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姓名 趙國安(Guo-An Chao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 隨機優越動能策略-以台灣股票市場為例
(Construct stochastic dominance momentum strategy)
★ 國內股票型共同基金異常報酬之特徵研究★ 淨營運資金對公司價值的影響-以台灣上市櫃營建業為例
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★ 併購動能:以台灣市場為例★ 機構法人對股票報酬與公司價值之影響
★ 投資者情緒與期貨價格關聯性★ 避險基金指數是否能夠提供風險分散效果?- 利用均異擴張檢定
★ Model-Free隱含波動度價差之遠期資訊★ 公開市場購回股票之研究
★ Modeling Long Run Risk with Macroeconomic Fundamentals★ Exploration of Jumps and Cojumps in Financial Markets
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摘要(中) 本文藉由二階隨機優越 (Second-Degree Stochastic Dominance, SSD) 與1.5階隨機優越 (1.5-Degree Stochastic Dominance, 1.5SD) 法則篩選出SD贏家與SD輸家之股票,並且檢測買進SD贏家與賣出SD輸家的套利投資組合是否有顯著超額報酬。隨機優越不像平均數-變異數 (mean-variance)需要假設特定之報酬分配或者效用函數,僅以過去報酬率排序的方式判斷風險性資產之優越性,並且不同於動能策略,隨機優越有著理論的支持。
In this paper, we construct SD-winner and SD-loser portfolios based on 1.5 and second degree stochastic dominance rules and examine the performance of arbitrage portfolio which by longing SD-winner stocks and short selling SD-loser stocks. Compared with the most widely accepted Mean-Variance framework, SD rules require neither a specific return distribution nor a specific utility function. SD rules just need to determine SD-winner or SD-loser on ranking previous 6-month returns.
In empirical test, we form portfolios through the previous 6-month ranking period and hold them up to 12 months.
The results show that SD-winner portfolios produce statistically, significant abnormal returns and arbitrage portfolio has positive excess return. Moreover, these returns are robust with respect to the single index CAPM, the Fama-French three-factor model, the Carhart four-factor model under various criteria of the SD investment strategy.
關鍵字(中) ★ 隨機優越
★ 動能策略
關鍵字(英) ★ stochastic dominance
★ momentum strategy
摘要 I
目次 III
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 隨機優越法則 4
2.1 一階隨機優越法則 (FSD) 4
2.2 二階隨機優越法則 (SSD) 5
2.3 一階隨機優越與二階隨機優越之間 5
第三章 資料與研究方法 7
第四章 實證結果與分析 10
4.1 隨機優越投資組合之報酬 10
4.2 套利投資組合超額報酬之檢定 11
4.3 穩健性測試 12
第五章 結論 13
參考文獻 22

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指導教授 黃瑞卿、葉錦徽(Rachel Juiching Huang Jin-Huei Yeh) 審核日期 2017-7-28
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