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姓名 林彥臣(Yen-Chen Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 能源工程研究所
(Phosphor Packaging Design of white LED with Optical-Thermal-Electrical Coupling)
★ 發光二極體電極設計與電流分佈模擬分析★ 外加水平式磁場柴氏長晶法生長矽單晶之熱流場數值模擬研究
★ 外加cusp磁場柴氏法生長單晶矽之熱流場及氧雜質傳輸數值分析★ MOCVD垂直式腔體中氮化鎵薄膜生長之模擬分析
★ 考量氣體分子 吸附性質之 MOCVD垂直反應腔體模擬分析★ 水平式MOCVD腔體中使用氣體脈衝方法生長氮化鋁薄膜之數值模擬與分析
★ 外加Cusp磁場下柴氏法生長單晶矽之不同晶堝轉影響熱流場及氧傳輸數值分析★ 水解二乙基鋅於近耦合噴淋式反對稱腔體 之MOCVD模擬設計分析
★ MOCVD水平式腔體中氮化鎵薄膜製程碳濃度之模擬與傳輸現象分析★ MOCVD 行星式腔體之模型建立與傳輸現象分析
★ 柴氏法生長6~8吋矽單晶之高溫梯爐體與製程設計模擬★ 300mm矽晶圓片於平坦度10奈米以下磊晶製程之數值模擬分析
★ 以陽極處理法生長二氧化鈦奈米管於玻璃基板上之研究★ 二段陽極處理法應用於鈦薄膜成長之研究
★ 交流電發光二極體之接面溫度與熱阻量測研究★ 液滴於具溫度梯度的微流道之數值模擬
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摘要(中) 白光發光二極體(White LED) 是新一代重要的固態照明設備。了解其中的電、光、熱的交互作用機制是我們非常中要的課題。本研究中使用有限元素分析法搭配蒙地卡羅法建立光電熱耦合數值模擬分析模型。透過內部量子效率計算光源能量分布。再套入螢光粉封裝數值模型分析螢光粉轉換白光LED整體封裝的溫度場分布、出光能量、相對色溫及演色性。
White LED is an important candidate of new generation solid state lightening. Understanding the mechanism of how is the interaction between current, light and heat is an essential task for us. In this study, finite element method (FEM) and Monte Carlo statistics method are applied to optical-electrical-thermal coupled numerical model. Obtaining the light source from IQE calculation. Coupling with the phosphor packaging numerical model in order to analyze the temperature distribution, light output power, CCT, and CRI of phosphor-converted white LED.
The blue LED and yellow phosphor is chosen as the material of white LED. The packaging with and without phosphor are investigated. From the comparison, the result obtained from numerical simulation can correctly fit to the experimental result. The self-heating of phosphor layer is the main reason that caused the hotspot in phosphor layer for phosphor-converted white LED.
Based on the previous analysis, double phosphor layer packaging was proposed. The concentration of inner layer is always higher than outer layer, and the CCT of white LED is set to be about 6300K. With higher inner concentration, the absorption of die is enhanced, caused the color shift and higher junction temperature. Lower inner concentration can lead to lower junction temperature, however the maximum temperature of phosphor layer is higher as an exchange, due to the heat generation mostly happened at outer layer. Based on these analysis of simulation, better LED device is expected to be realize.
關鍵字(中) ★ LED
★ 螢光粉
★ 白光
★ 封裝
關鍵字(英) ★ LED
★ Phosphor
★ white
★ packaging
中文摘要 i
致謝 iii
Contents iv
List of Symbols xii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background Introduction 1
1.2 Literature Review 4
1.2.1 Effect of Packaging Design of LEDs 4
1.3 Motivation and Objectives 8
Chapter 2 Theoretical and Numerical Method 15
2.1 Emission Theory 15
2.1.1 LED Basic 15
2.1.2 Phosphors Basic 16
2.2 Luminescence Efficiency 18
2.2.1 LED Efficiency 18
2.2.2 Phosphor Efficiency 19
2.2.3 Overall Efficiency 20
2.3 Mathematical model of Electrical Field 21
2.3.1 Governing Equation and Boundary Conditions 21
2.3.2 Equivalent Conductivity in Active Layer 23
2.3.3 Recombination in Active layer 24
2.4 Mathematical model of Thermal Field 28
2.4.1 Governing Equation and Boundary Conditions 28
2.5 Optical Field Theory 31
2.5.1 Snell’s Law 31
2.5.2 Total Internal Reflection 31
2.5.3 Beer-Lambert-Bouguer Law 32
2.5.4 Fresnel Equation 33
2.6 Numerical model of Semiconductors 33
2.6.1 Energy bandgap 33
2.6.2 Thermal Conductivity 34
2.6.3 Refractive Index 35
2.7 Numerical model of Phosphors 36
2.7.1 Scattering of Phosphors 36
2.7.2 Thermal Quenching of Phosphors 38
2.7.3 Thermal conductivity of Phosphor colloids 39
2.7.4 Absorption of Phosphor layer 39
2.8 Simulation Model 40
2.9 Coupling and Analysis 41
2.9.1 Solving Method 41
2.9.2 Solving Step 42
2.9.3 Meshing, Convergence and Ray Number Test 43
Chapter 3 Experimental Theory and Measurement 58
3.1 Junction Temperature Measuring Theory 58
3.2 Junction Temperature Measuring System and Settings 59
3.2.1 K factor Calibration Curve 59
3.2.2 Junction Temperature 59
3.3 Recombination Coefficient Measuring Theory 60
3.4 Optics Measuring System 61
Chapter 4 Result and Discussion 66
4.1 LED Experimental Result 66
4.1.1 Junction Temperature Measurement 66
4.1.2 Optical Measurement 66
4.2 LED Simulation Result 67
4.2.1 Optical-Electrical-Thermal Coupled Simulation of Blue LED 67
4.2.2 Optical-Electrical-Thermal Coupled Simulation of White LED 68
4.3 Analysis of White LED 69
4.3.1 Temperature Distribution in LED Packaging 69
4.3.2 Double Phosphor layer with Different Phosphor Concentration 69
Chapter 5 Conclusion 87
References 89
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指導教授 陳志臣(Jyh-Chen Chen) 審核日期 2017-7-18
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