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姓名 林志穎(Zhi-Ying Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 弦波相位調制光柵干涉儀之位移量測系統開發
(Development of sinusoidal phase modulation grating interferometer for displacement measurement)
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摘要(中) 本論文提出一種新式的位移量測技術並結合軟體解相技術開發出一套精密位移量測系統-弦波相位調制光柵干涉儀。
本論文使用弦波相位調制的技術將頻差引入相位內形成外差光源,再以光柵繞射後的正一階光與部分被光柵反射形成繞射的零階反射光經反射鏡再次反射經過光柵繞射的負一階光干涉,當反射鏡移動時,位移訊號會存在於干涉訊號中,而後以自行開發的軟體鎖相放大技術解出位移訊號。由於傳統的外差干涉儀需使用到大量的偏振元件,但偏振元件因製程上的缺陷容易引入量測上的非線性誤差,另外在解相作業需使用類比電路鎖相放大器,該儀器體積大且成本高,而弦波相位調制光柵干涉儀以非常簡單的架構即可達到高解析度的位移量測,只需要使用雷射、一個架設於位移平台的光柵、反射鏡與光檢測器即可量測位移,解相的部分以軟體解相技術取代了傳統的電路鎖相放大器,可大幅降低量測系統成本與縮小量測系統的體積。本論文所提出的弦波相位調制光柵干涉儀的量測解析度約為2 nm,靈敏度為1.14°/nm,量測速度為2.85 μm/s。
In this study, a high-precision displacement measurement system: sinusoidal phase modulation grating interferometer, is developed by integrating heterodyne grating interferometry and digital lock-in technique.
In the 21st century, high-precision displacement measurement technology plays an important role in a wide range of industries, especially in the industry of semiconductor. Currently, production of semiconductor has achieved nanoscale dimensions, therefore it is essential that measurement system attains nanometer or even sub-nanometer resolution, in order to meet the demand of semiconductor industry. Thus, this study presents a high-precision displacement measurement system developed using optical technology.
The measurement system utilizes sinusoidal phase modulation as heterodyne light source, which is passed through a grating to generate 1st order light by diffraction and 0th order light by reflection. A mirror is used to direct the 0th order light to the grating so that -1st order light can be generated by diffraction. As the mirror moves, displacement signals are stored within the interferometry signals, and the relative phase can be retrieved using digital lock-in technique. Conventional heterodyne grating interferometry requires many polarizing elements, nevertheless fabrication flaws of polarizing elements increase the chances of nonlinear inaccuracies during measurement. Furthermore, conventional method requires analogue lock-in amplifier, which is big in volume and expensive, in order to extract signal from a noisy environment. In contrast, the sinusoidal phase modulation grating interferometer presented in this study is able to achieve high resolution in displacement measurement with a simple set-up. Displacement measurement can be performed by utilizing a laser, a grating fixed on moving stage, a mirror and a photodetector. This system uses digital lock-in technique, eliminating the need for a conventional lock-in amplifier, and thus reducing the measurement cost and size of measurement system in a great scale. The sinusoidal phase modulation grating interferometer proposed in this study is able to achieve resolution of 2 nm and sensitivity of 1.14 ˚/nm with measurement speed at 2.85 μm/s.
關鍵字(中) ★ 位移量測
★ 光柵繞射
★ 外差干涉術
★ 弦波相位調制
★ 光學量測
關鍵字(英) ★ Displacement metrology
★ grating diffraction
★ heterodyne interferometer
★ Sinusoidal phase modulation
★ Optical metrology
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.2.1位移干涉儀之文獻回顧 2
1.2.2外差光柵干涉術之文獻回顧 5
1.2.3軟體鎖相放大器 8
1.3研究目的 10
1.4論文架構 10
第二章 基礎理論 11
2.1外差干涉術 11
2.1.1移動光柵產生外差光源 12
2.1.2塞曼雷射外差光源 13
2.1.3電光晶體調制外差光源 13
2.1.4聲光調制外差光源 14
2.2光柵繞射 14
2.3光柵干涉術 16
2.3.1 SPM (Sinusoidal Phase Modulation)弦波相位調制系統 16
2.3.2光柵干涉 17
2.4外差訊號相位解調 17
2.4.1外差訊號相位解調 17
2.5解纏繞相位 20
第三章 系統架構 21
3.1弦波相位調制光柵干涉儀架構 21
3.2弦波相位調制光柵干涉儀系統運作 23
3.3相位解調系統 27
3.4模擬結果討論 29
3.4.1 訊號與相位造成的影響 31
3.4.2 訊號相位差的影響 34
3.4.3 模擬位移結果 35
3.4.4鎖相模擬探討 37
3.5小結 39
第四章 實驗結果與討論 40
4.1重複性實驗 40
4.1.1長行程量測實驗:80 μm、20 μm、10 μm弦波及三角波運動 40
4.1.2中行程量測實驗:4 μm、2 μm弦波及三角波運動 47
4.1.3小行程運動:600 nm、50 nm、20 nm、10 nm. 51
4.2實驗討論 58
4.2.1量測解析度 58
4.2.2量測靈敏度 60
4.2.3量測速度測試 60
4.2.4 穩定度測試 60
4.3小結 61
第五章 誤差分析 62
5.1非線性誤差 62
5.2光柵誤差 63
5.3隨機誤差 66
5.3.1環境擾動 66
5.3.2電子雜訊 66
5.4小結 66
第六章 結論與未來展望 67
6.1結論 67
6.2未來展望 67
參考文獻 68

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指導教授 李朱育(Ju-Yi Lee) 審核日期 2017-7-27
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