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姓名 安喬治(Jorge Eduardo Torres Henriuez)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 以HFSS 天線模擬程式為設計LTE Band 41設計天線
(Designing of Antenna for LTE Band 41 using HFSS)
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摘要(中) 由於天線在建立無線通信上的關鍵重要性,為不同領域之科技設計天線已成為近年來越來越受重視的議題。LTE是最新的通訊移動技術,其廣泛地涵蓋了世界各國所使用的頻率範圍。LTE的Band 41使用2.49GHz到2.69GHz之頻率,並以接收和發送使用同一載波頻率的TDD作為多工傳輸的方式,基於此特性,相較於為其他使用FDD作為多工傳輸方式的頻段而言,為Band 41設計天線更加簡易。為了獲得天線設計之效能,筆者以HFSS作為已完成之設計的效能評估模擬工具,此程式提供了S參數、VSWR、增益、輻射圖等可接受的結果。根據這些所得到的結果,其中最適當的設計,將會成為未來當有相關特性之天線之需求時,供設計者或學生參考的可行選項
摘要(英) Designing antenna for different technologies has been gaining relevance in the latest year due to its vital importance establishing wireless communication. LTE is the newest mobile technology for communication which covers numerous frequency ranges that are used in different countries around the world. Band 41 for LTE is located in the spectrum frequency from 2.49GHz to 2.69GHz, using TDD as a method of multiplexing which allows send and receive data using the same frequency for both. Due to this characteristic, design an antenna for band 41 is easier than designing an antenna for other bands that use FDD as method of multiplexing. For getting the results of the design, HFSS is used as a simulation tool to evaluate the performance of designs done. This program gives acceptable results regarding S parameters, VSWR, gain and radiation pattern. Based on these results, the most suitable designs are chosen as viable option for designers or students that need an antenna with those characteristics
關鍵字(中) ★ 天線模擬
★ 設計天線
關鍵字(英) ★ Antenna Simulation
★ Designing Antenna
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Antenna Design for LTE Band 41 Hand Set 1
1.2 Importance of Design antenna for LTE 1
1.3 Objective 2
1.4 Scope 2
1.5 Thesis Organization 3
Chapter 2 Theoretical Background 4
2.1 Far Field Region 4
2.2 Isotropic Antenna 4
2.3 Antenna Gain 4
2.4 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) 5
2.5 Antenna Efficiency 6
2.6 Antenna Directivity 7
2.7 S Parameters (Scattering Parameter) 7
2.8 Antenna Impedance 9
2.9 Radiation Pattern 9
2.10 Band Width 10
Chapter 3 Numerical Simulation – Simple Monopole 11
3.1 Geometric Modeling 11
3.2 Numerical Domain and Boundary Conditions 12
3.3 Results and Discussion 13
3.3.1 Simple Monopole of Variable Ground Dimension 13
3.3.2 Simple Monopole of Fixed Ground Dimension 19
3.4 Discussion and Comparison 23
Chapter 4 Numerical Simulation – L inverted Monopole 25
4.1 Geometric Modeling 25
4.2 Results from Simulation 26
4.3 Summary 29
Chapter 5 Numerical Simulation – PIFA Antenna 30
5.1 Geometrical modeling 30
5.2 Results from simulation 33
5.3 Summary 36
Chapter 6 Conclusion 37
References 39
”Long Term Evolution (LTE): A Technical Overview,” Motorola, Inc., retrieved on July 3, 2010
2. ”An Introduction to LTE,” 3GPP LTE Encyclopedia, retetrieved December 3, 2010.
3. R. Marques; F. Mesa; F. Medina ”Generalized quasi-TEM approximation and telegrapher equations for nonreciprocal ferrite-loaded transmission lines,” IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, 10(6):225 - 227, 2000.
4. In Antenna-theory. retrieved march 17 2017 from http://www.antenna-theory.com/basics/main.php.
5. In Wikipedia. Retrieved february 20, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted-F_antenna
指導教授 李泉(Li Chuan) 審核日期 2017-7-31
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