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姓名 黃暐晴(Wei-Ching Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 奢華人格與香水購買意願:探討受命名引發之品牌命名奢華度之中介與獨特性及地位消費之調節
(Individual luxury on perfume purchase intention: Mediated by naming induced luxury brand personality and moderated by need for uniqueness and status consumption)
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摘要(中) 儘管過去研究顯示品牌人格與購買意願有關,但鮮少探討關於品牌命名所引發之品 牌命名奢華度,以及個人奢華人格對奢侈品之購買意願。因此本研究欲探討個人奢華人 格對於香水購買意願的影響,是否會品牌命名奢華度之中介,以及與奢侈品相關之個人 獨特性需求與地位消費,是否會對品牌命名奢華度與香水購買意願之間產生調節效果。
本研究透過發放紙本問卷方式,回收有效問卷 201 份,首先以 SPSS 進行迴歸分析 並採用 PROCESS 分析中介效果與調節式中介效果。研究結果顯示個人奢華人格向度中, 個人誠摯與拜金對於購買意願呈現正向顯著影響;就品牌命名奢華度而言,命名幹練在 個人誠摯與購買意願,以及個人拜金與購買意願之間皆存在中介效果,而命名吸引對於 個人誠摯與購買意願之間存在中介效果。就調節效果而言,個人獨特性需求在個人誠摯 奢華人格下,對於命名幹練與購買意願之間存在正向調節。並根據假設驗證結果,提供 相關奢侈品行銷策略之建議,藉以提升消費者購買意願。
摘要(英) Although prior research has shown brand personality is related to purchase intention, but the focus was rarely about product naming induced luxury brand personality, as well as whether individual luxury personality may influence purchase intention of luxury products. As a result, the current study will explore the influence of individual luxury personality on perfume purchase intention, with regards to whether luxury brand personality may mediate such relationship, as well as whether individual need for uniqueness and status consumption may moderate the influence of luxury brand personality on purchase intention.
Using printed questionnaires, a total of 201 valid responses were collected and analyzed using SPSS with PROCESS macro to test the effect of moderated mediation. The result shows among the dimensions of individual luxury personality, individual sincerity luxury and individual materialism luxury have a positive effect on purchase intention. With regards to the mediation of luxury brand personality, professionalism mediates individual sincerity luxury and purchase intention, and between individual materialism luxury and purchase intention. Furthermore, attractiveness mediates between individual sincerity luxury and purchase intention. With regards to the moderation of need for uniqueness and status consumption, only professionalism the relationship between individual sincerity personality and purchase intention. Based on the results, practical suggestions on luxuries marketing strategies were provided to enhance the consumer’s purchase intention.
關鍵字(中) ★ 購買意願
★ 個人奢華人格
★ 品牌命名奢華度
★ 個人獨特性需求
★ 地位消費
關鍵字(英) ★ purchase intention
★ individual luxury
★ luxury brand personality
★ need for uniqueness
★ status consumption
論文目次 摘要 .............................................................................................. i Abstract…………………………………………………………………................……ii
誌謝 ..............................................................................................iii
目錄 ..............................................................................................iv
圖目錄 …………………………………………………………………….................….vi
表目錄 ……………………………………………………………………….................vii 第一章 緒論 ............................................................................1
* 1-1  研究背景與動機 ...................................................................1
* 1-2  研究目的 .............................................................................3
* 1-3  研究流程 .............................................................................3
第二章 文獻探討 ......................................................................5
2-1 購買意願................................................................................. 5
* 2-1-1  購買意願的定義 ................................................................5
* 2-1-2  購買意願的理論 ................................................................5
2-2 個人奢華人格 ......................................................................... 6
* 2-2-1  人格的定義 ..................................................................... 6
* 2-2-2  人格特質的理論 .............................................................. 7
* 2-2-3  個人奢華人格與購買意願之關係 .......................................11
2-3 品牌命名奢華度 ......................................................................12
* 2-3-1  品牌命名奢華度的定義 .....................................................12
* 2-3-2  品牌命名奢華度的理論 ....................................................13
* 2-3-3  個人奢華人格與品牌命名奢華度之關係 ............................14
* 2-3-4  品牌命名奢華度與購買意願之關係 ...................................16
2-4 個人獨特性需求 .................................................................... 17
* 2-4-1  個人獨特性需求的定義 ....................................................17
* 2-4-2  個人獨特性需求的理論 ....................................................18
* 2-4-3  品牌命名奢華度與個人獨特性需求之調節關係 ..................19
2-5 地位消費 .........................................................................22
* 2-5-1  地位消費的定義 ..............................................................22
* 2-5-2  地位消費的理論 .............................................................22
* 2-5-3  品牌命名奢華度與地位消費之關係 ..................................23
第三章 研究方法 .....................................................................26
* 3-1  研究架構 ...........................................................................26
* 3-2  研究樣本 .......................................................................... 28
* 3-3  研究工具 .......................................................................... 28
* 3-4  研究步驟 .......................................................................... 31
第四章 研究結果 ......................................................................... 34
* 4-1  樣本描述性統計 ................................................................ 34
* 4-2  信度分析 .......................................................................... 35
* 4-3  量表描述性統計 ................................................................ 36
* 4-4  變項間之相關 ................................................................... 37
* 4-5  迴歸分析 .......................................................................... 40
* 4-6  中介效果分析 ................................................................... 42
* 4-7  調節式中介效果分析 ..........................................................45
* 4-8  假設驗證結果 ................................................................... 47
第五章 結論與建議 ................................................................ 56
* 5-1  研究討論 .......................................................................... 56
* 5-2  管理意涵 .................................................................................................. 58
* 5-3  研究限制與未來建議 ........................................................ 60
參考文獻 .............................................................................. 62
附錄:研究問卷 ...................................................................... 70
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指導教授 杜秉叡、鄭明松(Ben-Roy Do Ming-Sung Cheng) 審核日期 2017-6-12
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