博碩士論文 104421007 詳細資訊

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姓名 楊馥亘(Fu-Hsuan Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 公允價值、會計資訊品質、信用風險 與外資持股比率之關聯性研究
★ 台灣與大陸在ERP專案管理、專案成員向心力與離心力的不同之處★ ERP專案成員離心力與向心力對代理問題之影響
★ 事業策略、人力資源管理與組織績效之實證研究★ 商用飛機維修成本控制之研究-以某國籍航空公司為例
★ ERP系統更換關鍵成功因素研究-以Oracle系統導入為例★ 中小企業自行開發ERP 系統關鍵成功因素研究- 以高科技產業為例
★ 文化創意產業產品策略選擇之影響因素-以國片為例★ 專案管理風險對ERP專案成功之影響
★ 品質機能展開與多準則決策於設備開發應用★ ERP導入品質因素對IFRS轉換專案之影響
★ ERP投資金額對服務品質及導入後IT治理目標之分析★ ERP 導入問題對專案的影響
★ IFRS轉換對員工退休金計畫影響★ IFRS轉換對企業績效評估的影響
★ IFRS轉換問題對IFRS效益的影響★ ERP環境下企業集團自行編製合併報表能力對XBRL資訊透明度之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究以台灣上市櫃公司為對象,探討公允價值、會計資訊品質、信用風險與外資持股比率之關聯性研究,實證顯示透過公允價值之採用可透過會計資訊品質之忠實表述進而降低信用風險、並提升外資持股比率。使企業之利害關係人能夠以財務報表上忠實表述之公允價值確認企業財務狀況與經營投資成果,避免錯誤與增進資訊之品質,達提升公司財務狀況之透明度,進而降低企業信用風險、提升投資意願之綜效。

摘要(英) This study examines the correlation between fair value, the quality of accounting information, credit risk and foreign investment shareholding ratio. It shows that the
adoption of fair value can reduce the credit risk through the faithful representation of the quality of accounting information, enhance the foreign ownership ratio as well. That is, with the aim of adopting fair value and faithful representation on the accounting information, stakeholders of the enterprise can monitor the enterprise’s financial status easily, provide better investing decision and increase investing wiliness with better quality of accounting information. Adoption of fair value may enhance the transparency of the financial status of the enterprise; help reduce the credit risk and lower financing cost.
The empirical result finds out that the effect of fair value on credit risk is negatively correlated; and fair value is positively correlated with the effect of foreign
ownership ratio, which is consistent with the hypothesis of this study. However, the fair value does not have a direct and significant effect on the two variables above. It is speculated that fair value may have to be subject to mediator which can significantly affect the credit risk and foreign investor shareholding ratio. Therefore, this study further uses the quality of accounting information as the mediator to explore whether the use of fair value can improve the quality of accounting information and significantly affect the credit risk and foreign investor shareholding ratio.

Keywords: Fair Value, Quality of accounting information, Faithful representation, Credit Risk, Foreign investor shareholding ratio
關鍵字(中) ★ 公允價值
★ 會計資訊品質
★ 忠實表述
★ 信用風險
★ 外資持股比率
關鍵字(英) ★ Fair Value
★ Quality of accounting information
★ Faithful representation
★ Credit risk
★ Foreign investor shareholding ratio
論文目次 目錄
致謝 ii
摘要 iv
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與目的 1
1-2 論文架構與研究流程 2
二、 文獻探討 5
2-1 公允價值 5
2-2 信用風險與公允價值 7
2-3 外資持股比率與公允價值 8
2-4 會計資訊品質 9
三、 研究方法 15
3-1 研究架構 15
3-2 研究對象與樣本描述 18
3-3 構面評估 19
四、 研究結果 29
4-1 統計檢驗 29
4-2 測量模式評估 33
4-3 結構模式評估 44
4-4 中介效果評估 54
4-5 假說檢定 59
五、 結論與建議 60
5-1 研究結論 60
5-2 研究限制與未來建議 62
參考文獻 63
中文文獻 63
英文文獻 64
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 蔡文賢(Wen-Hsien Tsai) 審核日期 2017-7-10
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