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姓名 趙晏慈(Yan-chi Chao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 檢驗有幫助性評論與發訊者的效果之研究 ─以旅館產業為例
(Investigating the effectiveness of Helpful reviews and reviewers in hotel industry)
★ 在社群網站上作互動推薦及研究使用者行為對其效果之影響★ 以AHP法探討伺服器品牌大廠的供應商遴選指標的權重決定分析
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摘要(中) 在網路的發展下,消費者可以將個人經驗或知識分享到網路上,網路評論是消費者提供真實經驗的資訊,其中旅館產業是較短時間的體驗性消費,消費者在購買決策的過程中非常依賴網路口碑。然而現今網路資料量過載,大量的網路評論反而干擾消費者決策,所以許多研究開始找尋哪些是有幫助性的評論,本研究與以往不同之處在於檢驗評論被標記為有幫助性的評論和發訊者,實際對旅館業者之影響。
以TripAdvisor全球旅遊評論網站上,北美前十大排名熱門都市的旅館評論為例,選取每地區排名前三十家旅館評論。對旅館評論分為正向、中立和負向,針對評論的有幫助性,以及發訊者的平均貢獻度,進行變數之間的相關分析。本研究發現「評論有幫助性(Helpfulness)」在正向與中立評論中對旅館業者有影響,以及發訊者的「平均貢獻度(Average contribution)」在正向、中立和負向評論中,對旅館業者有影響,而「評論有幫助性」與「評論等級」有顯著負相關。
另外,本研究還分析旅館等級與旅館排名之間的關係,發現「旅館等級標準差(Rating standard deviation)」與旅館排名有正相關性,表示旅館排名愈後面,等級標準差愈大,發訊者的意見愈不一致。而「旅館正負變化次數(Rating runs)」與旅館排名具有正向相關,說明旅館排名愈後面,評論正負變化次數愈高。
With the growth of e-commerce, online consumer reviews have become important attributes that influence purchase decisions. Especially, hotel industry has been strongly influenced by online reviews due to most tourists cannot experience all hotels personally and the service levels among hotels can very significantly.
However, the inundation of online consumer reviews has caused information overload, making it difficult for consumers to choose reliable reviews. Therefore, helpful remarks of hotel review should potentially have strong influence on users. Previous research focused on how to predict the helpful scores of reviews but has not explore the influence of reviews marked with helpfulness. The aims of this study is to investigate whether the helpful reviews and reviewers who contribute many reviews really have effects on the marks hotel received.
With analysis of reviews contributed in Tripadvisor.com for three hundred hotels scattered in ten cities of U.S., this study found both reviewer contribution, and helpful review has a positive effect on marks of hotels. Moreover, the research also discovered that the helpfulness of reviews is negatively relates to the ratings. Also, the research found that the standard deviation of review mark is positively relates to hotel ranks.
關鍵字(中) ★ 評論等級
★ 有幫助性的評論
★ 旅館評論
★ Tripadvisor
關鍵字(英) ★ Online ratings
★ helpful reviews
★ online hotel reviews
★ Tripadvisor
第一章 緒論(1)
第二章 文獻探討(6)
第三章 研究流程(11)

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指導教授 許秉瑜(Ping-Yu Hsu) 審核日期 2017-6-30
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