博碩士論文 104421003 詳細資訊

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姓名 蔡東宸(Tong-Chen Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 社群活動及獎賞真的可以影響使用者與網站之間的關係和價值嗎?從使用者的好處及成本角度探討
★ 工作滿足、領導行為、工作特性與人格特質對離職傾向之探討-以超大型會計師事務所審計人員為例★ 以組織診斷模型診斷企業組織層級架構-以某公司為例
★ 科技產業組織診斷與分析之研究-以Q公司為例★ 製造業推行六標準差的成功關鍵因素探討
★ 高職辦理輪調式建教班對學校經營績效之評估-以北區私立高職為例★ 本國商業銀行經營績效之探討-資料包絡分析法之應用
★ 台灣中小企業 創業動機與創業績效關係之研究★ 員工當責與真誠領導之關聯性-以心理賦權與團隊凝聚力為中介變數
★ 以個人與環境適配為關鍵中介探討特定品牌領導對員工品牌權益之影響★ 道德感讓你買更多綠色產品?從消費者產品知覺價格及品質角度來探討—以綠色程度做調節
★ 線上品牌社群該如何提升與粉絲的價值共創?以線上品牌社群活動與線下實體活動為中介變數探討★ 農業創新服務模式之商業模式研究-以蜂巢數據科技有限公司為例
★ 燈⽕闌珊處的求職旅程:如何透 過⼯作價值觀、雇主吸引⼒、激 勵因⼦為求職者點亮路徑★ 購買意願的幕後功臣:Instagram大小網紅的 自我揭露對消費者自我一致性與感知真實的影響
★ 中小企業之組織診斷與分析-以A公司為例★ 高科技產業人力資源發展與組織績效之研究-以新竹科學園區為例
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摘要(中) 摘要

第三部分,實用價值、享樂價值及社會價值對於社群網站關係品質之間的有顯著的影響本研究為避免迴歸模型所產生的生態謬誤(Ecological Fallacy)與原子論式的謬誤(Atomistic Fallacy),使用階層線性模型(HLM)進行跨層次分析。研究對象為32個不同的Facebook品牌粉絲專頁,問卷共計發放331份,有效問卷則為331份,問卷有效率達100%。使用HLM模型在網站關係品質之領域的研究來說相當創新,因此,本研究貢獻也能成為此領域的重要發展。
Due to the rise of Fan page economy, fans became a motivation for company to keep moving forward. Facebook provided Fan page to shorten the distance between company and customers and enhance their relationship. From company’s perspective, it’s not only an appropriate way to offer its product’s information and service, but also an active way to interact with their membership in social media activities. And then increase brand visibility. For customers, they can effectively find useful product information in Fan page. In addition, social media activities also can help customers to establish new relationship with other users. As a result, the relationship between company and customers are like couple. In order to maintain this relationship, you must cherish it carefully and listen to each other. Mutual understanding is essential to relationship. Therefore, this research means to explore how to concentrate on fans’ requirement and then protect this relationship.
This research will be discussing three parts. First, how do users’ psychological factors affect its utilitarian value, hedonic value, and social value? Second, we use rewards of social media and activities as conciliation. And find the relationship between users’ psychological factors and value. For the third parts will discuss how users’ values affect users and website’s relationship quality.
In the first part, this research reveals a positive relationship between social enhancements, utilitarian value, hedonic value, and social value; the benefits and utilitarian value, hedonic value, and social value as a positive relationship, the rest to the utilitarian value and hedonic value is not significant; the exhibition and social value as a positive relationship, the rest to the utilitarian value and hedonic value is not significant .In addition, this research reveals a negative relationship between effort , hedonic value and social value, the rest to the utilitarian value is not significant; the privacy abuse concern, social value as a negative relationship, the rest to the utilitarian value and hedonic value is not significant.
In the second parts, a conciliation from rewards and social media activities. For utilitarian value, rewards and social media activities has a weaken effects on social enhancements. For hedonic value, rewards and social media activities has a weaken effects on social enhancements. For social value, social media activities has a weaken effects on social enhancements and a strengthen effects on exhibition.
In the third parts, utilitarian value, hedonic value, and social values have a positive effect on social media relationship quality.
To avoid ecological fallacy and atomistic fallacy, we use Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to test our research model. There were 331 surveys distributed and 331 valid samples were retrieved from 32 different facebook brand fan pages. The valid response rate is 100 %. In the past, few studies investigated brand relationship quality in SNS through a cross-level approach. Thus, it provides greater research value than single-level analysis.

Keywords: Social enhancement, Benefit, Exhibition, Effort, Privvacy abuse concern, Brand relationship quality in SNS, Utilitarian value, Hedonic value, Social value, Reward, Social media activities
關鍵字(中) ★ 社會增強
★ 好處
★ 精力
★ 展示自我
★ 隱私濫用關注
★ 實用價值
★ 享樂價值
★ 社會價值
★ 獎賞
★ 社群活動
★ 社群網路之品牌關係品質
關鍵字(英) ★ Social enhancement
★ Benefit
★ Exhibition
★ Effort
★ Privvacy abuse concern
★ Brand relationship quality in SNS
★ Utilitarian value
★ Hedonic value
★ Social value
★ Reward
★ Social media activities
論文目次 目錄
摘要 ………………………………………………………………………………...i
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………….....iii
表目錄 ……………………………………………………………………….....…ix
圖目錄 ……………………………………………………………………....…......x
緒論 ..........................................................................................................................1
1-1 研究背景 ..........................................................................................................1
1-2 研究目的 ..........................................................................................................2
1-3 研究貢獻 ..........................................................................................................6
文獻探討與研究假設 ..............................................................................................7
2-1 感知價值............................................................................................................7
2-1-1 實用價值.................................................................................................7
2-1-2 享樂價值.................................................................................................8
2-1-3 社會價值.................................................................................................8
2-2 社會增強 ..........................................................................................................9
2-3 好處..................................................................................................................10
2-4 展示自我..........................................................................................................11
2-5 精力..................................................................................................................12
2-6 隱私濫用關注..................................................................................................12
2-7 社群網站之品牌關係品質..............................................................................13
2-8 社群活動及獎賞之調節..................................................................................15
2-8-1 獎賞.......................................................................................................16
2-8-2 社群活動...............................................................................................17
2-9 獎賞、社群活動 調節社會增強與實用價值的關係……………………....18
2-10 獎賞、社群活動 調節好處與實用價值的關係.………………………......19
2-11 獎賞、社群活動 調節展示自我與實用價值的關係………………….…..19
2-12 獎賞、社群活動 調節精力與實用價值的關係…………………………...20
2-13 獎賞、社群活動 調節隱私濫用關注與實用價值的關係……….………..20

2-14 獎賞、社群活動 調節社會增強與享樂價值的關係……………….……..21
2-15 獎賞、社群活動 調節好處與享樂價值的關係…………………………...21
2-16 獎賞、社群活動 調節展示自我與享樂價值的關係………………….…..22
2-17 獎賞、社群活動 調節精力與享樂價值的關係……………………….…..22
2-18 獎賞、社群活動 調節隱私濫用關注與享樂價值的關係…………….…..23
2-19 獎賞、社群活動 調節社會增強與社會價值的關係………………….…..23
2-20 獎賞、社群活動 調節好處與社會價值的關係……………………….…..24
2-21 獎賞、社群活動 調節展示自我與社會價值的關係………………….…..24
2-22 獎賞、社群活動 調節精力與社會價值的關係……………………….…..25
2-23 獎賞、社群活動 調節隱私濫用關注與社會價值的關係………………...25
3-1 研究對象與樣本發放..................................................................................... 26
3-2 問卷設計 ........................................................................................................28
3-3 變項衡量方式 ................................................................................................28
3-3-1 社會心理好處.....................................................................................28
3-3-2 成本 ...................................................................................................30
3-3-2-1 精力..........................................................................................30
3-3-2-2 隱私濫用關注 ........................................................................30
3-3-3 感知價值.............................................................................................31
3-3-3-2享樂價值 .................................................................................31
3-3-4 社群網站之品牌關係品質.................................................................33
3-3-5 獎賞.....................................................................................................34
3-3-6 社群活動.............................................................................................35

3-4 控制變數 .......................................................................................................36
3-5 分析方法 .......................................................................................................36
3-5-1 敘述性統計與相關分析 ....................................................................36
3-5-2 因素分析 ............................................................................................37
3-5-3 信度分析 ............................................................................................37
3-5-4 效度分析 ............................................................................................37
3-5-5 共同方法變異控制 ............................................................................38
3-5-7 階層線性模型分析 ............................................................................39
資料分析與研究結果 ...........................................................................................40
4-1 敘述性統計分析 ...........................................................................................40
4-2 相關性分析 ...................................................................................................43
4-3 信度分析 .......................................................................................................45
4-4 建構效度分析 ...............................................................................................46
4-4-1 收斂效度 ............................................................................................46
4-4-2 區別效度 ............................................................................................47
4-5 變數之組內與組間變異成份分析.................................................................49
4-6 共同方法變異分析與因素分析.....................................................................49
4-7 階層線性模型之假設分析結果.....................................................................50

4-7-8 獎賞對社會增強、好處、展示自我、精力、隱私濫用關注至實用價值之調節關係......................................................................................................60
4-7-9 社群活動對社會增強、好處、展示自我、精力、隱私濫用關注至實用價值之調節關係...............................................................................................63
4-7-10 獎賞對社會增強、好處、展示自我、精力、隱私濫用關注至享樂價值之調節關係........................................................................................................64
4-7-11 社群活動對社會增強、好處、展示自我、精力、隱私濫用關注至享樂價值之調節關係..................................................................................................................66
4-7-12 獎賞對社會增強、好處、展示自我、精力、隱私濫用關注至社會價值之調節關係........................................................................................................68
4-7-13 社群活動對社會增強、好處、展示自我、精力、隱私濫用關注至社會價值之調節關係................................................................................................70
結論與建議 ............................................................................................................73
5-1 研究貢獻 ........................................................................................................73
5-2 實務建議 .........................................................................................................84
5-3 研究限制與後續研究建議 .............................................................................86
中文參考文獻 .........................................................................................................88
英文參考文獻 .........................................................................................................88

表1 Likeboy提供台灣Facebook總粉絲團類 ......................................................27
表 2社會增強、好處、展示自我之構面操作性定義及衡量題目
表8有效樣本之基本資料分析(樣本數為331人) ………………..........................…........................................................................40
表9有效樣本之基本資料分析(樣本數為331人) ………………..........................…........................................................................41
表11變數之相關係數表(加控制變數) ……………….......................…...........................................................................43
表12變數衡量量表之Cronbach’s α係數……………………….………….......................….......................………...…......45
表14區別效度分析矩陣 ..............................................................................................................................48

圖1研究架構圖 .......................................................................................................5

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