and analyzed from various perspectives to clarify similarities and dissimilarities among the opinions. The findings of this study are expected to further decision-makers’ understanding of diverging views on digital convergence development in Taiwan and of what causes such disagreement. Following the interview analysis, the influence of social identity and differences among social institutions are investigated. Empirical data analysis shows that for the policy on “promoting the convergence of televisions and communications”, low cohesion exists between experts from industry and government regarding launching mobile value-added services and facilitating the investment and development of digital convergence industries). Furthermore, low cohesion existed between experts from industry and academia regarding expediting the digitization of cable and terrestrial televisions and facilitating the investment and development of digital convergence industries. For the policy on “harmonizing laws and environments for digital convergence”), considerable differences in opinions were found between experts from industry and government and between those from industry and academia regarding altering regulations on telecommunications, radio, and television and completing the legal framework of digital convergence and passing laws on digital convergence. These findings are highly consistent with the socio-institutional theory of discontinuous innovation proposed in this study and actual related circumstances.
Finally, based on the aforementioned theory comprising institutional entrepreneurship, common standards, embedded institutional contradictions, potential specifications, potential technical competition, collaborative competition, and exogenous bumps, this study argues that new societies form as a result of interactions between ecological processes. Innovations and new societies cannot exist without relevant theories, and evolving new societies by introducing innovation is not feasible because the private sector remains ahead of the public sector in terms of innovation. Moreover, because disagreements over the socialization of innovations originate from a variety of domains, policymakers tend to combine conflicting views. However, to achieve success, policies on innovation socialization should be implemented in order of priority and in a progressive manner.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數位匯流
★ 創新社會化
★ 創新的兩難
★ 不連續創新現象
★ 不連續創新的社會體 制理論
關鍵字(英) ★ digital convergence
★ socialization of innovations
★ innovation dilemma
★ discontinuous innovation
★ socio-institutional theory of discontinuous innovation
摘要 I
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與背景 1
1.2 研究問題 4
1.3研究目的 5
1.4 本論文章節架構 6
第二章 研究背景 10
2.1 數位匯流的定義 10
2.2 主要國家數位匯流發展情況 11
2.2.1 美國數位匯流發展政策 12
2.2.2 歐洲數位匯流發展政策 13
2.2.3 日本數位匯流發展政策 14
2.2.4 南韓數位匯流發展政策 15
2.2.5 中國數位匯流發展政策 17
2.3 本國數位匯流發展政策與爭議 18
2.3.1 本國數位匯流發展政策 18
2.3.2 本國數位匯流發展爭議-公開報導內容分析 22
2.4 數位匯流延伸的匯流商機 28
2.4.1 第五代移動通信系統 29
2.4.2 物聯網 30
第三章 文獻探討 33
3.1 創新的社會化 33
3.2 不連續創新現象 39
3.3 創新的擴散 43
3.2.1 創新的定義 44
3.2.2 擴散的定義 45
3.2.3 影響創新擴散的元素 50
3.4 科學革命的結構 55
3.5 價值網與創新的兩難 56
3.6 不連續創新的社會體制理論 59
第四章 實證研究 67
4.1 研究方法 67
4.2 數位匯流發展方向與項目 68
4.3 從產業觀點分析數位匯流發展方向與項目 71
4.4 從官方觀點分析數位匯流發展方向與項目 80
4.5 從學術觀點分析數位匯流發展方向與項目 89
4.6 從整體觀點分析數位匯流發展方向與項目 98
4.7 討論與研究意涵 107
4.7.1 D1發展高速網路並建構新興視訊 108
4.7.2 D2推動電信電視與通訊傳播匯流 109
4.7.3 D3和匯流法規與環境 110
第五章 結論 112
5.1 研究結論 112
5.1.1 不同的產官學身分影響不同的見解 112
5.1.2 找出政策内聚性差的項目加以分析 113
5.1.3 產業與學術比官方更重視體制型創業與合作性競爭 115
5.1.4 產業與學術比官方更重視共同標準、潛在規範與崁入式體制矛盾 116
5.1.5 產業界比官方與學術比更重視體制型創業與合作競爭 116
5.1.6 在共同標準、潛在規範與潛在技術相互競爭方面,產官學歧見頗深 119
5.2 對未來研究的建議與限制 125
5.3 對實務界的建議 127
5.4 對相關部門的建議 127
參考文獻 128
附錄 138
附錄A:臺灣數位匯流發展政策與方向 138
附錄B:數位匯流發展項目之專家問卷 176

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指導教授 蔡明宏(Ming-Hone Tsai) 審核日期 2017-5-8
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